Logo and image of the facade of the Academy of Ballet, founded in 1738, which was formed Volochkova in Leningrad
According tells discovered his passion for ballet 5-an-os after attending the ballet with her mother Щелкунчик (Shchelkúnchik, Nutcracker) at the Mariinsky Theatre (image this one.) "When we went leaving the theater I told my mom that it would be an outstanding dancer . " Some an-os later, at 8-years and an average income of the Vaganova Ballet Academy in his hometown.

" When you go to the ballet school turned out that I lacked skills: could not raise my legs too, could not deploy enough, jump and flexibility I needed but had a good figure and appearance, consistent with the ballet. Precisely, the then Artistic Director of the Academy, Константин Михайлович Сергеев (Konstantin Mixailovich Sergueev) allowed my entrance into the Academy "
" And teachers were not wrong because I started to work more than others and with my effort achieve what I am today. Rehearsing from 8:30 to 18:30 hrs and then at my house another 2 hours every day practicing with a teacher. And today, when I can lift my legs at 180 degrees, I hardly think that once could not even lift at right angles "

In 1996, in Kiev, Ukraine achieved success in the International Competition of ballet artists and choreographers Serge Lifar (in honor of Ukrainian dancer and dance teacher then the French Ballet de Paris, Sergei Lifarenko. Image below).

Join the Bolshoi

Along with his entry into the Bolshoi in 1998, Anastasia began to tour independently in parallel. In the autumn, or 1998 and at the invitation of Dudinskaya Natalia Giselle participates in the work in Tokyo with the compan-ia New National Ballet. In 2000, dancing as Aurora in the function premiere of Sleeping Beauty part of the compan-ia ballet Bordeaux of France, staged by Charles Jude.

His concert programs were recorded countless times by major Russian television stations and broadcast throughout Europe.
In the spring of 2000 took part in a ballet competition in Sankt Polten, Austria getting the Golden Lion award as Europe's most talented dancer. The same an-or is forced to leave the Bolshoi Theatre, the apparently due to conflicts with its director, Vladimir Vasilev.
In the spring of 2000 took part in a ballet competition in Sankt Polten, Austria getting the Golden Lion award as Europe's most talented dancer. The same an-or is forced to leave the Bolshoi Theatre, the apparently due to conflicts with its director, Vladimir Vasilev.

Then she was invited to participate in the ballet Sleeping Beauty the English National Ballet performing at the Royal Albert Hall (bottom) that becomes a success in London theatrical life. The renowned choreographer Derek Deane (pictured above) extends to the main character Volochkova, Fairy tawny owl. The Sunday Mail wrote: "Anastasia Volochkova is one of the most brilliant and splendid new Russian dancers. He has stage presence, style, flexibility and the ability to surrender "at the same time, the British tabloids began to speak with a profusion of his close friendship with a wealthy lover of ballet, the lawyer Anthony Kerman.
The interest in it creates a new tour in London in 2001. Along with the concert program with the theater Russki ballet under the direction of Vyacheslav Gordeev, presents Carmen Suite . The show, held once part of the repertoire of the Bolshoi Theater with Maya Plisetskaya (bottom), especially created for her, is assigned to staff approval to Volochkova Plisetskaya.
Return to the Bolshoi Theater
requirement in 2001 and the choreographer Yuri Grigorovich (image sup.) the direction of the Bolshoi Theatre, Volochkova is again invited on stage to take part in the ballet Swan Lake . The return of the Bolshoi dancer in the roles of Odette and Odile in March that an MRI-or causes unprecedented criticism in the press and giving it a huge reputation and assures the success in future projects in Russia . Along with this, the interest toward him out of the scope of the ballet and becomes universal.
On January 2, 2002 is presented with the St. Petersburg Philharmonic as part of Winter Festival Arts Square . The dancer holds a new issue, never before presented in Russia, Monotony, created by the choreographer Frederick Ashton English.
In April 2002 she received the prestigious international ballet prize "Benois de la danse " for his work in The Swan Lake at the Bolshoi Theatre in the roles of Odette and Odile.
In an October same-o, after a decree signed by President Putin, received the distinction of Emeritus Artist of Russia . Output
his contract expired after being at the Bolshoi Theatre (image sup.) In late 2003 began actively to put on a show as part of the ballet by Yuri Grigorovich in the role which has principal dancer.
begins in 2008 foundation of a set of artistic schools the first of which opened in the fall, or 2009 in Beslan, the Russian Caucasus. In March, the United Russia party , which was integrated in 2003, invited to take part in elections edilicias of the city of Sochi, southern Russia, however, a month later your registration is not practical for not meet certain legal requirements minors. Many describe your application as the search for mere publicity in their favor but the truth is that polls showed no favorable rates, reaching only 15%. The then ruling party would win with another candidate.
The reasons behind the expulsion of the Bolshoi Theatre
administration in 2003 Theatre refused to sign her new annual contract restricting it to three months, until December 31, 2003.
According to Ekaterina Novikova, media director of the Bolshoi, " Offering to Volochkova to sign a contract until December 31 I found in that from 1 January would lead the ballet Aleksei Ratmanski replacing current director, Boris Asimov and therefore competition from the new director would decide the fate of the dancers "
Parallel to the new contract had been set on 5 September for the presentation of Volochkova in The Swan Lake with Evgueni Ivanchenko (with Volochkova in photo sup.), however, affirm that Ivanchenko was not physically able to participate so it should cancel the show and was established as a new partner Anna and Vladimir Antonicheva Neporozhni. Volochkova
reacted angrily: "I say apparently my compan-ero dance is sick but last week no one could communicate with him. Not seen him since August 29 when we act together in Greece . " At the same time added that she was able to dance with any other artist of the theater.
dancer then realized that the issue was nothing more than an action from the Bolshoi Theater to find the exit from the staff: " When the direction of Theatre offers me a contract for 3 months and 1-an-o to all the other soloists of the ballet, no doubt is a contract which means I left the Bolshoi ... All these already lived inside the theater at the time I left the country, which threw me to the theater. So I gathered my things and went, but now the situation is different: I have my audience that comes to me and appreciated my show and I explain that I am in good condition and ready to dance for them and prepare me for this all summer ... can prevent them from acting but I'm not ready to leave Russia and leave the ballet. They have no ability to do so because I have an audience to which I owe. I'll keep dancing. And if I can not at this stage I can myself present my show and give charity concerts in concert halls but never leave Russia "
Finally, Volochkova take legal action and raises the controversy in the media about the legality of such decision. September is officially dismissed from the compan-ia.

