While stretched canvas with the inscription on the floor Юра RIP (RIP Yura, image sup.) began to increase the number of candles and flowers. Girls T-shirts with the inscription Я русская (I am Russian) bouquet of flowers left, crossed themselves and dropped a few tears before leaving. Not only could appreciate Spartak scarves, there was also the Dynamo, the Tse-is-ka, Rubin and Partizan in Serbia. The present ultra stuck on the wall a black flag, yellow and white (the colors of the shield of the Russian Empire).
Another action was in the match between Spartak and TsSKA August 1 which had custody of about 2,500 policemen. The action was organized by the grouping Фратрия (Phratry), who asked all attendees to remind Yuri Volkov with a few minutes of silence. The match led to the fans of both teams to a truce and began the match after 15 minutes of silence.
crime details
According to his sister Maria "... (Yuri) not drinking. That night I had an appointment with a girl. In the metro station is not with Spartak fans and press says, but with former compan-eros your school and went there directly from work. Just call Mom saying that would come later, at 1 ... Had an administrative job in the Vesti TV channel 2 and then was promoted to assistant director. Aspired to be a sports journalist "According
Yuri Friends, Maksim and Vasili," Yuri was wearing business clothes, a light shirt with short sleeves, pants, shoes and carrying a folder with documents in their hands. Nobody is going well to a fight ... We Went strolling down the boulevard next to the underground Chistye Prudy, we sat on the grass, one of us happened to McDonalds to buy some food. We spent most of the time talking. Uns friends arrived, we heard some street musicians. Around 1 pm we said goodbye at the entrance to the subway and then I saw coming towards us three young Caucasian appearance, was noticed agitated, looked at us askance and a of them pushed me with his shoulder. I stopped and step aside, I turned around and said, you boy is the way? and immediately hit me in the face, I went back and my eye started to burn.
Then another fair-haired and bearded, Maksim continued taking off the goggles, jump at me with a knife. I did a side and try to grab him but at that moment our friend Igor received the stab wound in the shoulder and also gave a knife to my friend Valentin on the back. They quickly escaped and hid in the crowd. According
Vasili, then I saw Yuri Volkov and a curly-haired boy who had started the fight that he buried the knife in the chest Yuri. Yuri fell immediately and Chechens fled. All this happened in no more than 15 seconds. We threw to the ground to meet Yuri, I opened his shirt and blood was trickling through his fingers. The we tried to say something, then smiled and lost consciousness. In the corner was stopped an ambulance, one of the boys ran to there and then taken to the hospital Yuri.
Stop the murderers turned out very simple and fast. After they ran one of the friends of Yuri, Aleksei. Next to subway patrol found a transit police who acted quickly and arrested the Chechens near a garden next to the offices of the oil company Lukoil. There were conversing calmly with a girl. The police asked for identification, the three were from the city of Grozny and Moscow were not the respective registration. At that point the car down witnesses to the attack and shouted "They are .
Village Voice

" All these niggers must die at the stake! "
" It is not time here uses the same extent. Some are allowed to run freely down the street and kill. But the most frightening is that the Chechens are allowed to kill so sadistic Russians in Chechnya and in Moscow the same meter but after all this be left at liberty. What a shame! If the Chechens are called criminals, then left for a government that defends those murderers? They are criminals in the extreme! "
" Frankly my condolences. Yuri Volkov Gloria! I would also express some thoughts: On the one hand with pleasure these jackals burst Chechens. They have no justification whatsoever. On the other hand, I would remind the hot heads, Nazis and skinheads, the worst calamity for the Russian government is to turn hatred multinationals. Calm down! No need to treat everyone with the same brush! "

