We know the job and the interview gives you the letter: "What do you want: long answers, short ... how you want? "" Short, please, "I say." "You want it published already? Smiling with a confidence-crushing. "He was amiable and accomplice. The campaign launch of his latest novel The Siege (editorial Alfaguara) has been completed and the book, the story of a serial murderer in Cadiz in 1812, flies solo.
XL. After several weeks giving interviews, what I can ask him about the siege that has not already said? As the end ... do not count! APR
As there are many things that I said. "You've read the whole?
XL. Four-way! APR
That's okay [smiles].
XL. This book explains in detail profusion and many different stories that could be each novel in themselves. However, for me, the real protagonist is the wind, which is becoming a key element of every situation. APR
Yes, exactly, is a great definition. This is because in Cadiz the wind is very important for what it does in every way possible. The wind, angles, geometry ... that is the basis of the novel. Cadiz chose because it is a city of winds.
XL. I think in all, his novel The Siege is more round, which also is far from some of the above. It seems as if to a literary period declared the end, will it change the registry?
APR is not designed well. With each novel I close a stage in my life and it passes all this turmoil and serene me, I'll see what I've left undone and what is now resolved. Each book is a step you take somewhere.
XL. It is curious that, with multiple plots and many characters in the end no one wins. APR
In my novels do not usually win anyone because in real life usually does not win anyone. But that's part of my narrative territory.
XL. "So is that it fails to do so with dignity?
APR is the only thing that remains for the failure is dignity. I admire people who can rise from the table after losing everything and leave without losing composure, like the leaves of life without losing too. I like people who does not lose his composure.
XL. The English, despite being our allies in the time in which the novel takes place not stand out very well, "maintains a special reserve to the Perfidious Albion? APR
The English are the villains of all our films, but this is a historical reality. When you read history, you realize that the country that has damaged Spain over the centuries has been English. In fact, England have never wanted any good government anywhere in Europe.
XL. I was surprised that you being a lover of the sea, as it is, Captain Lobo, one of his characters, surrender the sea and make a staunch defense of life on earth.
APR is that usually identifies the sea adventure as a wonderful and exciting things and I, who sailed for many years and I know many sailors, I know that the sea is a workplace where many people are disgusted, wanting out of sight. This is absolutely true. Any professional seaman can tell you the same.
XL. I have a curiosity, is it true that sailing with strangers and never ever upload a journalist in your boat?
APR is true! Look, when did a German edition of one of my books, some German journalists came to me photos on the sea and took them on a ship that was not mine. My boat is my rear and not going up to him anyone who does not appreciate. A boat is a very unique place where you can not go any where there are rules ... In my boat, or cry or run, there are plenty of standards on board a stranger does not know well and can not comply.
XL. It has taken two years to write The Siege. APR
Yes, have been two intense years, interrupted every week just to make XLSemanal article, which I dedicate a day, which sometimes is a punishment ...
XL. That does not count [laughs]. APR
Yes, yes, is that there are days I feel like, that under hot, dripping fang, saying: "Well, perhaps, will find out" wanted to write. But there are days that you require a great deal. This article is the only obligation I have, pleasant and voluntary, of course. The only fixed commitment I have in my life is called XLSemanal.
XL. Explain to me why he keeps.
APR For many reasons. First, it takes much time doing it, and second, because with me have always been very good, have been very loyal. And, secondly, because I receive each week a huge amount of letters from readers where I realize that sometimes what I write to be helpful to others.
XL. On one occasion has said that writing this journal because it is a relief route and reckoning on his part and that of others. APR
Yes, sometimes I kill in the name of another and I like also, to settle accounts of friends who can not seem to fit me very well, is a satisfaction.
XL. Since the New York Times wrote some covers will be happy to receive so much criticism for his books and his articles. APR
I can not complain, but long ago that criticism is very good to me. Many years ago I have no complaint. Anyway, people have a right to dislike what I write, nothing happens.
XL. Success always arouses envy; Do you feel? APR
No, what I can feel the? I do not move in the literary world for nothing. I lead a very retired life, or navigate or am at home working or I'm traveling with books. Any adverse reactions do not reach me.
XL. "She enjoys the constant challenge? APR
I think hygienic. Cause certain things and wait for the results is a very interesting and very educational.
XL. Sometimes it seems to be a great pessimistic about the world around you ...
Lucidity APR `" 'may be the word? Maybe it is that which best defines him.
XL. Do you feel tenderness and compassion for others? APR
Compassion "?, Of course. There are things that move me in particular. It's just the compassion for others that makes me pissed off with other people responsible for the evils that occur.
XL. They say that man is measured by the enemies he has. Measured
APR, no, but it is true that the enemies are useful because they keep you awake. They are like the sea, which is a dangerous place that requires you to be very careful.
XL. It seems that some are elected. APR
Some, yes, true. I chose them carefully and thoroughly throughout my life. It helps to have selected half a dozen enemies.
XL. And survive ... APR
No, who cares? I feel a special pleasure to bury enemies.
XL. What gives success? APR
readers have the same in Japan than in France, England, Israel, Russia or Colombia gives me independence, say 'more' independence because I was independent before.
XL. Who will complain of how little we read are those who just sell books? APR
We'll see! Did you want long or short answers? This can not be summarized in two sentences.
XL. Dive! APR
People read, read to me and others, too. It's that people generally do not read is a lie, the proof is that I do read me ... and others. Another thing is that there are authors who do not read them.