On January 2, 2002 is presented with the St. Petersburg Philharmonic as part of Winter Festival Arts Square . The dancer holds a new issue, never before presented in Russia, Monotony, created by the choreographer Frederick Ashton English.
In April 2002 she received the prestigious international ballet prize "Benois de la danse " for his work in The Swan Lake at the Bolshoi Theatre in the roles of Odette and Odile.
In an October same-o, after a decree signed by President Putin, received the distinction of Emeritus Artist of Russia . Output

begins in 2008 foundation of a set of artistic schools the first of which opened in the fall, or 2009 in Beslan, the Russian Caucasus. In March, the United Russia party , which was integrated in 2003, invited to take part in elections edilicias of the city of Sochi, southern Russia, however, a month later your registration is not practical for not meet certain legal requirements minors. Many describe your application as the search for mere publicity in their favor but the truth is that polls showed no favorable rates, reaching only 15%. The then ruling party would win with another candidate.
The reasons behind the expulsion of the Bolshoi Theatre
administration in 2003 Theatre refused to sign her new annual contract restricting it to three months, until December 31, 2003.
According to Ekaterina Novikova, media director of the Bolshoi, " Offering to Volochkova to sign a contract until December 31 I found in that from 1 January would lead the ballet Aleksei Ratmanski replacing current director, Boris Asimov and therefore competition from the new director would decide the fate of the dancers "

reacted angrily: "I say apparently my compan-ero dance is sick but last week no one could communicate with him. Not seen him since August 29 when we act together in Greece . " At the same time added that she was able to dance with any other artist of the theater.
dancer then realized that the issue was nothing more than an action from the Bolshoi Theater to find the exit from the staff: " When the direction of Theatre offers me a contract for 3 months and 1-an-o to all the other soloists of the ballet, no doubt is a contract which means I left the Bolshoi ... All these already lived inside the theater at the time I left the country, which threw me to the theater. So I gathered my things and went, but now the situation is different: I have my audience that comes to me and appreciated my show and I explain that I am in good condition and ready to dance for them and prepare me for this all summer ... can prevent them from acting but I'm not ready to leave Russia and leave the ballet. They have no ability to do so because I have an audience to which I owe. I'll keep dancing. And if I can not at this stage I can myself present my show and give charity concerts in concert halls but never leave Russia "
Finally, Volochkova take legal action and raises the controversy in the media about the legality of such decision. September is officially dismissed from the compan-ia.
Formally, the reason for his dismissal was that not fulfilling the physical conditions required of it as allegedly were heavy and could not pick a dance partner. Stated that Евгений Иванченко (Yevgeny Ivanchenko. Volochkova with superior image), his only dance partner, had been injured and plus he also had his contract terminated.

Анатолий Иксанов (Anatoli Iksanov, top), Director General of the Bolshoi Theatre, said then: "The 's is the only of the main soloists are in such physical form ... I can not work with her in consideration of if low weight or not "adding:" She now can not dance with anyone. Talk for example Nikolai Tsiskaridze and asked if he could dance with Volochkova, said I could try Raymonda ballet but not another because I could not lift "

At that time, however, the regular dance partner Volochkova, Yevgeny Ivanchenko (top), claimed to be in completely healthy condition. He was in Tbilisi, Georgia and uninjured as he had said the Director of the Bolshoi. Then he told reporters: "I'm not the dancer highest and the strongest and I think any dancer can dance happily with her "
Despite conflicting versions from the theater director and dancer, the truth of the facts seemed to be related to a disgruntled fan and not matched by Anastasia as she tells it:
"... is A man injured in his pride as a man. With all their actions against me and against women in general is only showing his decline. It is an oligarch, and has plenty of money to get me out of the ballet world and make me suffer ... I reject his love and promised that if he would dance I would do it only in discotheques and even in Moscow "
justice in 2004 gives reason the ballerina and the Bolshoi is forced to reinstate. While monthly offer dance she has ever submitted a medical certificate to refuse, even refusing to dance the Lilac Fairy in Sleeping Beauty , Maya Plisetskaya dancing brilliantly. According Volochkova, has flatly refused to take roles in which dance without a partner and about the role in Sleeping Beauty said that despite being one of his favorite roles as a part of the compan-ia Mariinsky Theatre would only accept a role in the Bolshoi when allowed to do all basic repertoire because it believes that if he accepted roles without a partner would make the public believe that the director of the Bolshoi was right and that does not really have anyone to dance.

Despite conflicting versions from the theater director and dancer, the truth of the facts seemed to be related to a disgruntled fan and not matched by Anastasia as she tells it:
"... is A man injured in his pride as a man. With all their actions against me and against women in general is only showing his decline. It is an oligarch, and has plenty of money to get me out of the ballet world and make me suffer ... I reject his love and promised that if he would dance I would do it only in discotheques and even in Moscow "
justice in 2004 gives reason the ballerina and the Bolshoi is forced to reinstate. While monthly offer dance she has ever submitted a medical certificate to refuse, even refusing to dance the Lilac Fairy in Sleeping Beauty , Maya Plisetskaya dancing brilliantly. According Volochkova, has flatly refused to take roles in which dance without a partner and about the role in Sleeping Beauty said that despite being one of his favorite roles as a part of the compan-ia Mariinsky Theatre would only accept a role in the Bolshoi when allowed to do all basic repertoire because it believes that if he accepted roles without a partner would make the public believe that the director of the Bolshoi was right and that does not really have anyone to dance.
Volochkova, patron of elegance
Nastia is considered one of the most elegant women of Moscow and never misses a chance to show it every time in front of the camera flashes or, appearing perfectly made up and dressed in style .

