* You can also get caviar molluscs (clams, octopus, snails, etc) and echinoderms (starfish, sea urchins, etc)
Eggs and caviar culinary divide, in general, 2 types:
sturgeon, Beluga, osetra, sevruga, etc. Produce black caviar. Of the salmonid
: Salmon of Siberia, red salmon, Atlantic salmon, etc. Produce red caviar.
caviar The word is of French origin but Russia, South Russia. Several centuries ago in the city of Astraxan was called caviar dish come-as of sturgeon.

To remove the caviar, the fish must first reach sexual maturity. In the case of sturgeon, beluga happens in at 18 an-os in osetra at 15 and the sevruga at 12.
black caviar produced mainly in spring when the family of sturgeons (Osetra, beluga, sevruga, sterlyad, etc.) from the Caspian and Black Seas is directed to the rivers to lay eggs and Autumn- partially or when the fish goes to the river again, this time to rest. The amount of caviar in the fish can reach up to 1 / 9 or 1 / 6 of their weight.
Different types of sturgeon: 1. Beluga 2. Bester (beluga type) 3. Osetra 4. Sevruga 5. Sterlyad
By price among the most expensive caviar from beluga sturgeon is the (top) and between the Caviar gold-colored, yellow (photos below). Then follows that of osetra and sevruga finally on. The most expensive and highest quality sturgeon is more than 60 an-os.
The Almas caviar (diamond in Russian) or golden yellow eggs of albino beluga, sold over 2 thousand dollars to 100 grams since they produce only a few tens of kilos at an-o.
In general, the color of black caviar varies between black and olive green. The nuances (visible in the picture below) reflect the difference in the feeding of fish and caviar maturity at the time of capture. If the sturgeon are caught at too early of their spawning cycle, when the fish is still at sea, then the caviar has an intense black color (and lack of elasticity eggs to break to eat). The less time left to spawn caviar is more clear, plump and aromatic.
In terms of caloric intake exceeds the black caviar of meat. It is also rich in protein, fat and minerals. Has much phosphorus, calcium, zinc, fatty acids and vitamins. Protein, fat and mineral substances characteristic of caviar are assimilated by the human body much faster than the same substances equivalent of sturgeon meat.
Sturgeons are a family of cartilaginous fish that reaches exceptionally even 9 meters long and up to 1 ton and a half in weight. Sturgeons live in saltwater but spawn in the rivers. Some live even an over 100-years.
The most famous of all is the beluga (above), the biggest fish in freshwater and living in the Caspian Sea. Their close relatives, the sevruga and osetra, are of a size as or slightly smaller and caviar give a slightly lower quality.
In the Middle Ages sturgeon were present in Western Europe but were quickly exterminated. It is famous Edward II's decree ordering all who take capturing a sturgeon as soon as possible to the royal table on pain of severe punishment.
Some subspecies of sturgeon also live in North America.
From top to bottom the following types of sturgeon, Sevruga, osetra, beluga and sterlyad
sturgeons in theory are also in the northwest of the Black Sea and Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov, to access them by Ukraine Bulgaria and Romania besides the Amur river, which runs along the border of Russia and China. However, fish extract is strictly prohibited there because the sturgeon and beluga whales are almost missing.
According to figures from international organizations, the population of sturgeons in the Caspian Sea is in a critical situation. In 1992 there were over 200 million in 1995 under 45 million in 2007, when it introduced a total ban of fishing for sturgeon, there were only 5 million.
A little history
No one knows when it began to eat black caviar but the first written mention is preserved is close to 1240 and was made secretary of Batu Xan * Xan Chinguis grandson **.
* Batu (bottom) led a Mongolian expedition in the thirteenth century the territories conquered from Russia today to the vicinity of present-day Italy
** Better known as Genghis Khan
The tradition of salting caviar appeared in Russia at about the fifteenth century. Then he opened the fish, took the membrane that contained the eggs, they put it on a special screen is carefully passed through the sieve. Then they threw eggs at a brine solution boiled, they are dried and mixed with vegetable oil so that the caviar did not stick.
The former Russian caviar did not have the category it has today, being a product of mass consumption by the people who opted for sturgeon caviar (the sole black caviar from today) while the princes preferred to see his table pike golden caviar. Of the various ways to prepare the caviar * less affluent chose the simplest: the caviar pressed and diaphragm that for some reason called "caviar of Armenia." The high demand was pressed caviar because its high salt content for longer allowed to keep the granules with a salt content was much lower.
* Granular, pressing membrane
black caviar to Europe from Russia in the second half of the nineteenth century as a product not too salty and soaked in the tradition of an-hundred years of development in the country's east. It was promoted by the French importers as the favorite food of the Czars, however, the only black caviar reached its current status from the an-os '20 in France, when Paris opened in the House of caviar Petrossian Paris " . The owners were the brothers Petrosian, Armenian immigrants born in Baku, capital of Azerbaijan today. They began to offer their product in a very appropriate time for then the French bohemian absorbed lived with passion for everything Russian.
The caviar trade
Most of the twentieth century both Russia as Iran formed a natural monopoly in production and export of Caspian Sea caviar . However, Russia introduced to the world market more caviar Iran Iran partly because Islam considers unclean both meat and caviar sturgeon was considered a fish without scales. In the '80s, however, the Ayatollah Khomeini established a special order allowing the fishing of sturgeon and caviar processing together with its export. This work develops a state monopoly until today while the work of smugglers, widespread in Russia, Iran is punished severely, even by death.
container export black caviar Soviet times