XL. Some children fail to complete a book. APR
No, I believe that children are good readers. Stop reading as we get older. The boys of nine or ten years is a great reader, and also very grateful. They are willing to tell them good stories. What is not subnormal. Can not write to them as if they were mentally retarded. Children have a clarity that many adults wish they could.
XL. Is it a satisfaction para un periodista sumergirse en la literatura para poder contar las historias como le da la gana, para falsear lo que no le gusta...?
A.P.R. Yo no falseo, estás equivocada. Para mí, la literatura es la manera de ordenar un mundo que viví de una forma muy desordenada; es justo lo contrario: hacerlo real y concreto. Las historias que llevo a los libros son el pretexto, pero los conceptos que manejo son reales. Yo escribo con lo que he vivido, con lo que he leído y con lo que soy; no me invento nada.
XL. ¿Habría sido escritor de no haber dedicado 21 años de su vida al reporterismo de guerra?
A.P.R. Seguramente, no; porque yo me nutro de lo que he vivido y buena parte de lo que writing has given me the life I led as a reporter.
XL. I'm sure anyone who has experienced a tragedy, and you have lived a few, it keeps to himself many things that will never, right? APR
Yes, indeed. Where else was I came to count on The painter of battles and Comanche Territory. In The siege also have approached me, although it was more dark corners of the human heart. I do not want to go further. I experienced things I will not explain or novels, which are memory and that there should be
XL. Do write about what therapy? APR
Emotionally, that's all well understood. I was a professional journalist, it was an adventurer who went to war looking for thrills. This makes the whole was more palatable than if it had approached, like others, to get drunk with passion and adventure ... That attitude would have prevented me to chronicle newscast at three in the afternoon and another at nine o'clock at night, and be very calm head.
XL. Is there a Pérez-Reverte gentle and humble? APR
I do not know, I have 16 years writing articles in the XLSemanal
, at this point, the reader should know.
XL. Is it easy to live with him? APR
Some people do. Will not difficult.
XL. He once said that 'woman is a lost soldier in enemy territory. " "No woman has alleged that definition? APR
I do not see anything to criticize, I think to say that a woman is the greatest compliment that can be done. To me, a lost soldier in enemy territory is the most respectable and admirable figure I can imagine.
XL. Would you like to say as little as the Spain where he lives? APR
No, there is a Spain where I live that I like, but I say that because I would like to improve. The one I like, from time to time, mention it.
XL. Speak sell well enough?
APR is not that, I sell the same good or bad-mouth talk. What happens is that Spain do not like burning my blood and I speak of it anymore.
XL. Do not you burn when you hear that certain players called 'group of the brow' we should learn from Cuba's political regime, where political prisoners are terrorists ...?
APR If you would like comment on that, do an article but if I do, is because it is a topic that interests me. I do not care what they say. I know Cuba, know what it is that and if I had to say something important to say so, of course writing. I'm not one of those squares.
XL. Venezuela, Bolivia ... Do you think that is the worst dictatorship masquerading as democracy? APR
The worst dictatorship is one where all the stupidity and ignorance combine with power, whether democratic or totalitarian dictatorship.
XL. And we're at it? APR
The world is therefore not a question of Spain. Allied stupidity with ignorance and ignorance is also a European phenomenon, not only English.
XL. Did you know that talking, you have another language? We have almost an hour and has not released any taco.
APR is that I am a well educated guy, what happens is the one who writes the articles of XLSemanal is a character named Perez-Reverte, who is aggressive, it's punk, that is iconoclastic ... and does things the other Arturo Perez-Reverte never would.
XL. Is sometimes confused man and character? APR
No, I just get confused when I confused. I have very clear who is writing his articles in the XLSemanal and who was making his daily life. They are two different characters.
XL. After closing the stage of the siege, how soon to give life to your next novel? APR
I have already started, I have made structure: a Alatriste, which is good because it is a time and a theme that I have already well known. I suppose in a year or less, will be available. For me, writing is a state of mind, a way of life. Writing, I direct my life, serene, is like taking an aspirin every day: writing, less painful things and everything is more bearable. I need a hand history to keep me alive, serene, lucid, awake. The day I stop writing, really begin to age.
XL. Does it measure time left so we subtract write? APR
No, when I was a war correspondent learned that all we have is very limited, everything can suddenly disappear. Suddenly there is a piece of metal called bullet, a red light someone misses a virus ... and it all ends. I have the idea that life is like the sea: a dangerous place. Modern Europe, people in the West has forgotten how dangerous it is life and sometimes infuriates me. Revolts me the stupidity with which we close our eyes to reality, we believe that the world is a safe, comfortable and permanent. I try to tell people: 'Do not be stupid, remember that all wounded and killed, as saying last antique clocks. The enemy is always there. "
XL. It seems as if much more angry that the evil stupidity.
APR And so, with a smart bad you can always negotiate, convince him that being good is profitable ... However, the stupid, no matter how good it is, never anything can be recycled. So in my articles insult to the stupid and often, except the bad guys.
XL. And live with the satisfaction of accomplishment? APR
That sense I have that everything is provisional and always makes me live it was the last time: stop ordered drawers when I go and that sort of thing. Do not make plans for the future, I live with luggage fact, as one of my characters says: "I live with my sword and my horse." Having led a life very messy, every book and every article I write is like a drawer I'm closing. And every time I look, I see the most orderly home. I hope the rest of my time living and working to close the drawer I still remain open. Virginia Drake
XL Semanal
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