"The dress I seek the best combination of color and elegance and also help promote all my qualities ... I like nice clothes classic style with soft tones adding hats, scarves, blankets and chaques. I do not like gaudy clothes stylist ... I have no one to advise me aesthetically, everything I own and in my work, in art and in life even if I have someone to make my clothes, loves dissension Светлана Ляпина (Svetlana Liapina). Full confidence in her decisions, but as I wear in my daily life I take my own ... In my closet I have almost all kinds of clothes but maybe I'm missing some Long riding boots because it really would not know that ... In terms of combining my favorite colors are white, black, red and green. The green and all its variety of tones I really love, color is a soft, quiet and would suit me very well indeed. As for makeup I prefer pastels, clear.
always avoid too bright colors on my clothes and my makeup, so I put aside the bright orange, bright yellow or bright green. In terms of clothes I never dress me with many things you have today, because I see a lot of bad taste, lack of proportion or just bad taste. If I had to mention something in concrete terms, never would carry miniskirt or stained or torn jeans. As for ethnic clothes I have a kind of tunic but they are not brightly colored but delicate. Also I have a beautiful sari I gift my husband for an An-o Nuevo.

I like expensive things and ornaments but do not assign a special meaning. We say, not worship them. For me they are dearest things I get from the person I love.
My daughter also wears beautiful Ariadne. Regardless of where it always looks elegant. I have led the inclination for elegant clothes from small-to and she likes. When he is dressed like as one approaches the mirror and says: "- That pretty this Arisha today" the most beautiful dress she has worn it's in my wedding Igor "
But despite all his rejection of bad taste, colors and too flashy clothes, Nastia has always been a striking figure on the stage, explaining as follows:
"I think in the scenario should have a character and not for talking about too flashy or too little flashy for a dancer should look striking enough to capture the attention of viewers and so nobody can look forward to it but that view must be present in every sense: a combination of talent, intelligence, individual qualities and artistic masters, all this combined with the pomp and elegance of your dress "

"I think in the scenario should have a character and not for talking about too flashy or too little flashy for a dancer should look striking enough to capture the attention of viewers and so nobody can look forward to it but that view must be present in every sense: a combination of talent, intelligence, individual qualities and artistic masters, all this combined with the pomp and elegance of your dress "
Igor Vdovin, his now ex-husband
Nastia met his now ex-husband, businessman Игорь Вдовин ( Igar Vdovin ) in 2004 when both flew by plane from Sochi to Moscow. At that time, Igor had a partner with whom I lived with 3 children.
After the start of a relationship on September 23, 2005 Nastia gives birth to their daughter, Ariane (picture below). The couple married in a lavish ceremony that some say cost about 1.5 million euros, July 7, 2007.
While married Anastasia speak publicly to perform religious marriages at some time in the autumn-o, 2008, stating that the dress had even chosen the same dress which had flown in a balloon with her husband for your wedding, but things took Otor course and both broke precisely-or mid-autumn (Northern Hemisphere) of 2008 and from October stopped living together. Igor had apparently tired of the pace of life of Anastasia and would have started an affair with his yoga instructor. The same I should have asked his wife for divorce. According
Nastia, the explicit purpose of their relationship came a day when her husband invited her to a restaurant for dinner. There I explain the reasons for the breakup. So Nastia told that he had rented an apartment to 2 weeks after which he added: "We must break not have a common destiny." According
Nastia, to hear those words "I started to tremble inside, like I was thrown into the fire. I began to mourn. I could not, would not believe what had recently heard from the lips of Igor, my beloved "Nastia says
today that has not stopped loving her husband and is very grateful for the 4 an-years of happiness they spent together. To this day preserved their gifts, their photographs and bouquet of flowers from the wedding.

Nastia met his now ex-husband, businessman Игорь Вдовин ( Igar Vdovin ) in 2004 when both flew by plane from Sochi to Moscow. At that time, Igor had a partner with whom I lived with 3 children.
After the start of a relationship on September 23, 2005 Nastia gives birth to their daughter, Ariane (picture below). The couple married in a lavish ceremony that some say cost about 1.5 million euros, July 7, 2007.

Nastia, the explicit purpose of their relationship came a day when her husband invited her to a restaurant for dinner. There I explain the reasons for the breakup. So Nastia told that he had rented an apartment to 2 weeks after which he added: "We must break not have a common destiny." According
Nastia, to hear those words "I started to tremble inside, like I was thrown into the fire. I began to mourn. I could not, would not believe what had recently heard from the lips of Igor, my beloved "Nastia says
today that has not stopped loving her husband and is very grateful for the 4 an-years of happiness they spent together. To this day preserved their gifts, their photographs and bouquet of flowers from the wedding.
Your wedding
Nastia looking for your ceremony outside like a fairy tale. The day of her wedding with her beloved dancer came home at noon. Nastia wore a pistachio-colored suit and a light capuchon while her groom wore a tuxedo with a butterfly suit the tone of the bride. The newlyweds were driven in a carriage drawn by two white horses in St. Petersburg, being brought before a lap of honor around the Plaza of the Arts (Площадь искусств, bottom) and then to the Plaza de Palacio (Дворцовая площадь). Anastasia brought with him a large gold ring white and bright that he had given Igor man-ana.

Nastia chose for her wedding 3 cities that have relation to important events in the life of the couple: St. Petersburg, where he was born and began Nastia his career as a dancer, Moscow, where he began both to live together and where their daughter was born and Sochi, the city where they met and where, according to the dancer, are the best bank
you steam the world , a passion of the dancer and the best recipe for healthy and beautiful.

