The region has many lakes and rivers including the Lena (shown above) with its 4,400 km is the 10th longest river on Earth. In addition, this ocupada por los bosques de la taiga en casi un 80% con amplio predominio del alerce. La especie de alerce que alli habita, Larix gmelinii , y que pueden observar a continuacion es el arbol que crece mas cerca del Polo en el mundo.
In Yakutia (shield on top) there is a rule in relation to school attendance of her students: When the scale of the thermometer drops to -45 ° C suspended the activities of primary school when it drops below 48 º C classes are suspended between 1 and 8 º and -50 º C when it reaches the school simply close their doors.
While the lowest temperature on Earth was recorded on Antarctica, the Russian station Восток (Vastók, which reached -89.2 ° C day July 21, 1983) this place is 3,488 meters high at that temperature, to make it comparable with other measurements on our planet, should be sea level. By making the transformation leadership Vostok yields to two sites located precisely in Yakutia as colder land: Verxoyansk and Oymyakon .
Верхоянск (Vierxayánsk) is located at latitude 67.5 ° and 140 meters high and despite having a population of just 1,200 inhabitants is one of the more populated small towns of Russia as having the city \u200b\u200bcategory, a condition acquired in 1817, however, having been founded in 1775 although earlier, in 1638, there was a settlement 90 km from the present location was later moved to the current Verxoyansk.
Оймякон (Aimiakón, bottom), separated by 600 km Verxoyansk is the name not only of a particular village, but an entire valley comprising several villages. The village itself is located at latitude 63.3 º to 741 meters above sea level and has a population of 521 people. It is located 350 km south of the Arctic Circle.
Oymyakon In etymological terms eyumu derived from that language of the Evens, native population of the region, means water in Russian thaw and old, bitter cold.
The map shows the left side the Lena River, the main river of the region, and more to the right the Yana River, whose margins are Verxoyansk. Farther south along the river is Indiguirka Oymyakon. All three rivers flow into the Arctic.
The Pole of Cold
Since the nineteenth century is seen as the cold Polo to the city of Verxoyansk (Escudo below), located 6o0 km northwest of the town and in the course Oymyakon upper Yana River, near the confluence of the rivers and Sartang Dulgala where has its origin.
The first meteorological observations began on site in November 1868 and were made until February 1870 by the IA Xudyakov ethnographer who in December 1869 observed a temperature of -63.2 ° C which gave walk the Swiss-born Professor Heinrich Von Wild, one of the founders of the Russian meteorology, to name Verxoyansk as cold Polo. However, the lowest temperature so far recorded in Verxoyansk was recorded by a revolutionary deported and comes from the region of Poltava, Serguey Filippovich Kovalik. This measured the day January 15, 1885 -67.8 ° C . The measurement was performed adjusted all the time standards for meteorological stations established by the botanist and member of the Imperial Academy of Sciences in St. Petersburg, Aleksandr Andreevich Bunge.
However, since the mid-twentieth century appeared another village that began to dispute that title to Verxoyansk: Oymyakon, located somewhat further south in the upper reaches of the river Indiguirka (picture below freezing river in sunny and cold winter the locality.)
The appearance of this city in the dispute is attributed to the geologist Sergei Vladimirovich Obruchev (picture below) who to investigate Indiguirka valley and head to the mountains of Cherskiy heeded a foreign or noise that accompanied the aba all times during your trip. " was as if I threw grenades or as if the wind shook the trees dry snow." Finally realized it was the whisper of your breath in as it was freezing and that is a characteristic noise when the temperature drops below -50 º C. The Yakut call it " the murmur of the stars ."
Looking at the resort, Obruchev concluded that the geographical conditions were such that the temperature could drop even more than in the town, located further north of Verxoyansk. Together with specialist surveying Salishev KA accompanied him aba Oymyakon analyzed basin and observed that was completely surrounded by mounted-as that prevented that from the inside out cold air and also blocked the influx of more humid air from the ocean which adds to air dry. Moreover, in comparison with the region of Verxoyansk, Oymyakon basin is at greater height above sea level all of which conspired to produce extreme cold temperatures here and in fact the expedition was able to measure -71.2 º but that be aware of the accuracy and quality of instruments they used.
The photos below show the meteorological station of Tomtor with a reminder of the measurement of 1926 and is constituted by a silhouette of the geologist Óbruchev an explanatory note of the measurements made by the indicating thermometer and a scale -72 ° C. The caption reads: "Oymyakon, the Pole of Cold" with old Soviet symbolism.
It was in the vicinity of the village of Tomtor (photo below), then called Krest-Tomtor and located 30 km southeast of Oymyakon, where the actual in 1926 the measurement of -71.2 ° C. We have the names of Oymyakon because there are various landforms in the region bearing this name as the valley or plateau Oymyakon Oymyakon.
