Auguste Dupin, the first detective literature, was a master at undoing tangles. Came from an aristocratic family, even famous, who had lost most of his fortune. The only luxury he allowed himself was buying books in a bookstore dark Rue Montmartre, Paris. He lived an austere way, but never hesitate to spend whatever was provided to obtain the specimen, usually one-to satisfy their curiosity.
His affinity with the dark hours was evidence of his desire to light. Night loved above all things, to the point that clung to it until after sunrise, closing blinds and turning on a pair of strongly scented candles cabinet in his small study of number 33, rue Dunot, in the Faubourg Saint Germain. Perhaps this direction is the only data we have from his time on earth. And I know from deeds mate, who shared the room. He is the one who helps us to know the most valuable of this universal character: his indolent humor and foolproof.
More than in his story, reconstructed random bits and pieces, we could get into his mind, based on calculation and imagination. Has been attributed to an intelligence "sick", his passion for unraveling the mysteries delusional. It was a detective who crossed the border between reality and fiction and in doing so, renewed the history of the police investigation. The first U.S. detective agency was founded in Boston in 1846, five years after the publication of the first story of Dupin. It is known only from three cases, for which Edgar Allan Poe was recruited in his detective stories "The Murders in the Rue Morgue" (1841), "The Mystery of Marie Roget" (1842) and "The Purloined Letter "(1844). In the introduction to the first, Poe says:
Just as the big man takes pleasure in his physical skill and delight in those exercises that demand action of their muscles, the analyst finds his pleasure in this activity consisting spirit unravel.
A knot is the plot and tension, his argument. So Dupin's skill is beyond calculation. "Calculating is not the same be analyzed. The analyst's ability manifests itself in matters beyond the limits of mere rules. The man is always a truly imaginative analyst." Poe has fun with the idea of \u200b\u200bbeing a double Dupin: The creator and analyst.
His biography appears, like all the desire. What is the inner longing of Dupin? What sputtering between puffs of smoke from his pipe pearl? Do you care about mangled bodies Madame L'Espanaye and her daughter Camille, found in the room floor in the Rue Morgue? By the way, shows quite apathy to the cruelty of those facts. His passion turns to the interpretations that arise from them, especially those from the police and journalism. Rather than the events, his interest focuses on the various possible accounts that can weave with them, and failures and invisible traces that lie in these arguments.
Dupin has a spirit dark and sullen. It has no known friends or relatives, shuns the accolades and awards, although it has been knighted "Chevalier C. Auguste Dupin." It says sarcastically, especially against the prefect of police, inspired by the figure of Eugène-François Vidocq (1775-1857), who went from robber to the first director of the French Sûreté. In "The Purloined Letter", jokingly, it shows that the evidence was in sight of all. So the Minister D ("D" of "double", "D" of "Dupin"), "would have made the purloined letter in front of the noses of the world, in order to prevent part of that world see it. " Dupin
boasted, with a quiet laugh, that "before him, most men had a window through which you could see his heart." This phrase was taken by Alexander Dumas to describe Edgar Allan Poe himself, who allegedly had met in Paris in 1832. (This meeting secret only made explicit in 1929, Dumas's text which had been hitherto unpublished.)
Resources Auguste Dupin method was a great reader of Seneca, Novalis and Sir Thomas Browne. Of the three appointments to head removed their cases. He was also a fan of science. Not disdain phrenology, the nineteenth century discipline that linked personality traits with the shape of the skull. Through it, tried to overthrow the vulgar that he considered it incompatible with the ability to calculate and discrimination and the purely imaginative. According to Dupin, could coexist perfectly. "The processes of invention or creation are entirely similar to the processes of resolution. The first are "almost, but not all-the latter reversed."
Dupin's biography is thus a result of the description of his method. From it arise some clues. The first relates to the novel: " What's in what happened that does not look like anything happened before? ". Then follows another more philosophical premise, with the ending for" The Murders in the Rue Morgue ":" Denying explain what is and what is not is ". Finally there is the psychological appeal or, rather, cunning intuitive identification with the criminal to uncover their motivations. A funny paragraph describes this formula:
If you want to find out if someone is smart or stupid, good or bad, and know what your thoughts at the moment, as closely as possible the expression on my face close to hers, and then wait to see what thoughts or sentiments arise in my mind or my heart, coinciding with the expression on my face.
In the newspapers of the time, especially in the Pennsylvania Inquirer, comparing the method of Dupin with that of the most experienced criminal lawyers as well as that of an Indian hunting in the forest.
real Dupin Fiction first appeared in a magazine of which Poe was editor between 1841 and 1844, Burton's Gentleman's Magazine under the title insidious "Unpublished Passages in the Life of Vidocq, the French Minister of Police." It satirised the publication in 1928 of the Memoirs of Vidocq. In Graham's Magazine published the story "The Murders in the Rue Morgue" by Poe paid him $ 56.
are believed Dupin's name comes from the French mathematician Charles Dupin and play with the verb duping (cheat). Clear that Dupin's deceptions have real effects. "The Mystery of Marie Roget," although elapses in Paris, referring to the actual murder of a woman selling cigarettes in New York. Fiction only changes in emphasis. Mary Rogers, French style, becomes Marie Roget. The strangest thing about this story is that John Anderson, the owner of the cigar store where the victim had been employed real, left a will that was challenged in U.S. courts by one of their children. At a time when the process is said that the wealthy Poe had paid Anderson $ 5000 for writing "The Mystery of Marie Roget" to escape the charge of murdering his employee (compared with the derisory pay $ 56 for "crimes in the Rue Morgue ").
Like Rimbaud, lost on African soil, after the case of "The Purloined Letter" will never be seen again Auguste Dupin. After regaining his snuff forgotten on the desk of Minister D, disappeared through the streets of Paris, immersing himself in his beloved night, wrapped in spirals of smoke and delivered to their cherished "melancholy reverie."
a thinking machine
By Pablo De Santis
Dupin is a kind of thinking machine. So do not know much about his family. Not even know if you have a partner. It is the first true detective who suffers from emotional numbness, as if intellectual activity block other facets of his life, especially your heart.
I think that basically, the method is not to be Dupin preconceived ideas about things. Try to observe and collect all the data at hand, knowing that the core is a detail that can be hidden or on demand. Dupin is the example of Vidocq, who was the head of French police who in turn had been a thief. And the commissioner Vidocq knew how to solve cases because he could get in the minds of criminals. In the police
always more attracted to the female corpses, and dismembered bodies rather than integers. There are hierarchies in the crime. A Dupin what interests him is essentially what seems inexplicable and irrational.
By Juan Sasturain
What is remarkable about Auguste Dupin is that it is, above all, a reader. He ignores the facts. Clearly, more interested in reading, and more interested in reading the testimony that the testimony itself. Dupin always works with mediation. It is a text desculador.
Dupin cases are not criminals: they are almost philosophical. The three stories by those who know of its existence could be understood as a critical introduction to perception. Examples of custom misperceive reality.
In "The Murders in the Rue Morgue", relieve certain categories from smoking and prevent step back to find clues of what happened. The distance Dupin sets is precisely what causes chills. At no time symptoms appear it mercilessly. Not even morbid. It seems that there is a gulf between what happened and how it has given the apparent lack of sensitivity of the detective. Dupin
faces, especially against journalistic eye, rather than the discourse of the police, or official investigation. Rather makes a mockery of public opinion, showing the poverty of analysis. In "The Murders in the Rue Morgue 'joins the newspaper articles and one to one is demolishing their arguments. By Silvia Hopenhayn
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