Later and during the ceremony Igor would return to present him another ring, adorned with large bright-os sin.
After walking around town the couple got into a limousine Excalibur Phantom golden straw that was brought especially from Moscow.
The place of the wedding ceremony was Yekaterina Palace (pictured above) in the town of Tsarskoe Selo. The wedding guests were taken on a special train from St. Petersburg to Tsarkoe Selo, the same that led to the couple from Moscow to St. Petersburg during the previous night. Both the palace as the cars were decorated with flowers for the florist in St. Petersburg, Tatiana Smirnova.
The celebration continued the next day in Moscow, where the couple left on a train specially rented for all guests. And from Moscow the ceremony continued in Sochi. Before leaving for Sochi, July 17 Nastia presented a solo concert called Bride in the Mariinsky Theatre in St. Petersburg.
His daughter Ariadna
Volochkova gave birth to her daughter on Friday, September 23, 2005 in the family planning center and reproduction of the city of Moscow where income motherhood at 17 hours. She was seen by the gynecologist Mark Arkadevich Kurts (bottom), who has attended births many Russian celebrities. Ariadne was born at 19:55 hours weighing 2.840 kg and measuring 49 cm.
next day received a visit from his mother and her partner, businessman Igor Vdovin. Nastia
leave the clinic on Sunday, 25 to 17 hours and after just a few days began to attend rehearsals. On 22 January following departed to the city of Krasnodar and danced the lead role in ballet La Bayadere where he was soloist of the compan-ia under direction of Юрий Григорович (Yuri Grigorovich).
" generally considered that the children and a successful career are two incompatible things and the truth is that I had many fears that the birth of my daughter let me off the stage for a while, however, during my pregnancy, I even coached a little more to keep my form and give 3rd day after birth and was in the Bolshoi Theatre to rehearse for La Bayadere. You can always find time and energy for all. You can work, raise a child and be absolutely satisfied "
Her daughter is now assisted by 2 nin-eras, and Люда Люба (Liuba, Liuda).
Don Miguel, the love of Volochkova in Chile
Anastasia toured Chile, on his first visit to South America, between 28 June and 20 July. The tour was a total success. In all the shows were packed audiences and the audience was fascinated by the presentations and the beauty of the dancer.
However, the tour enabled him to know not only Chile but gave him the opportunity to re-awaken your heart.
After completing a presentation in the city of Santiago had the opportunity to accept the offer of a fan to dinner, which began a romance that the Russian press as the dancer friends thought for a time exchange Anastasia's life forever. Her boyfriend was shooting a man in the Russian press and the same Anastasia always called "Don Miguel " and who also regularly described as a person of a lot of money.
"Don Miguel is a wonderful person. He attended my concert in Santiago and believe me, when we met I did not know his condition. Present even without flowers. It seemed an admirer ordinary. I invite you to dinner but without insisting, with great delicacy. And I'm not going to invitations of this nature only asked him to accompany me to my director-lock and my compan-ero scene. Don Miguel talked well and invited me to his ranch, invitation to attend alone because I decided I did not feel any risk.
According Nastia, the racehorse Miguel would have cost a million dollars and the cost just to take it to Moscow would cost another 15 thousand dollars.
"My relationship with Igor has long had the character of a simple friendship. I tell him everything. Now break with my daughter and my mother in Portugal. Igor came for a few days and saw that Michael sent me flowers. I told Igor, "" What a pity that ours did not work. " There was a time when I longed to get back with my husband. Igor
always tells me the main thing is that I'm happy. Not if he feels jealous. I really needed the attention of a man. This trip I go with Michael. In Chile we saw all day. As will continue throughout next? Michael says he is ready to fly to Moscow for my first call. If I'm honest I must say I am waiting "
The relationship with the millionaire in Chile was the first that the artist made public after a long time that only Anastasia seemed dedicated to their work and her daughter, now 5 an-os, Ariadna. Friends Volochkova even claimed that she had finally found happiness for so long sought. And the truth is that at some point emerged loud and insistent rumors that Don Miguel would travel to Moscow to offer marriage but do not spend even a month and the dancer said that due to the age difference between them and the vast distance between the two countries The relationship had come to an end:
The so-called "artistic career Nastia Volochkova "began from his earliest childhood when I first was not accepted at the Vaganova Dance Institute. The verdict of the teachers was tough but fair: The girl had no talent for the profession: not his way, nor his jump or feet served him. The categorical "no" on the part of teachers could be explained by a set of subjective factors but the most interesting is that she did not leave to confirm his lack of talent: " Yes, I have to admit it completely. I saw that he could not lift my legs, I could not jump very high, which had absolutely no elevation and was not able to extend my legs. I had nothing! "
However, on his third attempt, "the poor nin-ita" achievement for mercy be accepted when he was 10 an-os. Surely, just then realized that the talent in the life of a dancer is not the principal, but it is its ability to be noticed. About
more than simple methods for a beautiful woman to achieve its objectives have been written hundreds of books and have made thousands of original jokes and here, too by the way, is the secret motto Volochkova life, which for a dancer main thing is to have legs agile, easy to open quickly. Nearly
an end, or before the institute had happened to him Volochkova main ballet master of the Mariinsky Theatre, Oleg Vinogradov. That an-or the great dancer of today, then a mediocre beginning I could not lift his legs, danced the parts of Odette and Odile Vinogradov offered him in the ballet Swan Lake and, oh, that miracle was accepted Volochkova as soloist in the compan-ia half an Mariinsky Theatre, or before he makes his examination of high school graduation!
Surely that would have been the fate of Nastia paying Russia to old age, from time to time, your attention "spiritual" a pseudo intellectual stage managers dressed in cheap suits had it not been for a providential event that happened to her 2000 in London. That
Volochkova an-or touring in the capital of the Empire British and surely fate had prepared the occasion when the dancer he met the Vice President of the compan-ia English National Ballet Theatre and co-owner of an exclusive circle of artistic productions and also owner-or a vast collection of silver, the Gilbert Collection , also the owner of the biggest racecourse in England and reputadisimo lawyer, whose services are used by Sting and royal families around the world: The British billionaire 54-an-os, Anthony Kerman (picture below)
As it Volochkova says: " Anthony is a well-known and wealthy. Anthony helps me organize my presentation in the most prestigious theaters in the world "
probably Kerman money is able to organize presentations Volochkova most prestigious theater in the Western world but even with all the gold in the world can buy talent and therefore can not pay for good classic paper, therefore, the only thing he could do for Volochkova was obtained for her roles quite specific.
which costs for example include the case of the ballet Sleeping Beauty where it was adopted specifically for the role of the evil Fairy tawny owl. The most fun of all is that before Anastasia Volochkova part of this mischievous historically had always made men.
Apparently his patron would have to be glad he was able to transform a pumpkin into a princess, but this Cinderella knows what he does and charm both Kerman which made him lose his head.

