- appoints 5 facts, not exclusionary character. The first is a very important event and of great extension, out of the global economic crisis . Our economic growth is an "whether or not we actually fell and grow. You could say with difficulties so defective but still had positive growth and close to 4%. In addition, the figure also reflects some elements of modernization of our economy and also of modernization in our lives.
Second, and also this is a very important issue, our new approach to the problem of children and also of our demographic development. I specifically chose this theme in my presidential address and proposed a set of measures in this regard are still insufficient but going in the right direction. Without an adequate policy in relation to the nin-os of our country simply have no future.

* Signed on 8 April 2010 in Prague by the Presidents of Russia and the U.S. (Top). The treaty reducing strategic nuclear weapons to 1,550 units for both countries also prohibit deployed outside national territory. The document was ratified by the Russian and American parliaments in late December.
And of course I can not fail to mention the 65 an-os our Victoria *. This date without any doubt our most memorable date for making us citizens of Russia, we are transformed into modern people and at the same time, we say we can not forget the past. * Refers
the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945), better known in the rest of the world as World War II (1939-1945)

case of nin-os abandoned in our country are really very many though objective indicators show that in the last an-os-os nin number of orphans has decreased. Thus, the number of nin-os children housed in institutions has decreased in 1 / 3 due to the adoption. At the same time, formally nin-os have families but that are within them and this phenomenon is not quantified. It was precisely why I established a special office of protector of the rights of children, or who is responsible for caring for them in various places around the country but also a position should be present in other regions of our country. The most important thing is to have a good diagnosis to define the threats on the life and health of the nin-os and then make decisions. The solutions may be different. The last n-o 60 000 parents lost their parental rights. We have to take care of this with care.

On the other hand, have highlighted the issues of childhood, motherhood, demographics also brought attention to them part of our society. I can see how many people now write on these issues and refers to them in one way or another to let me know personally or through internet.
Recently, it signed a law in relation to a number of benefits to women for pregnancy and to care for their children. At first when the government prepared the subsidies considered to be reflected in a number no great women, however, I received many messages from people you consulted with a wide range of questions so let me say now that made the decision to accept some changes so that the same woman who set the period from which will receive this assistance. Since it would be done.
President, n-o back in this same study referred to the results of 2009 speak of the outcome of the crisis, the damage that occurred as well as of the predictions out of it and you said it was necessary to use the situation to overcome our technological backwardness. This an-or just the word " modernization" was perhaps the most popular in politics inside the country. As you assess the initial effects of this modernization in the common Russian citizen?
- I do not think anything wrong even though they are still insufficient. I hope we are pragmatic and understand that this road started to become not expect huge changes immediately. The important thing now is that the modernization entered the political agenda and not mere words but as a working purpose. The Duma approves our laws do support the president's agenda in this regard, however, it is also important that companies began to consider the issue of innovation. While there was no radical change our entrepreneurs realized that if they do not invest money in modernizing of production, if the innovation does not become a priority then we will most likely wait a technological stagnation and our economy depends entirely on commodity indeed something that has been observed in many areas of our economy. So although the modernization progresses slowly doing it at a higher rate than in 2009. Now, in terms of daily life are producing lower-power electric lamps.

* Bychkov (top) kidnapped drug addicts and forced them to be treated in rehab center where they were treated with great rigor. He was eventually tried and created a great controversy. Received the public support of population and also of the Russian Orthodox church in your area. The verdict of first instance sentenced him to 12 years in prison-an but ultimately the November 3 2010 was released and decided to completely abandon its plan for the threat that hung over his imprisonment.
- I am no specialist but I'll give my opinion. First, discuss the issue of drug users in school, college is not very popular so it creates the impression that there is no problem there. However, unfortunately the truth is otherwise. Even considering the official statistics 160 000 of nin-os studying in our schools have drug problems. This figure is huge, 160 000! Especially considering that I'm talking about official values. On this matter should not be ashamed to speak publicly. I remember many times when I just started playing this issue with the media telling me "You know, it better not touch this issue is too complex. We'll spoil the mood to people who are struggling. To add more bad things? "Soviet legacy that is probably that there are drug addicts, that there is nothing wrong and that everything is fine and we will probably stay as a stereotype, but we must necessarily raise the alarm.
But this is the outer side of the problem. As far as I am no specialist treatment but there are different approaches but must be tailored to the law. We can not avail ourselves of violence. At the same time this is a matter of choice because the decision to take the addict himself or his family. There are countless other examples where simply not so. The dilemma seems simple: Either you die or you force them to treatment but we also have to be mindful of the critics of this type of treatment.
Maybe you can try to work, giving some occupation? Well remembered as generations of Soviets are abandoned with her 6-hundredths of a hectare (Шесть соток, shest sotok *). Also caused great attention in his presidential address the possibility of granting plots of land to families where there are 3 or more children. We all know that in Russia there are millions of hectares of abandoned land. We think as people return to the land and establish a mechanism to give land to those who want it?
* sleep-or consumer Soviets was to have a car, an apartment and a dacha (country house). The dacha was delivering the State of an area of \u200b\u200b4 to 6 hundredths of hectare.

