In this region, outside film festivals, ENVIDEARTE achievement not only capture the interest of a large number of audience-mostly young-that packed for three days building facilities Clock Tower, headquarters of the event, but also allowed view of the large number of enthusiasts who are in this city, and who are interested and passionate in the production and realization of audiovisual works.
given by Josue Jaramillo, early operator, which placed an initial transit of natural clay figures, to storytelling in stop motion, and from whom we have recently seen a great production of a video clip of tropical music.
The regional sample selection was in the hands of Leonardo Parra, who besides having all the experience, have knowledge about the achievements and local artists, because for several years was the director of the film festival in Pamplona, \u200b\u200bonly such event has had a presence and stay in this department, although at the moment, and without the leadership of Leonardo (or because of it), saw off his light.
were three days where they were things, work, learn, the joy, and knew the potential of audiovisual creation in the city.
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