Once the guests were at the Palace the bride came to guests from the sky, sitting on a chair lifted by a balloon. Volochkova descended directly over the altar at 19 pm wearing a white dress (red dress under the superior image ) carrying tissues 7 000 Swarovski crystals. Igor
he declared his love to all: "I love you . You are wonderful and I promise that all our life be a fairy tale "
he declared his love to all: "I love you . You are wonderful and I promise that all our life be a fairy tale "

leave the clinic on Sunday, 25 to 17 hours and after just a few days began to attend rehearsals. On 22 January following departed to the city of Krasnodar and danced the lead role in ballet La Bayadere where he was soloist of the compan-ia under direction of Юрий Григорович (Yuri Grigorovich).
" generally considered that the children and a successful career are two incompatible things and the truth is that I had many fears that the birth of my daughter let me off the stage for a while, however, during my pregnancy, I even coached a little more to keep my form and give 3rd day after birth and was in the Bolshoi Theatre to rehearse for La Bayadere. You can always find time and energy for all. You can work, raise a child and be absolutely satisfied "

Don Miguel, the love of Volochkova in Chile

However, the tour enabled him to know not only Chile but gave him the opportunity to re-awaken your heart.

"Don Miguel is a wonderful person. He attended my concert in Santiago and believe me, when we met I did not know his condition. Present even without flowers. It seemed an admirer ordinary. I invite you to dinner but without insisting, with great delicacy. And I'm not going to invitations of this nature only asked him to accompany me to my director-lock and my compan-ero scene. Don Miguel talked well and invited me to his ranch, invitation to attend alone because I decided I did not feel any risk.
He has a huge property with a 200 horses stable career. I showed the first 100, leaving the rest for next time. We lit a campfire and drink a fine red wine. I found that Michael had the virtue of telepathy as foreign-os told me stories about me, for example, on my fateful apartment in St. Petersburg for which there was a trial. Miguel also guess on my bed hangs a large bird and the truth is that on my bed hangs a large and beautiful lamps. I could never imagine that one of the wealthiest people in Chile could be so romantic.
may sound immodest but some of his actions remind me of Igor (referring to her ex-husband). One day I took me a coward all, on his motorcycle. Later he took his plane, the sat at the controls and took me to my concert on their own! Before I met Igor had once had a relationship with a person of money that also had a plane, not one, but I had never flown in a particular plane driven by its owner-o. Be surprised. Also, when Michael realized how much I loved horses gave me a white horse "
may sound immodest but some of his actions remind me of Igor (referring to her ex-husband). One day I took me a coward all, on his motorcycle. Later he took his plane, the sat at the controls and took me to my concert on their own! Before I met Igor had once had a relationship with a person of money that also had a plane, not one, but I had never flown in a particular plane driven by its owner-o. Be surprised. Also, when Michael realized how much I loved horses gave me a white horse "

Once back in Europe stated:
"My relationship with Igor has long had the character of a simple friendship. I tell him everything. Now break with my daughter and my mother in Portugal. Igor came for a few days and saw that Michael sent me flowers. I told Igor, "" What a pity that ours did not work. " There was a time when I longed to get back with my husband. Igor
always tells me the main thing is that I'm happy. Not if he feels jealous. I really needed the attention of a man. This trip I go with Michael. In Chile we saw all day. As will continue throughout next? Michael says he is ready to fly to Moscow for my first call. If I'm honest I must say I am waiting "
The relationship with the millionaire in Chile was the first that the artist made public after a long time that only Anastasia seemed dedicated to their work and her daughter, now 5 an-os, Ariadna. Friends Volochkova even claimed that she had finally found happiness for so long sought. And the truth is that at some point emerged loud and insistent rumors that Don Miguel would travel to Moscow to offer marriage but do not spend even a month and the dancer said that due to the age difference between them and the vast distance between the two countries The relationship had come to an end:
" really between us there was a romantic relationship, but could not go beyond because of the large distance and age difference. And since neither I nor he was willing to go and live abroad decided to end our relationship but conserving our friendship. At this moment I have no partner and I feel completely comfortable "
Of those who write against Volochkova:
" Apparently the first dancer, subject to the yearnings of millions of little men manuals Russian singles, Anastasia Volochkova, reached the peak of his career, not the ballet because it is clear that as a dancer does not fascinate or the Egyptian Sphinx, but in the race to empty your pockets of rich people of our country and world stars of the show.
Of those who write against Volochkova:
" Apparently the first dancer, subject to the yearnings of millions of little men manuals Russian singles, Anastasia Volochkova, reached the peak of his career, not the ballet because it is clear that as a dancer does not fascinate or the Egyptian Sphinx, but in the race to empty your pockets of rich people of our country and world stars of the show.

