Both in the picture above and in other Moscow showing the reader must learn to distinguish between the layout of the city of Moscow and the province that hosts it. If the image displayed above defined limits the capital and beyond their borders, as part of the forest belt of the city but not the province of Moscow
The belt now has 53 000 hectares of forests and the area continues to decline to be used in the construction residential areas and roads. According to the Russian ecological forest belt around Moscow lost between 2-2.5% of annual surface but the real figure could be even greater if we consider the constructions carried out beyond the roads and country houses embedded in them.

Ximki The forest

The forest has little more than a thousand hectares (10 km2) and is located between the city of Ximki, Старбеево village, River Road Клязьма and internationally. In the forest grow spruce, pine, larch, lime and hazelnut groves in addition to host centennial is also rich in mushrooms and berries and has some endemic plants. In terms of fauna living in the squirrels, porcupines, wild boar, elk, and predators, in addition to various types of birds such as ducks, herons and large raptors.

The top map to appreciate Ximki Forest bounded on the north by the river Kliazma, west on Sheremetevo Airport and International highway, east by the Moscow Canal and south of the city of Ximki
As the forest is part of the protected forest belt of the region helps to cleanse the city of Ximki of pollution, absorbs gaseous pollutants emitted by the Leningrad highway and MKAD ( bypasses to Moscow in the urban frontier. lower image) as well as the pollutants discharged into the atmosphere by different industries and Sheremetevo airport, in addition to lower noise and odor emanating from waste located on the left bank of the river Ximki.

The construction of the highway concession Moscow-St Petersburg

In April 2004 the Ministry of Transport made the decision to build a road paid between Moscow and St. Petersburg and in 2005 was issued for disposal. The project is to cross through the center of Forest Ximki named a stretch of a road as highway builders considered a necessary evil, inevitable and that also allows you to divert the traffic flow of populated areas of the city Ximki.

The building also considers the elimination within the park boundaries of other protected areas that include an 400-oak-os, a territory populated with cranberry red swamp and floodplain of the river valley Kliazma.

The construction of the road
The first 15 km were built in the territory of Moscow in 2004-2005, through an almost straight path along a corridor parallel to the railroad in October, which runs from Moscow to St. Petersburg.

alternative paths according to the environmental road
This is an important topic not only as a theoretical exercise but because the assignment of forest land to land suitable for growing infrastructure vial held in 2009 was legally possible because there is no supposed to be a valid alternative construction as permitted by Article 11 federal law 172-f3 of December 21, 2004. According to the authorities of the 5 alternatives analyzed by specialists only option Ximki forest conform with the requirements for building that stretch of highway because all the other four alternatives too rose in construction costs.
Of these 5 options (see diagram below) 2 as environmentalists propose feasible and cost discarding only the two most expensive alternative: The underground tunnel under construction in forest or on the road viaduct Leningrad.
Your options, including the official route, start all the same, from MKAD (Московская кольцевая автодорога, Moscow ring road built over its current city limits) approximately half a kilometer east of its intersection with the railway line Октябрьская (October).
Then for any of these 3 forms the first 4.5 km of track across a set of residential buildings across the bridge over the Moscow Canal and isolated through a forest area situated between the village Ximki of Старбеево (Starbeyevo ) and the city of Ximki.

then the divergence between the 3 options:
a. The road crosses the forest officer Ximki divided into 2 halves, 2 times crosses the river valley Клязьма (Kliazma) and hits the road today Ленинградский (Leningradski) in the region of the village Черная Грязь (Chiornaya griaz).

b.1 One of the routes around the city of Ximki within walking distance of a residential area and then leaves a branch of the Leningrad highway parallel following to it.
b.2 The alternative also departs from Ximki but then goes to a distance of about 2 km of the existing road without intersecting the river Leningrad Kliazma, and out near the village Chiornaya Griaz.
All these 3 variants across a greater or lesser extent, the forest and increasing noise pollution in Moscow and other towns Ximki that intersect the highway, however, their environmental consequences are quite different.