Today a 90% the world's black caviar is extracted from the Caspian Sea while the rest is extracted from the Black Sea region of in the lower basin of the Danube and also in the region the Amur River covering not only Russian territory but also the province of China bordering Russia Xeyluntszian (Marked in red on map below).

Only in gastronomic terms
global demand for black caviar is not less than 500 tons while the legal world supply and is less than 200 tons . More than half of the caviar is bought by customers CORPORATE: compan-ies and major international airlines cruises care of customers first class.

Secondly in terms of costs this osetra caviar (ste image.). In 2005 it cost 230 euros a kilo (and 450 euros in the supermarket) while outside Russia cost over 1,000 euros.

Export Restrictions

To receive contributions, countries with reserves of sturgeon must agree with each fish catch and export volumes. You must agree to regional programs for conservation of fish, fight illegal fish factories and present detailed information on scientific data used to calculate volumes of export quotas and fishing.
industrial fishing of sturgeon and black caviar extraction in Russia was officially banned in Russia in 2003. Then scientists presented a report to the Government in relation to the last 15-years an amount of sturgeon from the Caspian basin had decreased by 40 times.
Earlier in 2000, had prohibited the specialized industry the sturgeon in the Volga River allowing only fishing for younger specimens of other species. That aside quotas were established for scientific purposes, for artificial reproduction and also industrial shares.

