Joe Hill was never a normal boy. As a kid, not even his name. In no bedroom walls hung posters of rock stars, athletes or naked girls. His heroes were makers of special effects of horror films. I was more worried about getting sick and American hostages in Iran, which the dark. Joe Hill never had the option of a normal boy. The blame, for better or worse, may have been from their parents, the writer Thabit King and the absolute master of horror Stephen King. When Joe was born his father had dedicated a book. "This is for Joe Hill King, who shines," read the second page of The Shining.
Cannon Fodder for an analyst, with such a history from the cradle, it started to write and chose not to change the genre that made him rich and famous father. Instead, he chose to change his real name Joseph Hillstrom King by the American activist who admired his father. "Then I had the need to learn my craft without the pressure of being the son of a famous type. I wanted to give my fiction the chance to succeed or fail on its own merits, "Digital Ñ reminded via mail. Pseudonym with the breastplate of a dozen stories published several comic books that will be adapted for television, garnered a lot of awards and completed two novels, true to the style of his father, nearly 500 pages. Horns (Sum letters)-the second one-just edited in Argentina. "It's a job that is in the tradition of Latin American magical realism. It is a tragic love story about a man becoming a devil, "Hill said without much property or King, as you prefer. For Horns is the story of Ignatius Perrish, a guy who killed the bride, and a huge hangover after rising two devilish horns on his head. Such hook occurs on the first page of the book, so imagine the fate of the protagonist turned into a demon.
"Many believe that a new primacy of realism. What is the situation in your country?
- Hell, no! The popularity of realism is declining everywhere and also in the U.S.. It is a great time to write horror, fantasy and science fiction literature. Audiences are increasingly open to the idea that history might include elements of the genre without losing depth. There are writers like Cormac McCarthy's apocalyptic science fiction writing and Michael Chabon writing a new Sherlock Holmes mystery. At the same time, writers like the crime novelist Dennis Lehane and my father are getting the recognition they deserved and were denied before.
- Why the horror genre is so successful?
"People choose this type of fiction to explore questions that are difficult to face and have no easy answers. What happens when we die? What are the last moments of your life? If there is a God why decent people allows him to pass such things? Escape from these questions every day and terror can inquire about the largest and most obscure questions.
At just 38 years, Hill quickly learned to interact with the circus that surrounds the literature. Suggests titles and phrases left dormant. When asked about the scariest experience happened in his life, something perhaps significant a guy who is dedicated to bring them the creeps, "answers readers laconic. "There were a couple of months I was afraid of losing his head. I struggled for a time against the paranoia and anxiety. But I will not go into those details, "he says perhaps only to create mystery. When instead turns to his idea that terror is as prolific as undervalued at home is quick: "America is prolific in all genres. Our number one export is the entertainment industry. We are the country that has hit music just to sell Cokes. "
-In Horns, in other of your stories and in this interview has cited once a diabli and God. What is your relationship with religion?
-The King James Bible is the most important document of Western literature and a treasure trove of history. I have my own religious beliefs. I'm not a big fan of organized religion. I'm a guy who thinks that people go crazy in congregations and healthy just by itself. One version I like best is the devil Lucifer offered Mick Jagger in "Sympathy for the devil." Like the demon from The Exorcist. But my favorite is the devil's walking dead zone.
No need to explain why. That is the devil's father King. Guido Carelli
Lynch Revista Ñ
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