Moreover, these 2 paths avoid building 2 large Kliazma crosses over the river, also cross through areas with less steep which simplifies the work.
A fourth option, the shortest of all, is to follow alongside the railway track in October but it is very costly in terms of infrastructure which is not considered.
However, the official option but will require work on slopes, the construction of 2 bridges meant a longer route crosses lands of forest fund owners who do not have what your free confiscation. In the alternative road crosses the region partially Молжанинов (Molzhaninov) and through open fields and temporary buildings but you have to request owner-offs that the construction more expensive.
alternative paths in blue and blue and red track official. You can see from the road MKAD, right, the 3 paths converge to the beginning of Forest Ximki. There can appreciate that the city of Ximki in if you are between the forest and Leningradskoe Road. The blue route, which involved only the forest tracks to Ximki and then goes straight to the Highway Leningradskoe to follow later in parallel while the blue route follows the edge of forest and then goes through the village before Molzhaninov take the path parallel to the road Leningradskoe. In terms of connections, the circles show the 3 routes possible are connected to the road leading to Sheremetevo Airport. The advantage of the official route is to reach the entrance to the airport and does not cross through the city of Ximki.
lobbying by supporters of

One of the first demonstrations against the road citizens published in the opposition newspaper Ximki 's truth, where the journalist Mixail Beketov (top) began to publish articles that described the project as an excuse for illegal appropriation of forest land. Then the character possessed a local conflict between some citizens and authorities and Moscow Ximki but began to take on another character when forest defenders gradually began to receive political support, the Duma, the Department of Natural Resources, Government of Moscow and Yabloko party and a communist (and ideological opposites in terms both of opposition to the government).

Mixail Beketov. The photo shows him in his invalid condition, with his right leg amputated to the knee and 3 finger amputees after the attack which he suffered. Before that action, months before his dog had been killed and his car had been exploited.
The situation was exacerbated with the assassination attempt in November 2008 Mixail Beketov journalist (though probably not in a situation related to forest Ximki but most likely with other reports) and reached its apogee with the Campan- to Ximki edilicia in 2009 when environmentalists raised its leader, Yevgeny Chirikov (below), as a candidate who reached 3rd place with 15% of the vote.

Although Владимир Стрельченко (Vladimir Strelchenko below) retained its position as Mayor of Ximki environmentalists felt that they were successful during the campaigns, to the incumbent mayor had to repeal the 357-R that had fixed the road layout through the forest.

addition, in July, the governor of the province of Moscow, Boris Gromov , signing a decree that reduced the width of the strip cut from 3 km to 100 meters .

Additionally, in 2009 had come to light serious adulteration in the documentation project in relation to the status of forest lands because instead of park status (protected forest of 1st category) spoke to them of "sanitary protection zones 1st and 2nd category" or even "water protection zones" condition that made the land transfer to another category. The authorities' response was to show that there were precedents in the "violation" of Article 86 of the Land Code (which does not allow protected wild land lease land for other uses) and the arrangement signed by Vladimir Putin on 12 June 2008 850-r number as part of the park Sheremetev was given to road use land for construction of railway track to the site.
During 2009, however, Article 86 was simply removed from the Land Code, but there was another article which environmentalists could stand in defense of the forest, the number 11 of the federal law number 172-F3 states that it is impossible to give forest land to another category if there are alternatives to a project construction. The Department for Transport denied that such alternatives existed but was found with a contradiction because an an-or before the Deputy Minister of Transport, Mr. Belozerov, recognized the existence of such alternatives in an official letter. Despite the inconsistencies in November 2009 Prime Minister Vladimir Putin signed the decree number 1642-r to the center ceded lands Ximki park road purposes. In response, forest defenders have filed a lawsuit against the Supreme Court for recognizing the illegality of such action. On March 1, 2010 occurred in the court session in which the Russian government was represented by inexperienced defenders given the assurance that the victory had its influence on judges. His basic argument was the lack of alternatives to the path through the forest road which made the court leaning in their favor, but under the cries of "Shame" by supporters of the applicant, particularly in view of media cameras Western major responsibility of project financing. So he decided to internationalize the campaigns Chirikov-a in defense of the forest looking back on the outside and taking the case to international tribunals.
forest defenders then went to the Greens in European countries and potential European investors in the project. By the intervention of the Greens European Parliament made a resolution to warn European investors on the inadmissibility of participating in the project. Moreover, the international organization Bankwatch, which analyzes the legality of the actions of banks in the European Union, began to follow closely the course of the situation. In addition, the French Senate also became involved because the former Minister Dominique Voynet ecology (Picture below) and today the Greens Senator personally consider essential to note the compan-ia Vinci on the inadmissibility of participating in the project.