The nin-os and promotion of the birth of more children-os is just one approach. I hope that this experience be extended, just now we are preparing the respective legislation. In principle, think of a method for our people to obtain land through a simplified procedure not only for farming but to live there.
I think to some extent, we must change the mentality because we do not have to look crowd all the time. We must help to create normal conditions for life and a lot will depend on how successful this policy is applied in regions. What happens now is that often you get to a megalopolis around which there are small towns and places you that's all, beyond everything is empty. At the same time in the same megapolis often living conditions are very complex. We have to spread across the territory of Russia. This is a very important geopolitical terms even thinking about our future.
We all made a great impression when you say that our political system is this rut but in the meantime applications to some extent people are taking non-formal channels, outside the political party system. As our politicians go on holiday to Courchevel, Dubai, pigs-a is being formed a kind of street politics * with disastrous consequences as we saw recently. You think that with things like this just mere police response?
* Refers to actions that occurred in central Moscow on December 11 that gathered thousands of soccer fans and nationalists protesting a new crime against a fan of Spartak Moscow and after a suspicious acting by the police to the most likely culprits, but people with Russian passports of racial origins in the Caucasus (Muslims and non-Slavic appearance.) In the actions were violent attacks against representatives of other ethnicities.

* Police in Russia is called Militsia (МИЛИЦИЯ). Is a very poorly paid and with many accusations of corruption for accepting bribes. Among the Medvedev government plans not only salaries but also provides up to change their names to Militsia to Palitsia (ПОЛИЦИЯ).

* By far the largest political party in Russia (logo below). Behind them are the nationalist Liberal Democratic Party and further back the Communists.

I think this law works, but we can not remain complacent. Over a period we achieved many things, stabilize the country's overall situation, take control and complex social processes that were potentially very destructive and could tear apart the Russian state. However, with a stabilization is not enough, we must regain the momentum. So those who believe that everything is fine, they have to stay in Courchevel * *
Resort (in picture below) located in the French Alps. One of the classic resting places of Russian billionaires (called oligarchs)

* Massive Protest (images later) held on December 11 in central Moscow after the murder on December 6, a fan of Spartak Moscow, Yegor Sviridov, a Dagestani and after the murder suspects after being detained were released. The protest by the action of irresponsible or corrupt Police gathered over 5 000 young people. Among them were ultra-nationalists and supporters and also some provocateurs who brought the action to take a course that specifically racist in the onslaught against some non-Slavic looking people in the streets.

In relation to reports, clear that the bill including those related to criminal acts. I know were caused by several circumstances, is not simple disturbances. Believe that investigations must be completed in the case of the murder of a fan or any other crime.

* ultra-nationalism in Russia there is a deep-rooted in many young
But the fact is that many claim not just unleashed everything from crime if the fan of Spartak but because they were suspected of committing almost released immediately breaking the action of justice.

can not be left free to anyone against whom there is evidence that he committed a criminal action, an action of blood. What are we talking here? Of simple corruption, fear before the action of some mafioso that provides protection to criminals? We have to find out.

* girlfriend ever Pushkin, a renowned Russian poet.