However, on his third attempt, "the poor nin-ita" achievement for mercy be accepted when he was 10 an-os. Surely, just then realized that the talent in the life of a dancer is not the principal, but it is its ability to be noticed. About
more than simple methods for a beautiful woman to achieve its objectives have been written hundreds of books and have made thousands of original jokes and here, too by the way, is the secret motto Volochkova life, which for a dancer main thing is to have legs agile, easy to open quickly. Nearly
an end, or before the institute had happened to him Volochkova main ballet master of the Mariinsky Theatre, Oleg Vinogradov. That an-or the great dancer of today, then a mediocre beginning I could not lift his legs, danced the parts of Odette and Odile Vinogradov offered him in the ballet Swan Lake and, oh, that miracle was accepted Volochkova as soloist in the compan-ia half an Mariinsky Theatre, or before he makes his examination of high school graduation!
Surely that would have been the fate of Nastia paying Russia to old age, from time to time, your attention "spiritual" a pseudo intellectual stage managers dressed in cheap suits had it not been for a providential event that happened to her 2000 in London. That
Volochkova an-or touring in the capital of the Empire British and surely fate had prepared the occasion when the dancer he met the Vice President of the compan-ia English National Ballet Theatre and co-owner of an exclusive circle of artistic productions and also owner-or a vast collection of silver, the Gilbert Collection , also the owner of the biggest racecourse in England and reputadisimo lawyer, whose services are used by Sting and royal families around the world: The British billionaire 54-an-os, Anthony Kerman (picture below)

which costs for example include the case of the ballet Sleeping Beauty where it was adopted specifically for the role of the evil Fairy tawny owl. The most fun of all is that before Anastasia Volochkova part of this mischievous historically had always made men.
Apparently his patron would have to be glad he was able to transform a pumpkin into a princess, but this Cinderella knows what he does and charm both Kerman which made him lose his head.
Many Western media, including the Daily Express of London, Anastasia affirmed that the lover had left his wife and two children and had departed from his side many respected clients, however, the British moneybags is like a puppy after Volochkova and after each of their actions remains giving away huge bouquets.

The beautiful green eyes of course denies all such claims. She constantly referred to Anthony Kerman is just a lawyer who conducts its business and that they are linked only by a feverishly tender friendship and business relationships. It may be so but a person who sets aside a several million to his wife and children for a dancer or the second category is completely crazy or in love.
A Russian, an n-back Volochkova or later and returned with material support of one of the most influential people on the planet and money did a great job since then it just started to be born the great reputation for Nastia . From this moment Volochkova began to appear on TV, in newspapers, on billboards, even appeared on the Internet by posing nude dancer. However, the universal fame Anastasia played a trick on him.

A Russian, an n-back Volochkova or later and returned with material support of one of the most influential people on the planet and money did a great job since then it just started to be born the great reputation for Nastia . From this moment Volochkova began to appear on TV, in newspapers, on billboards, even appeared on the Internet by posing nude dancer. However, the universal fame Anastasia played a trick on him.
Today not only the most ardent lovers of ballet have clear professional skills of the dancer. In Russia there is probably no serious critic relates positively to job Volochkova scene. The most outstanding example happened in April 2002 at the ceremony of the international ballet prize "Benois de la Danse" in the Bolshoi Theatre. This award, a kind of Oscar's ballet, was created in 1992 by the ballet master Yuri Grigorovich. In the category of "Best Dancer" in 2002 the award was received Volochkova. To hear his name in the conference press at the Bolshoi Theater started the laughter, the stamping, shouts and whistles.
There is also a small professional or nuance: Volochkova is too heavy for the ballet. Murmur as a joke after the racks of the Bolshoi Theatre Nastia weight gain when added to their chest carry silicone measuring 1 to 3. Anyway, the result was that Volochkova's partner received an injury.
When nearly an-o and a half ago at the Bolshoi Theater's premiere was held Swan Lake with Nastia in the lead role his compan-ero dance absorbed in his performance suddenly wake up to the dancer and was torn away and in fact could not leave at the end of the show to bow and say goodbye to the public.
However, such trifles distract not Nastia. Once you earn the reputation of celebrity and star of countless tabloid Chronicles continues to use such methods as forms of advertising to itself. Having at his disposal infinite resources of its numerous and wealthy admirers in the press responsible dancing to write about her laudatory articles and information.
Attracting foreign financial resources is something that Anastasia can do to perfection. In this the help, even inadvertently, his fans: The more people Russia's wealthy. Was known for all her romance with Sergei Polonski, millionaire and president of Строймонтаж (Stroimontazh. The first pictures above), with the principal metallurgical, the oligarch Живило (Mixail Zhivilo, top), with the deputy of the Duma and owner of the compan-ia Nafta-Moskva oil, Сулейман Керимов (Suleiman Kerimov, bottom), with revenues of 2 billion dollars to an-o, and the millionaires Лейбман (Leybman, second down) and Евтушенко (Yevtushenko) .
In the world of bohemia called Anastasia Moscow in the last time Hoover Anastasia and it speaks more often. Thus, in an interview boldly declared that the patron in his life have been innumerable:
" Starting from 18 an-os, when my hotel sent bouquets of flowers and cards and then counts, princes ... Paris, London ... There propositions so tempting! And the more wealthy were my boyfriend were to propose more generous gifts: Castles, palaces, apartments, houses and villas "
addition, after the first encounter with the dancer all these people apparently fell into a kind of abnormal dependency toward her and meekly opened their wallets to never close again. For a long time nobody could explain the unusual tameness of respectable businessmen, however, we find an explanation, it sounds funny. Anastasia Volochkova continuously operated in this ruthless forces and business methods ... occult.
In the remote village discover a witch Zalugui 76-an-os, Efrosinia, who told us the real reasons for the success of Volochkova to wealthy males. It turns out that the dancer and several an-os is a frequent customer of the witch.
" Everybody knows me in the environment. Once in the winter, when evening fell I got home a big car. Is under a young woman dressed in a fur coat that looked very expensive, I go to my house, we served tea with herbs and listen to your request. Since that helped. Just recently I learned that she is a dancer and famous around the world. "
Shortly after quite unexpectedly and was invited to the Bolshoi Theater by its director, Vladimir Vasilev without being the first dancer of the Mariinsky.
Anastasia In many interviews then complained of the inhumane conditions they had to work at the Mariinsky and thanked Vladimir Viktorovich, director of the Bolshoi, for his kindness and compassion, " Without faded as I had a hothouse flower in the dark walls of the Mariinsky . " It is foreign or read and listen to all this because other dancers of the Mariinsky at this time dancing with success not only in St. Petersburg but also abroad, receiving international awards.
Anastasia, of course, they are-aba to make a career but the interesting thing about the situation St. Petersburg is that the dancer could only become a star solely on the ballet scene is not working because there is no field-a public relations or the show-business. St. Petersburg is not Moscow, which is concentrated all political and business elite of the country, where life flourishes of the stars and you can rub elbows with millionaires and where TV channels are capable of displaying the talents of a young and after a month and talks about you all over the country.