. According to Chirikov
not intervene Ximki forest was vital because the project would threaten the demise of other wooded land on the outskirts of Moscow in the next decade, mainly due to construction of road infrastructure as the case of the road, also concessions (ЦКАД) TsKAD .
Other views
According to the Director of the Institute for scientific research road transport and economy, Mixail Blinkin, there is an optimal variant in the construction of this road since all variants are deficient: "There are 2 options that were rejected by the builders, widen the Leningrad highway or take the road for the region Molzhaninov by the high costs associated with them. So they acted together, the Ministry of Transport and Ministry of Forestry, for taking the path through the forest would not have to pay for expropriations or expropriated to build houses "However, for the expert, none of the alternatives considered the in the medium term future for the forest or across the road Molzhaninov happen anyway for the road junction of Businov (Бусиновкая развязка) on the road MKAD, that Leningrad is on the road but on a course because the end Северная рокада (Road Home Moscow-Saint Petersburg through the city of Moscow) who was to become the Knot Businov road exists only in the project.

addition, the road will be paid, will cost 3.6 rubles per kilometer for light vehicles and 12.24 for heavy. Therefore, go to St. Petersburg in 2500 rubles tourism and still cost more to truck so the problem will remain because drivers jams, the road will prefer free Leningrad.
. According to statements
February 4, 2010 by the chairman of the board of the state firm Автодор, Сергей Костин (Avtodor Sergei Kostin): "There were 5 options to build this track that was playing, all the forest Ximki. We chose the most ecological, crossing the forest along the 43 km and a width of 100 meters, "adding that" ... by 23 km noise barriers were lifted and defined areas of forest protection. "
turn, Олег Белозеров (Oleg Belozerov), Deputy Minister of Transport has stated that the project was supported by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, "... the main condition for the financing of this project by the Bank ecological security was in its development "
Анатолий Чабунин (Anatoli Chabunin), director of Росавтодорог (Rosavtodorog) states that:
"The average speed of vehicles traveling through the city of Ximki is 10 km / hr. The discharge of harmful substances from the cars in jams, is of 9,850 tons annually. The route chosen substantially improve the ecological situation of the city. It's going to sacrifice a portion of the forest but provided 3 billion rubles in conservation measures the given environment, or caused to the environment. In addition, investors are eager for their own young trees transplanted to the region of Ximki "
No one disputes that the road is essential and, in addition, a recent survey showed the same unanimous opinion: About 63% believe that we must continue with the construction of the highway at its original path but Yevgeny Chirikov claims that between 67-73% of the inhabitants of Ximki would be satisfied if the path is changed and the forest remains intact.

Александр Белозеров (Aleksandr Belozerov), chairman of the organization "Ecological Surveys independent of Russia," said that "We are talking about the defense of nature. The human being is also part of it. If I get to choose between cutting down 10 trees or protect the health of 10 nin-old who is sick with asthma can choose the second option. In addition, because thought that the construction of the highway would destroy the forest? The majority of car manufacturers in Russia crossing roads through forests and these are healthy "
President of the Institute for Innovation, Вячеслав Глазычев (Viacheslav Glazychev): "... The route agreed by the authorities does not seem the only route possible. Why for example does not discuss the possibility to expand and modernize the existing highway? Why not consider building along the railway line? We must conduct an independent study considering all the options not only from the point of view ecological but also economic and social "
As deputy general director of the Research Institute of the development plan in Moscow, Alla Melamed said that widening the road would return no rentable.El Leningrad the most profitable route in terms of cost and area of \u200b\u200btrees would be cut through of Molzhaninov but this route was rejected by Moscow which wanted a more northern route.

protesters with banners for the construction of the road according to its official track
Любовь Петровна Павлова (Lubov Petrovna Pavlova), president of the Council of the region popular Podrezki Ximki City said: "... We collect 30 000 signatures * to support the continued construction of the road. We want to hear from citizens. Build the highway! "
* ago indirect reference to 15 000 signatures against the route through the forest that always speaks Chirikov, the leader of Defenders of
The causes of traffic jam the end of June on the road Leningradskoe

