Thursday, June 3, 2010

Mylanta And Green Feces

- "LA OPINION" - 50 Years.

The newspaper as we know it today was born in England in the eighteenth century. Prior to this date, there were certain forms of social communication. Already in ancient Rome there were various means of public information: The public records or records of the village, which consisted of a series of planks set on the walls of the Imperial Palace or in the forum, which gathered the latest and most important events occurred in the Empire. The subrostani made a living selling or manufacturing news sensational reports and meaningless.

The first daily newspaper was born in England in the S. XVIII. It was the "Daily Courrant" (1702). The distribution was done by preachers, our current newspaper vendors. The most important centers of circulation of the newspaper were the cafes, where people gathered to read and comment on news. With the development of the press saw the birth of public opinion.

The press has traditionally been characterized by high levels of prestige than those obtained by the media, this because the information processed is subjected to a process of analysis deeper than the one that can be applied to the visual. Moreover, the traditional non-digital media is facing a serious problem: the greed of television and the content of a news broadcast in a newspaper the day after is history.

La Opinion has learned in 50 years, evolve their activity in changing as it has been requiring the passage of time, that the content, form and technology.
From the hand of Dr. Eustorgio Colmenares Baptista, one of the great men of our city, the paper was growing liberal spirit and become the most serious and influential regional newspaper, which allowed it to be the only survivor of serious journalistic adventures, as it were, "El Diario de la Frontera" and "El Comercio". The continued presence of the teacher in writing Cicero Florez has been important factor in maintaining a clear philosophical guidelines of the newspaper, and the essence mark left as Dr. Colmenares Baptista.

The development of new technologies involves making a digital edition of the newspaper. As usual for these network media, interactivity and participation of public opinion is present, allowing access to forums blogs and general comments and specific news.

On the cultural, that is the issue concerning this blog, through the years there have been parading through a variety of wildlife journalist. Some more successful than others clueless that covered the track for taxation, that interest or knowledge of the matter. In the last two years we have been fortunate that this work is put in the hands of Leonardo Parra. Filmmaker training, which addressed both as a space page for review as to display their vision and personal opinion on specific issues or situations. Leonardo and got his cycle in this business, and retired from May 31 to pursue his personal production, the Department of Cinematography Committee - of which he is director, and other activities.

The influence exerted by the mass media on society is undeniable, and the responsibility should be, in the management of information, the plurality of views of its columnists, its social commitment to the region , and public opinion is something that is clear about the daily "opinion."


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