When nearly an-o and a half ago at the Bolshoi Theater's premiere was held Swan Lake with Nastia in the lead role his compan-ero dance absorbed in his performance suddenly wake up to the dancer and was torn away and in fact could not leave at the end of the show to bow and say goodbye to the public.

" Starting from 18 an-os, when my hotel sent bouquets of flowers and cards and then counts, princes ... Paris, London ... There propositions so tempting! And the more wealthy were my boyfriend were to propose more generous gifts: Castles, palaces, apartments, houses and villas "
addition, after the first encounter with the dancer all these people apparently fell into a kind of abnormal dependency toward her and meekly opened their wallets to never close again. For a long time nobody could explain the unusual tameness of respectable businessmen, however, we find an explanation, it sounds funny. Anastasia Volochkova continuously operated in this ruthless forces and business methods ... occult.
In the remote village discover a witch Zalugui 76-an-os, Efrosinia, who told us the real reasons for the success of Volochkova to wealthy males. It turns out that the dancer and several an-os is a frequent customer of the witch.
" Everybody knows me in the environment. Once in the winter, when evening fell I got home a big car. Is under a young woman dressed in a fur coat that looked very expensive, I go to my house, we served tea with herbs and listen to your request. Since that helped. Just recently I learned that she is a dancer and famous around the world. "
In relation to what you asked exactly she responded: "I asked a man bewitched. He showed me a picture, said he had a lot of money. He was a young man with glasses, and I bet I sent him a love spell ... With this kind of requests she came to me several times, I can not remember how many but each time he brought a picture of a different man. Everyone send a spell love. Nastia once came to me and told me that the spell had not helped then offered him a more powerful filter "
His life can be divided into two: day and night. Day, during which he works on his next victim wealthy and night, in which rests after working as though to say "lies" is a mere euphemism. The circle members are generally night-looking young women and non-traditional sexual orientation as just such a compan-ia
His life can be divided into two: day and night. Day, during which he works on his next victim wealthy and night, in which rests after working as though to say "lies" is a mere euphemism. The circle members are generally night-looking young women and non-traditional sexual orientation as just such a compan-ia
she can relax, forget about his work with millionaires, receiving pleasure and not worry about anything "
A more measured opinion
"The first Once the capital Volochkova saw on stage was in the winter of 1998 during the tour crossed the St. Petersburg Bolshoi and the Mariinsky in Moscow. But those who saw it did not pay special attention because the hearts of Muscovites fell in love with the dance of Uliana Lopatkina, Diana Vishneva and Svetlana Zaxarova. Also, Anastasia took no part in the main directory and only looked out for moments in the presentation. As a first impression she created two opposing reactions: On one side it looked like a beautiful ballerina, graceful, full of energy and tenacity, but cold and heavy.
A more measured opinion
"The first Once the capital Volochkova saw on stage was in the winter of 1998 during the tour crossed the St. Petersburg Bolshoi and the Mariinsky in Moscow. But those who saw it did not pay special attention because the hearts of Muscovites fell in love with the dance of Uliana Lopatkina, Diana Vishneva and Svetlana Zaxarova. Also, Anastasia took no part in the main directory and only looked out for moments in the presentation. As a first impression she created two opposing reactions: On one side it looked like a beautiful ballerina, graceful, full of energy and tenacity, but cold and heavy.

Anastasia, of course, they are-aba to make a career but the interesting thing about the situation St. Petersburg is that the dancer could only become a star solely on the ballet scene is not working because there is no field-a public relations or the show-business. St. Petersburg is not Moscow, which is concentrated all political and business elite of the country, where life flourishes of the stars and you can rub elbows with millionaires and where TV channels are capable of displaying the talents of a young and after a month and talks about you all over the country.
And Nastia active income to the world of television and mass media. No publication of glossy paper not to publish on its front page a picture of the beautiful green-eyed dancer. However, Anastasia not forget the Bolshoi Theatre. His teacher there is Ekaterina Maksimova. Volochkova dance Swan Lake in version Vasilev, Giselle and Russian Hamlet The Boris Eifman, plus several times an-or present their own shows. There is nothing wrong with that, only that the presentations are made without weighing too much, a little to fast, no choreography and original concepts behind though ticket prices are astronomical.
Nastia has become a star and his fans are not fans of ballet classics but men can not just buy the expensive entrance tickets to their roles but the entire theater, including chairs and staff.
published All this feverish activity of the young artist did not like the direction of the Bolshoi or the compan-ia. She departs from her teacher Maksimova and success does not bring his participation in the Russian Hamlet of Eifman. Nastia takes part in the premiere but they all speak of another dancer, Maria Alexandrovna, even part of the supporting cast. And again Nastia Theatre complains, but not of the Bolshoi and Mariinsky but its address to which, now in the hands of Aleksei Fadeevich since 2000, does not seem well insolence and caprices of Volochkova or that is not in his best physical form which makes it difficult to find a partner.
Thus, from one day to another, Theatre does not renew his contract and leave the Bolshoi Volochkova, seemingly forever.
can not say that it is altered in a special way for this break in London waiting for a passionate fan who captivated by the talents of Nastia has abandoned his family. This influential English lawyer and Vice Chairman of English National Ballet is the millionaire Anthony Kerman who is willing to do anything for Nastia.
And thanks to their efforts Volochkova dances in London where she was reworked specifically for the role of carabids Fairy Sleeping Beauty but the truth is that its international success also come to an end because Kerman is only a millionaire and not God.
But are rows of famous entrepreneurs who try to bring the best Nastia compan-ies to ballet in the world without any success so that there is more to attack back to the Bolshoi and Volochkova Kerman helps to return with honor. Many think that it was this man who achieved a new invitation from Anastasia the main theater of Russia to take part in the renewed ballet Swan Lake of Kerman Grigorovich because although it is not God if he is a millionaire. Nastia
dance Swan Lake technically but coldly, stripping the ballet of his poetry and lyricism. If the ball Volochkova in this work is not surprised if furor caused by his appearance Physics: I had a chocolate-colored bed was a little more curvy and where a dancer was to have far less she was a little more. His current weight is variable, ranging from 50 to 55 kg and measures 1.71 mt
After the show there was a sin, or scandal. Volochkova danced in the premiere along with Andrei Uvarov and tradition to greet the public at the end of the show the couple must appear together but does not love the tradition Nastia so while waiting Uvarov the racks after she decided to go on stage alone, without her compan -ero dance. Uvarov was enraged and ran to the makeup room and only after Yuri Grigorovich Uvarov intervened in the situation appeared before the public but never promised again would dance with Volochkova, a promise that still stands today.
Dancing with Anastasia really is complex and not just for things like these, but for a dancer because she is too tall and heavy. The ballet is a very specific art. If the dancer is a head taller than his compan-ero dance is hilarious. And as a dancer will lift again and again to a dancer who is not light and then going out to dance a solo? There is a risk of fracture, to tear and end your career before. So all the latest shows Volochkova danced only with a single dancer, Yevgeny Ivanchenko ... until it is torn away.