The collapse of the M10 road caused a traffic jam several miles and also collapse the arteries that serve as alternative routes was such that some considered equivalent to cutting energy of 25 May 2005 that left the capital without electricity for several hours and other regions of the country, leaving people trapped in elevators or on the subway. The massive collapse road that extended from 27 June to 2 July had its origins in the work that began to perform at km 24 Ленинградское шоссе (Leningrad Highway), and one of the most overloaded roads of the city, which prevent movement of heavy vehicles and restricted the movement of light vehicles to restrict their movement to a single via in each direction of the three available in addition to having made parallel arteries collapse as floods and Piatnitsk Dmitrov. This causes the intersection of the Leningrad highway viaduct Октябрьская rail line began in the evening of 26 June a road collapse. You were cut connections with the bypass MKAD. All this caused not only huge jams, but delays of passengers to take their flights Шереметьево Airport (Sheremetevo) and even delays in the arrival of the pilots as the Leningrad Highway is the main access road to the airport, which in July is at its peak period for filing a Russian summer influx of more than 70,000 passengers daily.
On July 2, opened the other two roads and the situation improved dramatically. However, repair works will continue until a date that officials say will be no later than 1 November.
The situation was such that caused the direct intervention Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, who instructed his deputy, Sergei Ivanov, to take measures jointly with the Moscow authorities to resolve the situation in relation to the airport Sheremetevo what I mean extra trains from the railway station Belorusskaya to the airports, the suburban trains carry more cars if they were in the direction of the Leningrad highway.
was widely criticized that repair work begin in the period in which the Muscovites leave the city to their summer residence and that, moreover, the work began suddenly.

In jams, red areas along the road Leningradskoe while the triangles indicate the areas of road work: The connection that leads to Aeopuerto Sheremetevo (upper triangle) and, below, in connection with the road MKAD
However, the work on the road had been adopted by the authorities of the city on March 11, 2010 but was missing, it is said, some documentation for it were decided to start so surprised that the work began suddenly. According to some suspicious the decision to start this work early, and when Sheremetevo was at its peak period was related that on 3 July at the Vnukovo airport (diagram below) belonging to the Moscow government, opened a new terminal.

The attack Евгения Чирикова
Los primeros intentos de los defensores del bosque por detener in situ la tala del bosque comenzaron en 2009, cuando los activistas encabezados por Yevguenia Chirikova organizaron campamentos para alojar en el parque. El 15 de julio los activistas del movimiento en defensa del bosque de Ximki supieron que la compan-ia francesa Vinci habia comenzado con la tala del bosque por el lado del Aeropuerto. Habiendo talado unas 7 ha en las cercanias del aeropuerto Sheremetevo los activistas lograron detener por la fuerza la accion y para que el trabajo no continuara levantaron un campamento con carpas en el lugar bajo la decision de levantarlo solo when the machinery present at the site was abandoned.
comes as no surprise since the work of ecologists has always been to look with suspicion everything the government does or not do in relation to road transport in the city.
In opinion of them the option of building the Moscow-St Petersburg highway in the middle of the forest would respond to concerns of state officials seeking a commercial utilization of forest land and it would set a precedent for action of lobbyists in other projects involving the exploitation of forest areas as road construction ЦКАД (TsKAD) which seeks in its construction (planned between 2011-2025 and covering 522 km) to eliminate the order of 100 km2 of forest in the province Moscow and that due to construction of infrastructure around the road would remove almost all the forest ring of Moscow.