course I love is our meat for our dog-on talk-shows. Since I was not going to like?
- Well, I will not discuss this last. The essence of your question is as follows. We can not let social processes follow a destructive course but must follow legal channels, that if true. However, on the other hand our public officials seek to act on the backs of public opinion. They do not listen or want to hear.
- I follow his example of an alleged construction because surely you have in focus the issue of forest Ximki? * *
Large forest located on the outskirts of Moscow, with many dumps in their environment, and part of a Road plan to cross through the new Moscow-St Petersburg highway. The works were recently arrested after the action of Russian environmental groups propose an alternative route does not cross through the forest.
- This is exactly an example of when everyone from the Government to local authorities were able to express their opinion. In this there is nothing terrible, and the decision is going to take the matter seems quite balanced. Hear the opinion of the people and at the same time not ruin the project while the forest Ximki described in a unified but experts say that does not exist as such * will grow along its length. Because they agree to plant 5 trees for every tree cut. In my opinion it was over in a satisfactory manner even though I was forced to stop work.
* Environmentalists treat the forest as a single unit that would be destroyed to stop the cross through the highway.
would not be bad that our public officials learn to compromise the right way. However, this does not mean that public opinion in the widest sense of the word should behave in an absolutely irresponsible because we all understand that among them there are also different kinds of people among whom there are those who receive money to demonstrate against any given project.
I will not hide the fact that the police informed me that to be subtracted from active public protest had some people who asked for a briefcase with money. Such public opinion is simply outside the law. However, I believe that the authorities and society, governments and NGOs must learn to work together.
A classic Latin phrase which says that the people's voice is the voice of God, however, measures are enforced by the government of an economic nature, including the rise of the age to retire. In France or Russia would not serve hold a vote on the matter. There are matters on which you can not take into consideration the opinion of the masses.
- We can not put a referendum for each item. In addition, there are some unpopular issues on which decisions must despite the popular opinion is against. Explain it here just because this or that decision making and because it is necessary. However, I think most of the issues the country can participate without public opinion detrimental. We have deep traditions that we need to eliminate totalitarian.
And the fact that talks up a storm of modernization as was done on Perestroika in his time, well you can speak to where you want no matter the topic. The main thing is that people want it that way. Really dissonance that arose in the '80s? Because in the upper echelons of government saying one thing and below in the structures of government things were a completely different direction. If it happens that gulf between the rulers and the parties then there will be some modernization.
During 2010 one of the most important issues discussed was the fight against corruption and bribery. What can be done in legal terms this habit more than centenary of corruption in our country?
- This theme is very much in vogue because I began to discuss what he said publicly that Russia was ill contempt for the law. And this did not appear today, nor in the Soviet era but many centuries ago. Our society is so constituted, with no particular respect for the law and the courts. Only 2 things had respect, goodness and strength of the Czar. We must do everything possible to strengthen the rule of law and people obey the law not out of fear but because it is indecent to rape her. That is precisely the basis of social relations in all developed societies. I I have no magic recipe for solving this issue, we must move forward gradually. We will have to educate people, explain, so they obey the law because it is simpler than rape but the main thing is that the same government officials lead by example with a correct behavior.

Of course, if people see that corruption is present in every society, the whole apparatus of government, then believe this is nothing but pure quackery if we are talking about one thing and another accepting bribes.
here is not just to inoculate a conducta respetuosa de la ley sino tambien de tomar medidas rigurosas por parte del gobierno. En 2009 abrimos muchos sumarios por corrupcion y en este an-o solo en septiembre fueron puestas en prision cerca de mil personas por aceptar sobornos y 1.700 por ofrecerlas. De ellos, unos 2.000 eran funcionarios de organismos defensores de la ley, policias ( automovil policial ruso a continuacion ) y jueces.

Ademas modificamos un conjunto de normativas legales y yo introduje la idea de aplicar multas cuyo monto amplifique several times the bribe received. So, if for example the bribe is not very large in scale what happens in Russia, say 30 thousand rubles (thousand dollars) might not be so noticeable but when it comes to 100 000 to 3 million is a lot of money then.
The truth is that it is the ambition is much greater than the fear of punishment.
- This should also be taken with care because people care about their heritage material. If you take custody, spend a few months in jail and then you release a story but also had to pay with your wealth, your wealth would be very different.

* or small town in southern Russia ( Milestone at the entrance of the village in image above) where on the night of 4 to 5 November, committed the mass murder of 12 people, including four nin-os . The murderers to flee to the house on fire where they carried out the slaughter. Most people, including nin-os, were beheaded. The news put the town in the center of the story and soon it was revealed that the place was subject to the designs of a mafia group.
- You have touched a very important issue. We all remember the '90s. Then I did not work either in government or in public administration but who lived in St. Petersburg and many of us the impression that existed at the federal level often met together people from different aspects, including criminals who infiltrated the Duma and in different organs of state administration. I think we have successfully wiped out all those people in the last n-os. While there is still crime and corruption openly criminal elements have been removed from root.
Now at the provincial, municipal still exists a lot of people who live under other codes. There also have pending cleanup.
sometimes have emblems and card party given by our very political but this does not mean that the parties have to close my eyes. On the contrary, we must bring them out and deport them. This will contribute to the authority of the parties.
When I began to analyze the situation around Kushchiofskaya surprised me the absurdity of it.
We had not heard anything, did not know and the police had not reacted. While some had opened criminal investigations were closed as the respective who came to their offices. The press had written about it but no resonance. This is precisely why the governors I submitted an application asking me to enact a law so that the structures that guard public order not to wash their hands and say they know nothing or that they had informed the police and prosecutors but that they had not done anything. That is, nobody takes responsibility.
meet every month now and everything is recorded in minutes. If there is a type Kushchiofskaya situation, if you suspect that there is an operating band information and we'll take care. And if someone does not act accordingly will be immediately removed from office and if someone else just shut his eyes through bribery will be put behind bars.
But the consequences do not end there. I'm sure that beyond the settling of scores between bandits is necessary resolve the issue with all the structures that guard the law that operate there. It is not only corruption and myopia but is there a systemic character.

