The ceremony is such an intrinsic part of Russian traditions that a proverb says "bread and salt or refuses Czar" while another says "Forgot my bread and salt" in the sen-reproach.
The ritual considered a large round loaf (Каравай, karavay in Russian) besides the rushník (рушник), bread, or which puts the karavay, and finally the salt. Salt is used without a lid and not very big, which is filled with salt and placed on the karavay that for this purpose has a special deepening top. As you can see from the photos of the item the receipt is made by a woman who wears a traditional Russian long, usually sleeveless, called SARAF (сарафан) plus a traditional ornament on its head called kakóshnik (кокошник).
Other uses
If today is welcomed at the table with the expression Приятного аппетита! (Priyátnava apietita!, Good appetite!) Antan-o was called Хлеб да соль! (Bread and salt!) Sentence also implies the rejection of impure and evil forces. The same phrase was saying a guest on arrival if the hosts were already testing the food.
Until now says Russian hospitality Хлебосольство (Xlebosólstvo), derived from Xleb (bread) and Sol (salt).

was the custom in Russia also put bread and salt in a new home and those who departed were given away for the journey symbolically as bread and salt kind of blessing.

Slavic pagan Slavs worshiped many gods and they all kind of sacrificial offerings of salt regarded as sacred. What is unique is that salt was always attached to the pan when I wanted to express friendship and prosperity. Both also were considered simultaneously a source of wealth and life.
The rite of bread and salt weddings

According to tradition, religious marriage after the first duty of the newlyweds (framed right in the illustration above) was from the house of the groom's parents where they received bread and salt (left engraving above) and also welcomed their new neighbors at times in which tradition dictates so. Today, when the newlyweds find their own home, the tradition of welcoming the newlyweds with bread and salt in groom's house and lost effect the ritual of bread and salt is carried out directly in a restaurant or a salon before the start of the wedding feast.
In the traditional rite newlyweds arrive at the house of the groom's parents, who come to the meeting. Usually the groom's mother holds in her hands the rushnik which is placed on the karavay while her husband holds a religious icon. Also happens in reverse at times, the mother holds the icon and the father karavay. The parents bless the newlyweds with the icon and receive at home with bread and salt, ie offer bitten off a piece of karavay and smear with salt. Are forbidden to use their hands. According
tradition, who takes a bigger chunk will be the boss at home. After the karavay is bitten by the bride and groom's mother can not give it to prove to anyone else. He has to wrap and store and after the wedding will take you to church and hand it over as a donation, thus the home of the new family will be harmony.
In a more contemporary version of the rite the bride and groom can break into 2 halves karavay and offer it to guests. Whoever finishes first will be the breadwinner of the family.
In the above example, both mothers-hold the ritual, one carrying the bread on the rushnik and the other carries a large salt shaker while the groom's father accompanied only-a. Costumes are far from the traditional and the ceremony takes place in a restaurant.
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