lack specialists of a unified system of control and anti-smuggling officer caused the sturgeon fishing in Russia was reduced from 15 000 tonnes in the early '90s only 2 000 tonnes in 2007.
in 2009 the lack of agreement among the five Caspian countries led to a moratorium on caviar exports by these countries since according to the rules of CITES quotas are allocated only if the countries of the region to reach consensus . In 2010, however, Azerbaijan, Iran, Kazaxstan, Russia and Turkmenistan achieved this agreement.
According to CITES export quotas for caviar black for the season, which began on 1 March 2010 and end on February 28, 2011, are:
be exported 83.5 tonnes corresponding to 23 to Russia and the rest of Iran, Kazaxstan, Azerbaijan and Romania *. The largest share is held by Iran since the experts say has done a more effective fight against illegal fishing of sturgeon.
* sturgeon does not sell natural but only produced on farms
For this an-beluga or countries may export Caspian 3 tons. Compared with the previous installments of 2008 the volume is slightly lower. Kazaxstan may export 1.5 tons, Iran, and Russia 800 kg, 700 while Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan agreed to export no in 2010.
In the domestic market as the sale of black caviar is not determined in any way by CITES. The rules of marketing in each country sets its own legislation. Thus, in Russia, caviar is available freely. In its domestic market are sold up to 9 tons.
caviar as a product
There are 4 types of caviar according to their method of preparation: Caviar
granules (the more traditional image): Immediately after opening the fish while still wet, posing the ovaries through a sieve so that the small grains that you can cross the net are free of membranes and viscera. To produce caviar is used only mature and easily separable from the membranes (ovaries of fish). To salt it uses fine table salt and dry.
From fresh caviar is good for grain is pressed caviar (top). You do not have the same appearance as the former type of caviar but it is more flavorful and is of greater duration.
Immediately after opening the caviar is salted fish and then let it dry. For salted dry salt is not used but a solution with common salt. Only then is removed from the film that covers it and subjecting it to mild pressure softens after which the eggs become more dense and transformed into a uniform mass. Is a pure fat varieties sevruga, sometimes mixed with osetra.
If the eggs are separated from the hard tissues (for the caviar is very greasy, not mature or may be past) membranes and trample too salted. This is the caviar membrane (top), the simplest preparation. It is a good quality caviar but significantly more salty and a little more rustic than the previous. The salt solution is prepared with a cold with plenty of salt. Its shelf-life does not exceed the month because due to its high fat content membrane breaks down quickly. Caviar
troika: Considered a delicacy in pre-Revolution times, however, rarely occurs today. Also passed through a sieve, the caviar ban-a warm brine and then dried. Received its name to the cart with three horses (troika) carrying the mail for the same was carried from the Volga to the capital, then St. Petersburg, this type of caviar. Caviar
synthetic: It is a substitute product that mimics the taste and appearance of caviar fish (picture below), sturgeon (black caviar) or salmon (red caviar). While the appearance is similar to the natural elastic balloon is fish gelatin and flavored soft margarine.
In the USSR the production of artificial black caviar began in the '70s thanks technological development led by Aleksander Nesmeyanov organic chemical (Picture below). In its composition is originally included edible gelatin, protein from chicken eggs, dye, salt and flavoring clupeideos fish. Recently, some compan-ies began experimenting with soy protein to achieve better quality synthetic caviar.
beluga caviar
occupies a special place among the sturgeons. It is the greatest variety of size as well as the most limited of this family as well which produces more refined caviar. The most unique flavor is that of the belugas of the Caspian Sea basin.
It differs in color and size as as also for its fine flavor and tender. Sometimes has a nutty flavor. The eggs are large, up to 2.5 mm in diameter, exceptionally reaching 5 or 6 mm in diameter. Its color ranges from dark gray to almost white or silver. The more clear it is more scarce and expensive. Due to its numerous qualities such caviar is the most expensive in the world . The average value of 1 kg of black caviar in the Western market does not exceed 600 dollars but its varieties clearer today do not let the price of gold back to the world market. Among
beluga caviar is the most aristocratic golden caviar. It is produced from albino beluga besides the fish it must be old, almost centenary. It says there is no nothing more delicious on Earth but also expensive. The biggest competitor for this type of caviar to the Russians Iranian producers made it packed in jars of pure gold of 995 carats, offering its 100 grams to 2,500 dollars.
Sold in jars with blue cap sterlyad but also the variety.
Other black caviar osetra caviar

osetra caviar is more varied in color, ranging from the common black color to the one with golden hues, stunning beauty, called golden Osetra . There are always customers willing to pay good money for him but unfortunately, this type of caviar is very low. The osetra caviar to also differ by taste. It is more oily and more extensive features of flavor, sometimes not so soft and elegant as the Beluga but a bit more spicy.
In terms of price compared to beluga yields by 20-30% but also has very many fans for its unique flavor.
sevruga caviar

It is more valued and also more expensive platinum colored Sevruga caviar is known as platinum Sevruga, low and very appreciated. In the global market sevruga caviar has a value 10% lower than that of osetra by its greater availability, however, has a unique flavor.
caviar smuggling in Russia

