detailed world map of countries that use the system currently DST change and winter (blue) or which was in use (orange), as also those in which he has never been used (red)
In many countries where the system remains in place is fierce dispute between those who are in favor of maintaining and proponents of repeal. The main arguments are related to electrical energy savings while opponents talk about a variety of give-you that would cause the health of the displaced living given by the natural time zone, especially in nin- years and older as well in chronic patients.
However, those who are in favor, argue that the adaptation to the time change occurs quickly and that any negative effects associated with removing 1 hour (summer time) is offset by the positive effects that would occur when you add 1 hour (time winter). While those who are against claim that energy savings are minimal and would be much greater if the establishment of an energy-saving policy.
In the particular case of the Russian Federation authorities say that the change to daylight saving time can save the country 4.4 billion kW-h of electric energy, equivalent to 0.5% of its electricity demand , about 8 billion rubles (275 million dollars), although in per capita terms is equivalent to only 31 kW-h per year, figures that are even less significant in terms of switching to winter time. Critics say the presidential decision that permanently switch to daylight savings time change following implementation of this an-or Russia, represents a minimum savings and a further deterioration in the health of the population, adding that the increased spending on energy as performed by the industrial sector and therefore are forced to save the population while the industrial sector consumes much electricity required without skimping on expenses.
also argue that long ago that the street lighting in Russia stopped being the main source of electrical expenditure rather the regime remained so of utilization of light in the apartments, a variable that depends exclusively on the individual regimen of life, not the extension of the hours of light.
The sense of time change
The graph above ( valid for the Northern Hemisphere ) to understand from the perspective of an average citizen a sense of time change. The more clear and limited area for 2 strokes called civil twilight ( time at which the sun hides 6 degrees below the horizon ) clearly shows the period over an-o. This is broader mid-an-o, ie, summer and winter and less extensive if the hours of day in summer would last more than 60 minutes. Dotted lines are drawn in the waking hours, the period of the day on which a person would be awake, on average between 7 and 23 hours. You see, in the latitude of the figure (50 º North), equivalent to Kiev, Berlin and London the day "begins before" in the summer for a person by what makes sense to start the day before, ahead of time, ie making that 7 of the man-ana, time to get up, are actually 6.
The same graph as above but valid for 2 Russian cities (and at different hours): Moscow and Vladivostok, the first located further north and therefore a longer summer in the daytime. The 2 graphs on the left show the distribution of annual hours of light according to the local time zone. As you can see, if you use the time zone that corresponds to the natural time, you lose hours of light in summer in both cities (in white, down the line that marks the 6 am) as people wake up enough after dawn. When both center and right graphs show a change of 2 hours (the 6 are the 8) allowing longer hours of light lost in the summer in the case of Vladivostok or reduce its loss in the case of Moscow as people rise, indeed, possible.
The schedule change in Russia
is carried out, in the case of change to daylight savings time last Sunday in March (March 28 2010 and 27 March 2011). That day, at 2 am, clocks are advanced 1 hour (top). The switch to winter time on the last Sunday in October (October 31 2010) at 3 in the morning, returning the pointer hours 1 hour ago (image below). Because of this, October is the month plus an over-or.
The next feature of the time change in Russia, on the night of 26 to 27 March, is that it will be the last on February 8 the recent past President of the Russian Federation, Dmitry Medvedev, the abolition determined schedule change in the country . Russia therefore remain in summer time and 120 minutes continuously with the time zone difference it belongs, making it the only country in the world to live permanently moved 2 hours of your time zone.
Why 2 hours apart?
Beginning in late March if you get up in Russia on 7-ana man really be doing at 5 am because in Soviet times following the time change daylight saving time on 2 occasions that displacement local to your time zone by adding 2 more hours, however, in Soviet times permanent change was only 1 hour and reached only 2 hours in summer. History
time change in Russia
was held in Russia for the first time the change to daylight saving time after a provision of 1 July 1917. According to a decree of the Provisional Government authorities who then ruled the country all the clocks were advanced by 1 hour. At the end of the an-o and when the Soviets were in power when it was amended again, back by 1 hour during winter time. This procedure of forward and reverse time remained until 1930.
PM by decree, 1 hour on the Time Zone
In 1930, the change to winter time, which slows the hour into 60 minutes, was dropped and eventually the country permanently lived 1 hour advance in relation to time zones. This schedule was called Декретное время (Dekretnoe Vremya, Time by decree) because it was entered after a decree of the Soviet of People's Commissars of the USSR. Under that time the USSR lived more than 50 an-os. New
change, and 2 hours on the Time Zone in summer
From the summer of 1981 the USSR began to add 1 additional hour at this station an-or so the gap in that period came at 2 hours keeping the difference on the time zone 1 hour during the winter.
On March 31, 1991, the an-or disintegration of the USSR, was canceled by decree Schedule throughout the USSR, although it had been abolished in 1990 into five Soviet republics: Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Azerbaijan and Georgia. However, in October 1991 the Russian Soviet Socialist Republic (later Russian Federation) made the decision to return to the time of decree what is specifically the January 19, 1992 while leaving out seven provinces. Thus, the country is 2 hours ahead of its time zone in summer and 1 hour in winter.
Then in 1997, Russia made a small modification to the time change date. From then change to winter time and not in late September but the last Sunday in October and throughout Europe.
Other changes later time
The vast geographical extent of Russia allowed to spread naturally across 12 time zones as shown in the chart below, which bears the territory of the country since the exclave of Kaliningrad (Greenwich Mean Time + 1 hour), left map and in the midst of the European Union, to Chukotka in the Far East and off the coast of Alaska (Greenwich Mean Time + 12 hours):
time Given this diversity, even a matter of pride for the Russians as it shows the vastness of the country in November 2009 and by a message to the Federal Assembly President Medvedev ordered a draft reduction in the number of time zones in Russia, of the 11 actually were used.
The was made on March 24, 2010 , on the eve of the change to summer time and determined that since the March 28 regions of Kamchatka, Chukotka, the province of Kemerovo, the Republic of Udmurtia and Samara province would shift to the neighboring zone, located west of them which would be 1 hour closer to the time zone of Moscow. This immediately reduced the time zones in force from 11 to 9.
In the future we may think of the union of other time zones, such as the Urals and Siberia so the number of time zones should be further reduced. The idea in any way because China is new step in 1949 of 5 time zones to one, that of Pekin, example was later followed by India.
above maps can appreciate the above reductions in the time zones in the country, highlighting the provinces that unified their time zones with neighboring regions.
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