The path, in red, TsKAD future road. Green one of the routes on which roads will be built and in the middle of the twentieth century was out of the maps it was built to defend Moscow by rockets before a possible attack. Due to the weight of the vehicles carrying the missiles the road was originally built in concrete. From the decade of the 50s and 60s an increasing number of motorists began using this route de facto until shortly after was formalized and concrete began to be replaced with asphalt.
According to ecologists, the set of real reasons behind the road project concession to St. Petersburg would be:
1. Taking ownership of forest land are between 2 big cities and around the airport Sheremetevo sites that have great commercial potential for building shopping centers, warehouses, hotels, etc.
2. Interests of the compan-ia Avtodor government, state enterprise established in mid 2009 to develop road infrastructure in Russia and is responsible for the granting of roads in the country, a practice that by 2015 would represent 46% of the country's road network .
3. Interests of the concessionaires of the project, the French consortium Vinci and the limited liability company that represents Vinci Northwest Russia. According to environmentalists, the layout of the maximize road going through the forest of Ximki what would make the route more profitable.
4. Ministry of transport interests related to the airport as the Minister Levitin Sheremetevo is, exceptionally, Chairman of the Boards of both the Airport and Aeroflot.
addition, when using forest lands would avoid any conflict of expropriation of property if the path is given by other routes which lowers the cost of the project.


July 16 entry to the camp a silver Jeep KIA EU patent V 104 98. Its driver, a gray-haired man of about 50 an-os, left the vehicle and hit on the arm Yevgeny, blowing the holding cell, after which he went up to the car and threw the vehicle to hit the girl the bumper and escaped. Chirikov took the action as a provocation and an action for psychological pressure. He added that on the eve of the attack had spread in a newspaper of wide circulation various insults at her and had also released a montage through a porn video to make it appear as protagonist the scenes.

Chirikov, without leaving the camp, then call the population to support them by joining the camp:
"We can not count only on ourselves, or think with the support of the police. They only care that sacredly pay our taxes but we never defend with the same commitment-o. So I turn to the people who are not indifferent to the fate of their own lungs: Comrades, please join us. We are trying to stop a horrible process in which the following cut list are all the forests outside Moscow. Takes a look at urban levels of Boris Gromov *. Under the pretext of building roads looking for the appropriation of forest land. We need help from people. We asked them to come to our camp, "
* Governor of the province of Moscow

Today, the direct intervention of the defenders of the forest against illegal logging is of a
demand from the French company Vinci in the courts of Moscow.
. Postponement
its construction.
On August 26 the party Единая Россия (Edinaya Rossiya, United Russia), by far the largest Russian political party and the party that supports President, I ask this last stop the construction of the highway and continue later by Молжаниновский region (Molzhanovski), one of the alternative ways raised by environmentalists and rejected by specialists. That same day the President Дмитрий Медведев (Dmitry Medvedev) request stop construction of the road after 3-years of an entire scandal erupted around the highway.
. According
Борис Грызлов (Boris Gryzlov), Chairman of High Council of the United Russia party: "We are writing to President Dmitri Medvedev to present the situation regarding the construction of the road through the forest of Ximki. In the game there are different opinions as the situation on this issue is not simple. We believe it is necessary to analyze in detail the situation and either change the layout of the road or continue working on the same route but with better knowledge of the situation "
Reactions to the decision
The leader of the Movement to defend the forest, "Yevgeny Chirikov Express:" I am absolutely amazed! At last we heard, after 3 to n-os. I value proposition of building the road in a remote area along the railway track in October, it seems a sensible idea. However, I would once again meet with transport experts and review all possible options "
While President Medvedev stated: "Although there was a decision already taken by the Government on the construction of the highway and although the issue had been reviewed by our judicial system and were pronounced as our respective decisions people, including representatives of political parties from the party United Russia party to the opposition parties, social organizations and circles of experts say that further analysis is required. In consideration of so many requests to take a decision entrusting the government to suspend the decision on the construction of the relevant highway for additional analysis and population experts. While these and were held, in consideration of the high-profile public see no obstacle to return to the stage of discussion once again. This will be necessary to finally bring order to this situation "
The magnitude of the logging already completed

The construction of
road construction between the 15-58 km (which touch Ximki Forest) originally would begin in October 2010 and be completed to St. Petersburg in 3 to n-os. Highway M-10-S must cover 650 km, with 10 tracks out of the city of Moscow (MKAD road), 8 provinces of Moscow and Leningrad and 6 through the territory of the provinces of Tver and Novgorod. The construction of the project includes an investment of between 200-240 billion rubles (about 7 billion dollars) expected to be recovered in 17 an-os. On the road to St. Petersburg 32 outputs shall be constructed, 85 bridges and 167 viaducts and St. Petersburg were connected with the route to Finland. Its serious speed limit 150 km / hr

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