* Sentenced in 2005 to 8 an-years of jail for fraud and nonpayment of taxes by several billion dollars from other crimes. Once the richest man in Russia (top) was again tried in 2010 and sentenced to 30 last December to 13.5 an-years of prison. International organizations are considering legal action against Russia as merely persecution.
- First I will say what I think about him as President. I do not think as the President or any other person occupying a position at the government level I have no right to express my position on this issue or any other pronouncement of the verdict before the court. In relation to my position as an attorney general we act within the limits of the possible and the existing legal framework. If there is evidence that others also made illegal actions which are the tests? Where are the processes initiated? Then we assume that similar crimes should be considered similar responsibilities. If there is evidence then submitted to the Prosecution. Let the action take its course.
In Moscow and in general, in all large cities of Russia in the course of this an-or almost daily, people die victims of traumatic weapons *. When you see this on the internet or on television do you feel no desire to ban these weapons altogether?
* shoot rubber bullets and are common in Russia

* Chamber of Deputies in Russia
is possible to prohibit carry them, must be considered though if you look at the current criminal situation clear that more crimes are committed with firearms, with the use of knives or other . But these are crimes in sight. Appeared a different type of crime, the person who carried a sort of Makarov * which is loaded in half traumatic and feels almost like a cowboy and this is not a weapon of self-defense but attack, threat. Of course this is a matter of education and legal regulation. Now these decisions will taken and if insufficient, we will have to ban completely. Pis
* tola of 9 mm
This an-or did much for the technological renovation and equipment of the army. The costs were one and a half higher than was earlier. However, let's put this way, there were many incomprehensible things that force me to ask if they are not behaving the Ministry will be so extravagant? You will close admission to military schools.
- You know I believe the Ministry has worked hard. Undoubtedly, like any big mistakes Ministry, however, they materialize the guidelines established by me and they are to create conditions for full operation Army. Unfortunately, our army and our police so far has a lot of Soviet and Soviet-not because it is synonymous with evil, but because they belong to another era, when the size as the country was different, the tasks were different. We need to reform the military. The reform of the army has to do with a change in the size of its endowment by reducing the number of officers and increasing their salaries not just them but everyone in general. We pay equivalent to developed countries for them. A lieutenant will receive a 2012 count 50,000 rubles (1,636 dollars) and this is just the beginning. And who have receive a subdivision by 150 to 180 thousand rubles (4908 to 5892 dollars). This amount is comparable with most advanced armed forces. In terms of housing also have given a huge program. Look
truth in the eye. During the pre-an-os no one cared about the issue of housing for officers, so that if you have a good salary was said. I remember when I have not finished college and I was told why do not you go to the army, you will immediately receive 250 rubles and then you will be Colonel and you will get double. Yes, but good pay and home? If you had to go to a war zone going to spend your life without home, without having anything. For the first time we worry about this. Only after 2 to n-we are going to surrender the retired officers who spend 100 thousand square meters built and this program will close after 2 an-os because the decision after taking some official more will be licensed. We will give houses to all who are in service as promised.
Of course there are a number of painful conditions. Reduced number of subdivisions to take more effective measures in the troops, so that the army is more effective for that started this pause in the training institutes.
We have a huge number of officers graduating from the respective institutions, universities Institute and then joined the ranks of the unemployed or simply meet the time to wait for his retirement from the military. Recently I met with officials, they said I was quite convenient to retire and that would be the most prepared, those who truly love the military, which want to work. Those who arrive there by chance be withdrawn but will not leave empty handed, but with an apartment, grants and training. This is precisely why now is take that pause of 2 n-I in the preparation of officers. Then he will return to the admission even at lower volumes. Currently the size as our army is in complete accordance with our problems, our territory and our population.