caviar to Moscow can be reached in Azerbaijan (which has a touch of oil according to those familiar), Dagestan, Kazaxstan (less risky to transport and impregnated polyethylene because it sends it that way and not canned) and even the banks Amur River. The price difference between what you pay the first buyer and the end customer can be up to 5 times.
During the season, hidden in passenger cars or wagons for mail and the smuggler receives the merchandise in Moscow. Trains arrive in Moscow from caviar Astraxan, the Russian capital caviar, at stations and Kurski Paveletski. It calls for 20 000 rubles (500 euros) for a kilo of black caviar (fish farms that produce artificial caviar sell it at a cost of 35 thousand rubles (870 euros). The charge of the wagons carrying merchandise illegally receive a thousand rubles ( 24 euros) per kilo transported and each trip carries an average of 10 kilos.
In the jargon of this illegal business a "first number" means beluga caviar and "second issue" of sturgeon being as "third party" that of sevruga. The dealer tasting the merchandise to taking a small portion on a spoon then placed between the thumb and index finger to warm even when operating as a family business the Product reliability is practically assured. Within hours, the goods reach a luxury restoran at the window of a supermarket or someone wealthy villa.
As product makers smuggling technology can not access the urotropine filled with doses of equine and other preparations that act as preservatives and many restaurants have already begun to acquire legal caviar poisoning after problems with some clients.

According to Russian security organs of the Russian market of black caviar is 90% illegal russian black market reaching a volume of between one thousand to 3 billion dollars.
legal Commerce in Russia
Formally there is a clear rule in relation to commercial transactions of black caviar. The farms are required to receive for their products all essential documents including the health certificates. Only after this can access the sale of its production. And although you can easily trace the fate of this product is valid only on paper.
Today in Russia there are about 50 companies involved in the sturgeon. Of these only about 10 produce caviar.
larger firms are:
Balshaia pitiorka, appearing as Diana fish marketing firm in the city of Vologda. The last extracted an-or 7.5 tons of black caviar. Beluga
firm (Astraxan), 2 tons.
firm in the same region Raskat 1.2 tons. Karmanovskii
Bashkir, 900 kilos. And the complex
farmer of sturgeon in the Kaluga region, 200 kilos.
According to Russian security organs some of the compan-ies mentioned above are just a facade and were created solely to "wash" caviar smuggling.
legal producers in Russia are many and are all in sight, regulatory agencies also know with certainty how much and what kind of fish is found in every company because everything has been previously registered. In addition, there are rules of caviar harvest confirmed according to each type of fish and age. That is, no one can sell more than they can produce, even if less, therefore, can enter the market of contraband goods with labels of legal producers.

Product quality
The main rule to ensure quality caviar smugglers usually do not respect is not remove a dead fish caviar because the decomposition products in both the meat permeate the bag containing the eggs. Sometimes the smugglers review removing networks of dead sturgeon to fish hooks. The starter, in the best, soften excessively and spoil the taste caviar and, in the worst case, can cause intoxication.
So the main thing is that good caviar is achieved only fresh fish. In the intestines of all fish live colonies of different microorganisms and their toxins to prevent contamination Caviar extract is needed as the fish is alive. That's why caviar is produced by industries located along the coast or on floating platforms. And to make it even better quality should be removed only in a certain period of an-o.
The main industry fishing of sturgeon in Russia only captures the specimens for a few weeks of spring and the autumn, or both at the mouth of the Volga and in the waters of the Caspian, the former being more palatable than the latter. If you capture at any other time the caviar is oily. Also, if you catch when appropriate but at sea caviar cover is still hard and if they catch high up in the current lack of elasticity. Experts believe
that the best black caviar is of a fish caught from 3 to 4 days before spawning.
caviar is prepared only by hand: the specialist cleaning the membranes carefully through the sieve. Once cleaned, the eggs are washed with brine and then you add coarse salt caviar while the weight does not exceed 4% its initial value. Red Caviar

