"Appeared chief cabin and told us conduct a emergency landing "Baklanov
Irina Passenger" started to fall as empty and then started down in the middle of the taiga *. Only trees were seen, on any side an airport "passenger Aleksandr
Degtyariov * Extensive coniferous forests of northern Russia
After crossing the last layer of clouds began to look for drivers without instrumental aid and radio communications for a suitable place land and near the small town of Izhma or saw one track, 180 km south of the city of Usinsk.

The Republic of Komi, Russian province which was conducted on the emergency landing. The town is located in the western sector of Russia at no great distance from the Arctic Ocean.

The track with the drivers that were found was a military track built in Soviet times and since 2003 has not received a plane. At present only operated sporadically as a platform for helicopters. In addition, when planes had operated had done only with small aircraft you like and Antonov 2 Antonov 24 (both seen below and on). There had never operated a passenger aircraft as the Tu-154 that was preparing to land.

"At 7 in the man-ana our airport called me and informed me that the center of the district for a long time a plane circled at low altitude" Head of the administration of the region Izhemski, Piotr Dityatev

The plane finally landed at a speed of 350-380 km / hr so \u200b\u200bpartly destroyed some wheels of his landing gear. Quickly cross the entire extension of the runway and continued another 160 meters Displacement on muddy ground and among the trees of a forest of conifers and scattered young that did not offer much resistance to the advancement of passenger aircraft.
"It was terrible. I looked like the wings the plane cut off the tops of the trees like a lawn mower. He began to panic and someone started yelling that we were going to burn. Just the plane stopped people drive out the door to go outside. I remember a woman shot in the door so your dog thinking that would save him from death. Then, the crew swearing we urge you to calm down and after a minute all calmed down. For one of the doors people started to leave a ladder. Soon rescue teams arrived and took us to the nearest town, Izhma "Passenger Andrey Kondratev
Top final position of the plane and in the foreground, a mid-rise cut pine. Below you can see a diagram of the landing and track, which possessed nearly half of the extension needed for a Tupolev-154 can stop
The plane stopped at 7:50 pm local first-aid vehicles that arrived did not have attend because there was not no victims or injured. All declined availing either a current or trampoline ladder for emergency evacuation. At that time in the forest the temperature was 0 ° C. Everything was resolved in just 22 minutes after the electrical failure.
The action not only came to fruition through the work of the pilots but also counted with the help of good time on site, the absence of low clouds and everything happened under the light of day. Also helped the ground conditions on the trail, swampy ground and populated with young trees and therefore also flexible and widely dispersed.
After landing the plane was sealed and settled staff for safekeeping. Some passengers were so quiet that even dedicated to mushroom hunting in the forest.
Due to the lack of a hotel in the town for so many people, added about 80 passengers and crew were taken to the house of the local culture, which also works as a sports complex y les podia otorgar suficiente espacio y techo. Alli se les ofrecio comida y estaba presente un staff de medicos y psicologos.
“Los especialistas inmediatamente se dieron cuenta de quien necesitaba asistencia. A mi se me acerco un neuropatologo y un psicologo. Me hicieron un electrocardiograma y me dieron un calmante. Ahora me siento mejor” Pasajera Liudmila Golubyx
Se sirvio cafe, te y jugos ademas de sandwiches y dulces y los mas hambrientos partieron en autobus a un cafe.
“Pudimos cargar los telefonos moviles y los hombres compraron mucho coñac para bajar el stress asi que cuando nos llevaron al aeropuerto ya muchos estaban bastante mas alegres”, prosigue Ludmila Golubyx.
When it came time to carry 72 passengers Uxta Airport, the closest to the emergency landing site, 4 people refused to take a plane again. Thus, a pregnant woman and a family with small child or chose to leave for Moscow by train. The rest were conducted in a helicopter МИ-8 (Mi-8, top) to Uxta, where he flew a plane reservation, another Tu-154 in the same compan-ia, who arrived at the local airport at 17 hrs 55 minutes later took off to Moscow.
Arriving passengers to Moscow publicly expressed his gratitude to the extraordinary action of the pilots.
The causes of accident
the same day of the accident created a commission in the province of Komi to investigate the incident and the day after the prosecution began an investigation of transport of the incident.
One of the avenues of investigation would try to determine which parts were using the aircraft as it is an open secret in Russia, the existence of an illegal market for aircraft spare parts that are used to save costs, given the critical situation economic of regional aviation in the country.
According to the Ministry of Russian transport no more than 2% of the population used the plane to travel within the country occupying the lion's share of international air flights. In comparative terms, in the countries of the European Union and United States domestic flights are 93% of all flights made its citizens.
Shortly after the incident, Vladimir Ruchkin, head of the Moscow aviation company Alrrosa air involved in the incident, stated that "The plane passed the technical review at the factory. Everything was done according to regulations. The plane had no comment "According to preliminary information
stopped working simultaneously 3 of the 4 generators that produce electric power which led to the arrest of navigation systems, radio communication system and also address the mechanisms on board. According


