Another line of work is part of the woman's body and in some cases, from the body of the artist.
The status of women in art as in sex, has been taking shape so far as the object rather than subject. Women often have developed a relationship with your body as if it were its own object. The independence of the male gaze produces a configuration of hybrid beings between the declaration of their independence and habit of producing, I want to become another. It is acquiring its own view of another way to win back the female body. The
women as sexual property, the beauty of women as treasure, as a coveted object is a constant in the history of art. In any collection of any museum can see heroic male nude, proud, pathetic, suffering, exemplary. On the other hand the female nudes, still more frequent, often offer a limited range, passive and beautiful.
women as sexual property, the beauty of women as treasure, as a coveted object is a constant in the history of art. In any collection of any museum can see heroic male nude, proud, pathetic, suffering, exemplary. On the other hand the female nudes, still more frequent, often offer a limited range, passive and beautiful.

On the other hand, is a way of Frida Kahlo, in which certain artists searched for their identity connotations inserted in the flow of natural life. Where the ownership of the body through experiences such as pain, childbirth, and other private transformations, seeking to claim a vision of the female body it away from its subservience to the stereotype of male pleasure.
is with a certain mysticism that have an anthropomorphic view of nature and female (Anthropomorphism, a form of personification (applying human qualities to inanimate objects) similar to the solemnity (adopting the personality of another person).
is with a certain mysticism that have an anthropomorphic view of nature and female (Anthropomorphism, a form of personification (applying human qualities to inanimate objects) similar to the solemnity (adopting the personality of another person).
Frida Kahlo, based his autobiographical art production from exhaustion, caused by an accident, and the vicissitudes of a wounded body. Obsessively painted his own image combined with sometimes brutal dream expressions. Part of his work is wrongly associated with the surrealist. However, she stated, "They thought I was a Surrealist, but it was not. I never painted my dreams. I painted my own reality."
The third thematic line is: "Women and Art Activist."
For this, go to this link: http://cucutarte.blogspot.com/2010/01/mujer-arte-y-activismo.html
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