Thus, from one day to another, Theatre does not renew his contract and leave the Bolshoi Volochkova, seemingly forever.

dance Swan Lake technically but coldly, stripping the ballet of his poetry and lyricism. If the ball Volochkova in this work is not surprised if furor caused by his appearance Physics: I had a chocolate-colored bed was a little more curvy and where a dancer was to have far less she was a little more. His current weight is variable, ranging from 50 to 55 kg and measures 1.71 mt

His posters to the dancer also actively expressed ballet enthusiasts. So when Volochkova was awarded the grand prize of ballet, Benois de la danse, the room erupted in indignation screaming: It's a shame, not everything is for sale! It's hard to say that Anastasia felt that reaction but did not decrease nor his ambition or to his person interviews on television and the press.
However, this conflict can only blame the dancer is unfair, because the truth is that the direction of the Bolshoi long tolerate the vagaries of Volochkova allowing you to be on the compan-ia and dictate their conditions to participate or not in the repertoire. At his first demand took the show to a dancer who came announcing even a month earlier. Then, as he had no compan-ero in Don Quixote, brought especially for Nastia, not to little money and just one night a Danish dancer Kenneth Greve (picture below)
Maya Plisetskaya, surprisingly, gave a dance Volochkova Carmen Suite but before that he had not granted this privilege to absolutely anyone. Nastia was presented to the public with a cheap dress and dance a dance heavily-Moldovan Roma across the plot, music and choreography.
the theater at some point you to please leave this show and not just because there was no one able to lift Anastasia. If would have wanted him found a compan-ero. The issue, however, was another. The Bolshoi was preparing for serious presentations in Paris and London, and if the function failed to compan-ia again would close the doors of the main theaters in Europe for long an-os. It needed a large repertoire classic and extraordinary talents from the dancers. Nastia covers couche paper magazines here were no good to anyone. What was exceptional quality served at the dance and decided to break with the Bolshoi ballerina capricious "
Meet the experts:
" Nastia has a unique technique, beautiful arms, a good back. His jump is not very powerful but it compensates with excellent coordination ... "
Leonid Nadirov, director of the Vaganova Ballet Academy:
" is a talented girl. I think people that the rodeo ended up re-educate, to change his personality "
Gediminas Taranda, artistic director of the Imperial Russian Ballet:
" The stars of the major theaters of the country always have powerful fans. In the '80s when I come to Bolshoi fans were senior officials Party. Over time the situation changes and people were not allowed to influence Bolshoi so strongly in the repertoire and in the choice of roles in the shows. Now the direction of the theater by itself restores the tradition of the guards. You look at what happens. The Bolshoi does not advertise its stars. To get fame, name and full houses artists need to find patrons and sponsors. Today these people are senior government officials and leading businessmen. Without a patron a Bolshoi artist not survive. It is a shame that guards are so scarce. If they were over, the Bolshoi would be even bigger than it is today "

the theater at some point you to please leave this show and not just because there was no one able to lift Anastasia. If would have wanted him found a compan-ero. The issue, however, was another. The Bolshoi was preparing for serious presentations in Paris and London, and if the function failed to compan-ia again would close the doors of the main theaters in Europe for long an-os. It needed a large repertoire classic and extraordinary talents from the dancers. Nastia covers couche paper magazines here were no good to anyone. What was exceptional quality served at the dance and decided to break with the Bolshoi ballerina capricious "
Meet the experts:
" Nastia has a unique technique, beautiful arms, a good back. His jump is not very powerful but it compensates with excellent coordination ... "
Leonid Nadirov, director of the Vaganova Ballet Academy:
" is a talented girl. I think people that the rodeo ended up re-educate, to change his personality "

" The stars of the major theaters of the country always have powerful fans. In the '80s when I come to Bolshoi fans were senior officials Party. Over time the situation changes and people were not allowed to influence Bolshoi so strongly in the repertoire and in the choice of roles in the shows. Now the direction of the theater by itself restores the tradition of the guards. You look at what happens. The Bolshoi does not advertise its stars. To get fame, name and full houses artists need to find patrons and sponsors. Today these people are senior government officials and leading businessmen. Without a patron a Bolshoi artist not survive. It is a shame that guards are so scarce. If they were over, the Bolshoi would be even bigger than it is today "
advertisement of your next presentation, on 12 December at 18:00 pm in the Government Palace in Kremlin
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