However, since 1908 demand began to grow red caviar, raised their prices and also increase their exploitation. In 3 or 4 an-I acquired great popularity in Russia and began rapidly gaining popularity worldwide.
While more expensive than caviar black is not back in flavor and nutritional properties. Besides its price is also in direct relation to the abundance of salmonid. Although in recent decades was following in Europe and the United States can not be compared in popularity with black caviar.
Far East Salmon (female, number 1) and Pink Salmon (female number 4). The first is giving the consumer favorite caviar Russian (orange with red highlights), while the Europeans prefer the pink salmon (orange and light orange) that the Russians are not preferred because of their distinctive flavor.
According to the Russian classification of sturgeon for caviar, while increased the diameter of caviar and more clear is more valued. In the case of salmon caviar, the bigger and darker the caviar is cheap.
Unlike sturgeon caviar, which is prepared in various ways (dry, sun-cured, pressing, graining, membrane) the only red caviar granules is presented. The main thing in their manufacture is the thoroughness of the whole procedure because the caviar should be removed only in the first 4 hours after the capture of fish and the solution must have a defined concentration, the brine also should not be less than 10 days resting to be used.
red caviar also varies depending on the type of fish, color and size as in addition to taste, especially bitter. So pink salmon caviar has a definite bitter taste, is more sin-o and has a bright red color. The Siberian salmon and pink practically no, for his part, bitter in taste colors.
In the production of red caviar in Russia there are strict rules, GOST, adopted in 2004. According to them, the red caviar can be of 2 types: the first and second class. For the first type the demands are greater: there can be mixture of different types of caviar and eggs should be homogeneous, elastic, and the same color clean, without traces of blood or membranes.
How to choose and keep the caviar red?
The jar should indicate the type of fish and processing techniques, GOST or Tu (own technical procedure, other than the state rule GOST)
Shake the jar, if you feel you bungle and feel the noise caviar inside then the caviar is of poor quality, may contain crushed caviar or some other elements.
If you buy caviar in glass containers or vacuum sealing the caviar should be uniform in size as and color.
Do not put in the freezer as it is transformed into a slurry to thaw nor keep the jar open more than 5 or 6 days.

And if you buy caviar per gram, then there should be sticky, the grains should be easy to separate and not be stuck to the spatula of the seller. Neither the eggs must be broken or reports. The aroma should be fresh too. You must be stored at -4 º C to -6 º C (-2 º C to -4 º C en el caso del caviar negro)
Como servir el caviar?
Tradicionalmente en Rusia se servia en fuentes de metal, porcelana o vidrio y sin hielo y desde alli se retiraba con cucharas o espatulas doradas o plateadas pero segun la tradicion europea el platillo que contiene al caviar debe ponerse sobre otra fuentecilla con hielo picado.
A veces se usa una fuentecilla hecha de conchas nacaradas. Como cucharillas se prefieren cucharillas no metalicas sino de nacar, pues asi no sentira el sabor frio del metal en la boca al probarlo sino solo el sabor del caviar ademas que el metal puede impregnar el sabor del caviar.
En However, either red or black caviar is best eaten in small-as scoops and no food. Besides the original flavor dulls bread does not allow for good absorption by the body. If you want to eat it with bread then only be used pressed caviar.
granular caviar should be eaten straight from the spoon, pressing lightly against the roof, keeping it in the mouth, tasting and only then swallow.
The Russians have a habit of eating caviar with cold vodka and bread and butter well with the gourmets what Westerners consider an outrage, preferring to combine it with champagne.
if stored in the refrigerator for 10-15 minutes serve must be removed before putting on the table, unopened.
The serving more refined method is to offer in an oyster.
Preparation of caviar
home sooner throw out the eggs and caviar is more tasty.
The eggs are housed in 2 separate membranes. Have to be removed. It can be done with a spoon carefully removing the eggs and not force.
If caviar is not going to keep a long period (1-2 months) then it is not necessary to wash your hands with alcohol.
Then in the kitchen is to boil the brine, water should be double the volume of caviar. Must be whole and no added salt. The proportion is 4 liters of water per kilo of salt. We put everything in the fire 5-8 minutes. The salt should be dissolved, the brine is cooled to 20-25 ° C and carefully pour it caviar. For a kilo of caviar requires 3 liters of brine.
7 minutes is room for caviar of the first type, 9 for the second type and 20-25 if you want to keep for a long time. After it is poured onto a gauze pad or a fine strainer to drain. If you are going to consume just 5 minutes fast, otherwise wait between 1-3 hours.
salar If you want more professionally, then additional elements are required: 1 gram of urotropine, 1 ascorbic acid, 4 grams of boiled vegetable oil. Everything is added to the brine. The relationship is 1 kilo of caviar to 3 liters of the solution.
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