" I'm not nationalist but these Caucasians are guilty and deserve the hatred that they have. Why, for example, the Tartars have virtually no conflicts? They are also Muslims but mostly behave decently. Many people among them are educated and respectable people. Moreover, in Russia there are many nationalities, and most of all behave normally, but the general Caucasian alone seek the antipathy of others "
" In the center of Moscow is a young man dead and two others were still saved to die exclusively by professional actions medicos.Y who died it was because lesguinka not dance (dance of the Caucasus
) or a ram piece when nin-o. He was killed because a Yiguit (
Caucasus rider) decided to have fun following their traditions and customs. As a result of the alleged murderer was released by the judge and now find it impossible. Representatives of the diaspora and the so called "defenders of the rights of people" out of his mind trying to prove that this death was the result of a rim-a, a manifestation of "Russian fascism" as a kind of everyday act while trying to tarnish the corpse of the unfortunate young man. The media remain silent, the bureaucrats at all levels given the same this done while the relatives of the murdered teenager lost his last hope for justice and the judges ... In sum, it is as always when the victim is Russian.
That is all this?
This is the famous tolerance, the same which they love to talk with an air of importance statesmen. Actually our grandparents fought for today yiguitos (Caucasian horsemen
) proud we come to cut with impunity on the streets of our beloved Moscow they decide who they dislike? Perhaps our ancestors fought for the Asians led the number of rapes in our capital or for college students "Patrice Lumumba" provide grandparents grandchildren of these drugs of all price and variety.
perhaps we need cadaveric poison of liberalism? It is high time to transform into masters in our own home?
Volkov's death is too common for our current capital, however, there was an unusual reaction on the part of ordinary Russians. The Russian people is rising. I am happy that the death of this young man did not hit the wall of indifference of our fellow citizens.
will happen next? Time will reveal anger but the death of Yuri Volkov will be no more death. This is obvious even now " Aleksandr Vasilev, coordinator of legal questions of the advocacy center" Verdict Russian "Moscow City .
"Three young native of Grozny (Chechen capital
), Chechens, carried out an attack in central Moscow on July 10 against Yuri Volkov, an employee of Russia TV channel 2 inflated Spartak club. Yuri Volkov died of a knife. It is no secret that the natives of the Caucasus well handled knives and always carry. This led many people not to carry them Caucasians. The population of the Russian regions feel the constant threat of natives of the Caucasus. Before any skirmishes take a knife and are willing to kill his opponent. It is enough that you do not look good or yell very loud.
Yuri Volkov's murder in any way be described as routine or accidental, simply agree to the rules of Moscow today. It is a collision based on racial hatred of the Chechens to the peoples inhabiting Russia, especially the Russians. Observe That you were born, or an accused? 1986, 1988. Rose amid Chechen campaigns-as in the middle of the distribution of power in Chechnya and in the midst of a massive Russophobia, when it created the myth of the Russian occupation of Chechnya free and independent. Among young Chechens were I should hate the Russians. They do not relate to the Russians as people but as enemies. It is an anomalous phenomenon with which we must now deal by the Chechen authorities, otherwise the discontent will manifest only as acts of remembrance for the dead at the hands of the Chechens but transformed into massacres against the Chechen throughout Russia.
With a nickname his girlfriend Aisha, under the alias "Flower ride-on "Internet discussed the complicity of her boyfriend in a murder Ibraguimovich Bekjan. There was no word, not a drop of sympathy for the death of Yuri Volkov but only regrets that her boyfriend was under arrest and had to "urgently" raise 250 thousand rubles to pay a bribe and release. In truth, what Aisha wrote on the Internet can occur with every Chechen family. Chechen family in any such situation can occur, that a young Chechen can kill a person be arrested and then be quickly Chechens raise money for their release. Logica criminal but in Russia and is already established.
I do not see the older generations try to change Chechen the situation and educate their young in this regard. By contrast, representatives of the Chechen diaspora lobbying trying to prevent the guilty serve their sentences. Today, we live the situation in which the prime suspect in the murder was freed on hold but fled to hide and does not attend the interrogation. Employees of the organs of justice under pressure from the side of the Chechen diaspora, possibly together with the payment of bribes in violation of Russian laws and judicial instructions to deal with suspects of murder (the need for expertise, including fingerprinting) was released Magomed Suleymanov, who acknowledged being the murderer of Yuri Volkov.

unlike her murder similar case happened in a different scenario because due to the action of relatives, friends and those not indifferent the issue was not silenced. Even the same employees of the police, commenting on the case, said that only thanks to the attention of public opinion to the mass action the issue has not faded.
But relatives and friends do not always have the possibility to exert that pressure on the public. Yuri Volkov was a fan of Spartak, ie someone was
for many people, regardless of whether they personally knew or not. I am not afraid to call this type of linkage characteristic of a diaspora. Football fans gave the example of the behavior of a diaspora, not the first time as they did in 2007 when he was necessary to collect money for a dead fans (
a case of two fans killed in a traffic accident ) or to express an opinion far mass from the stands of soccer.
Today, in the XXI century for an individual to be protected in a megalopolis necessarily have to be part of a group able to give support and help instantly. Yuri Volkov was part of a group of this kind and I am sure that the matter had happened to another level in computer terms and public control so as not to let the murderer escape punishment free. So today July 26 certainly Prudy Chistye will attend the next action in memory of Yuri Volkov because it needs to repair the situation and not indifferent to stay home while your house is being overtaken by the mount-a " Yevgeny Valiayev, lawyer of social movement" Russia Profile "in the city of Moscow.