* Website (Wiki-leaks) founded in 2006 by Australian Julian Assange (top) together with people from various countries, including alleged Chinese dissidents. Since then he has published confidential information from governments and from November 28, 2010 began to publish secret American diplomatic cables. Assange is currently under house arrest in London, the result of a request from the Swedish justice for sexual offenses.
- What should I fear? Those who should fear it are members of the U.S. State Department. If I feared to what they write to me then never go to the Internet or television would look for whoever takes this position should be aware that you will not hear very often kind words addressed to the authorities. And in terms of the consequences can then for relations between the U.S. and other countries but for us and our relationship with the United States is of no consequence. First, because we understand some of it is written there as a rule noting that their sources are newspapers and television, fully public sources so there is not anything new. I remember a story of the Soviet period on a Soviet diplomat who, having been appointed Ambassador of a European country was honored with an audience with the Queen. When his turn came a telegram wrote: I wonder Queen dissidents and I was forced to put in place. This is more or less the same. Is an indicator of how capable we are, we manage the world as we put them all in place. Therefore there are obvious, there is a law of this sort of thing: Also we write different things, ie, each is entitled to one minute of fame including the Ambassador and other diplomats.

* Temperatures in Russia last summer exceeded in many cities and for several weeks to 40 º C
Another lesson, the third, not only federal authorities but also the province, especially local must respond responsibly with their obligations . If a fire starts is that even very far ready, set paths to isolate the spread of fire, barricaded people. In some cases there was no such thing. People sat down to wait where he came from the fire. This revealed the weakness of the municipal administration and planning.

Maps showing at the eastern end of Russia to the Kuril Islands. The map below shows in green islands. Can see how close are Japanese territory, sen-winged by the large island of beige color.
do you think the reaction of the Japanese for their visit to the Kuril Islands *?
* The USSR Annex 4 of the islands in early August 1945 that officially began the warfare of the USSR against Japan. The Soviet army quickly got move from the islands to 17 thousand Japanese soldiers. Soon, on September 2, Japan signed its capitulation ending the 2nd World War. On August 8, 1951 at an international conference in San Francisco Japan signed a peace agreement with the Allies renounce all claim to the Kuril Islands. Japan's current claim is based on the 4 islands taken by the USSR are not considered by them as part of the Kuril Islands and, therefore, must be returned. On 1 November last Medvedev became the first president, whether Soviet or Russian, to visit the island which caused the wrath of the Japanese authorities who temporarily withdrew its ambassador to Russia. Shortly after the decision was overturned and the Heads of State and Japanese Russian met in Japan where they kept intact their positions in relation to the sovereignty of the islands.

- Normal. Is a Japanese problem, not ours. All this territory belongs to the Russian Federation and, therefore, the President can go anytime. The fact that no President before I have not done it is true but does not change anything. We have to worry about the people who live there, they have good living conditions. We can work on together with the Japanese Kuriles in business, in some historical sites but that does not mean we will refuse our sovereignty in the Kuril because it's our territory. This we must understand our partners in Japan ... We can create a common economic zone or free trade. We could all make money. The same thing I told the Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kanu and also invite you to visit our country ( Medvedev during his recent visit to Japan in the picture below ).

Of course you need to complete the investigation of the accident.

* Report of 210 pages and in the Russian language called Report of the International Aviation Committee (MAK in Russian) and dealing with the catastrophe which caused the death of former President Polish president and his entourage the April 10, 2010 causing 96 deaths on a flight from Poland to Russia. Dec. 18 MAK was declared "unacceptable" by the Polish Prime Minister stating that contained statements contrary to research conducted by the Poles themselves. It is expected that the final version is published in late January.
- I suppose that all this is nothing more than an emotional reaction to internal political events in Poland itself. This country is split into several parts, without any doubt.
What happened is a tragedy but should not affect our relations politically nor should it affect the outcome of the investigation committee of international aviation. I hope that the Poles to accept the conclusions without political overtones misplaced.
For that despite decades of Soviet and Russian experience in this regard immediately accept that the U.S. spy * were ours?
* Refers to the arrest in late June 2010 a dozen Russian citizens in the United States on charges of espionage and were then sent to Russia. Many of them in U.S. courts refused at first Russian origin.

- First of all, all people working in our special services are Russian citizens and are neither meat nor can-on heroes who sacrifice themselves in order to deliver. And if in another era the USSR and to some extent also Russia did not relate to the subject made a mistake. Our task was to remove our people and that's what we did because I said that they were citizens of our country. These people defend our interests and we will act the same way if one of our agents is involved in problems.
The work of our intelligence services is varied, both legal and illegal, and the country that denies this type of action is simply lying for sin-o regardless of the country and geopolitical problems are minimal. Sere
very careful. In the political life of Russia the dominant figures are you and Putin. Tell me, please, if in his opinion have real political alternatives, ie, who would like to see you also accompanied Andolan and who sees you as a serious rival?

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