The production manager of the aviation company Alrrosa AK, Viacheslav Dzhamgarov, claimed that the plane had dents in the wings product of trees but the rest of the plane was in good condition and even the engines were still running. Then it was stated it was expected to take off from the runway of the aerodrome in early October if they could perform the work corrrespondientes to extend the runway and that otherwise would be transported by land after being removed.
22 The day the report was a bit more realistic. It was reported that to make it fly again were to be replaced damaged the plane's engines, which had fallen on tree branches and stones, and also had to remove all unnecessary equipment in order to reduce to the maximum weight of the plane so he could take off a track so short. However, this possibility sounds so improbable that, if possible would carry on the plane again to occupy a unique place in history of Russian aviation.
The Tupolev 154
Along with the Tu-134, Tu-154 (Image of the cabin below) constituted for several decades, the main Soviet passenger airplane. His appearance also allowed modernization of Soviet aviation and take it to international standard.
Today, however, his future is pretty bleak. In 2009 the compan-ia Aeroflot decided to take operations to their Tu-154 M, making this model the last flight Dec. 31 by flying between Ekaterinburg and Moscow. In addition, while others thought of making 5 more in 2011 to its low fuel economy will probably end in 2010 with its production and exploitation of permanently.
The 154 first flew in 1968 and began to be operated commercially in 1972 crowded since the early '80s when he began to travel to every continent and even to Antarctica (between Moscow and the Antarctic station Mirny).
Throughout its commercial exploitation he made several upgrades were the most important of which occurred in 1982 and did receive the Tu-154 M that improved economic performance of the plane and whose first flight took place in 1984. This model (the protagonist of the incident of this article) weighs 53 tons and can carry flight loads of up to 104 tons with a maximum payload of 18 tonnes and a height of not more than 11,400 meters. His flight range is 4 000 km
were manufactured 962 Tu-154 of which 166 have been sold abroad, all the countries of former Soviet orbit or under the influence as Cuba, Poland, China, Mongolia , Bulgaria and Iran.
Its cruising speed is 850-900 km / hr and a maximum speed of 935 km / hr. It can carry between 164 to 180 passengers. The Tupolev has 3 engines, 2 on the sides and one on the fuselage.
Its closest analogue in Western terms is the Boeing-727 that flew for the first time in 1963 and was sold until the mid-90s to be replaced by the Boeing-737 (both appear in the following with image in succession).
can appreciate the 3 engines in the rear of the Boeing-727 and prepared the same way that the Tu-154. The wing structure and its position are also equivalent, is a design-or seek to make the plane more stable at low speeds so that we can land on runways shorter and thus make it more profitable domestic market.
string of accidents
The incident on September 7 in the middle of the Russian taiga was not the first but the 6th of this an-or involving a Tupolev 154.
1. The first occurred on 24 January. The Tupolev (pictured above), carrying 157 passengers and 13 crew members, se partio en varios trozos al aterrizar en el aeropuerto irani de Meshxed. Si bien nadie murio hubo 46 heridos. El avion de una aerolinea irani era pilotado por un ruso.
2 . Luego, el 10 de abril se estrello un Tupolev 154 que volaba desde Varsovia hasta la ciudad rusa de Smolensk y transportaba al entonces Presidente de Polonia, Lex Kachinski y a diferentes altos miembros del gobierno polaco. El avion se estrello (imagen superior) a poca distancia de la pista del aeropuerto que estaba cubierto con niebla provocando la muerte de todos sus ocupantes, 96 personas que se dirigian a una ceremonia en la ciudad rusa Katyn.
3 . El 17 de agosto en el aeropuerto Tolmachevo de Novosibirsk realizo an emergency landing of a Tupolev-ia compan Заполярье (Zapaliarie) flying from Guelenzhik to Novosibirsk. The plane smashed the wheels of its landing gear and landed after throwing fuel without any of its 140 passengers and 8 crew members were injured.
4. Then, on 24 August in the capital of the Kuban region in southern Russia had to change your route a Tupolev flying between Krasnodar and Novyi Urengoi carrying 171 people on board as at 11 thousand feet began to fill with Smoke the cockpit. The crew decided to make an emergency landing, which is particularly successful after disposing of part of the fuel.
5. Finally on 31 August to land a flying Tupolev Meshxed in Iran between Tehran and the cover broke its landing gear, a fire started but fortunately the more than 100 passengers were evacuated successfully.
Although the only previous incident which caused fatalities was the number 2 in that the plane also crashed when the pilot forced to land in wholly inadequate conditions (dense fog) by the highest authorities on board seeking to save time and did not want to use the alternate airport can not fail to consider that about 70% of air transport in Russia is done with aircraft were manufactured in '60 and an '70-os por lo que no cumplen con los estandares actuales, ademas cuentan con equipamiento tecnico obsoleto y las tripulaciones presentan deficiencias en su calificacion lo que aumenta la responsabilidad humana en estos accidentes. En 2007 se produjeron en suelo ruso 127 incidentes relacionados con fallas en la formacion de las tripulaciones y en 2008 esa cifra subio nada menos que a dos mil nueve casos. Si en 2007 se produjeron 5 catastrofes aereas causando la muerte de 26 personas en 2008 la cifra subio a 14 accidentes provocando 139 victimas fatales.
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