Three an-os after the mentioned Obruchev expedition, in 1929, he founded the station meteorological (visible in the photos above) in which it was measured the day February 6, 1933 the lowest official temperature recorded in the locality: -67.7 º C, one tenth lower than the value recorded in Verxoyansk in 1885.
The station is now part of the airport Oymyakon (top), built in 1942, basically for the supply of warplanes flying from the U.S. to the USSR. While the airport is 40 km from Oymyakon and only 2 km from Tomtor (bottom), the latter name is not used when speaking of minimum temperatures, becoming only reference to Oymyakon.
The arguments of the dispute
The conviction Verxoyansk citizens in relation to reside in the Frio genuine Pole lies in the official measurements and the report delivered by the head of the Hydrometeorological Service of Russia, Aleksandr Vedritski, who sent a letter in November 2005 to Vice President of the Republic of Saxa (Yakutia), Alexander Akimov, " data of temperature measurements confirm that the coldest place on the Northern Hemisphere is Verxoyansk, the district in which the absolute minimum temperature is of -67.8 ° C. There has been a lower temperature in the Northern Hemisphere so the Pole of the cold of that hemisphere is in the city of Verxoyansk "
However, in term of official reports Oymyakon could also bring to the table their own, as that received by the Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Employment of the Republic of Saxa dated August 11, 2004 to register a letter of August 10 sent by the Chief State Geophysical Observatory:
" In relation to your application to inform you that on average, in the station Oymyakon the absolute annual minimum is less than 3.5 º C. Verxoyansk Hence, as the cold pole of the Republic of Saxa should be recognized Oymyakon "
local merchants offering related products geologist with the measurement of Obruchev and that would give the title Oymyakon cold Polo
The dispute has become, of course, a touristic value for both locations. In Tomtor Polo is an obelisk called the cold where it immortalized in metal Obruchev measurement by addition of a memorial measurement. The town also celebrates the festival "Cold Pole" in taking part Ded Moroz (Russian Santa Claus) in the town of Veliki Ustyug, Santa Claus in Lapland and the local equivalent, Чысхаана (Chisjaana), the ruler of the cold and can be seen below:
addition, we began to promote the tourism image of Tomtor Polo route offered the cold in dozens of international tourism fairs held in cities such as Moscow, Berlin, London, Yokohama, Tokyo or Beijing. The local authorities, moreover, began to give each visitor to the village a certificate recalls that in 1926 the SV Obruchev expedition came to the conclusion that the Pole is very cold there.
Verxoyansk The inhabitants, meanwhile, are accustomed to regard themselves as the cold pole. The Ethnographic Museum of the City Museum is officially called "Pole of Cold" (logo below) also in the city is a monument with the same name.
While the traditional approach considers Verxoyansk as Oymyakon colder than the magnitudes are not comparable because they represent different periods (Verxoyansk their official measurements began in 1869 and Oymyakon in 1930). In addition, the late nineteenth century was a colder period and the decade of the '30 manifesto significant warming. From there, if we transform the measured thermal value Tomtor (Oymyakon) the temperature regime of the late nineteenth century, the measurement should be equivalent to about -69.8 ° C, which should lead to Oymyakon to be considered the Pole of the cold.
Regimen Oymyakon heat in during the an-o. You can see that in a normal regime of temperatures between December and February, temperatures range from -40 º C and -50 º C. Additionally, while highs in the town during the summer can exceed 30 º C it is normal that oscillate between June and August between 10 º C and 15 º C
Another method considers the comparison of the minimum temperatures at both locations. Considering the period 1943-2004 the average minimum temperature in winter is warmer Verxoyansk in 39 of 43 possible cases being the average temperature difference between the two sites of 2.3 º C. Moreover, considering the surroundings of the location, height, latitude, landform, all criteria lead to one conclusion: the cold Pole corresponds to Oymyakon .
a traveler's account
"The first thing that surprised me when the plane landed it was a herd-or foreign-os animals: the snow up to their bellies, furry, plump and standing in front of the runway watching with indifference the aircraft thundering overhead Parti ... then by bus to the village of Tomtor.
I must admit that during the first hours was disappointed, buses and trucks running, dress as any other city. The elderly wore coats and boots and colorful shirts youth. Even the sun seemed to me power, shining as it does in the spring, hitting the snow and making you hurt your eyes. Almost everyone wore dark glasses and in southern cities.
The people of Tomtor they looked happy, full of energy, it seemed that might have survived the last winter was especially difficult: Every December and January the cold was maintained between 68 and 70 below zero.
crosses When the cold air at least 60 turns sound as if it became brittle. And nothing prevents you freeze your face in a few seconds. Newcomers try to cover her face with a thick scarf Wool, however, is more shrewd and cold seeps through the edges of scarf.
Guidelines hot water, freshly boiled Oymyakon ambient temperature around -40 º C. Watch how quickly crystallizes
Fortunately I found no such cold. While I was there for the man-anas

Estando situada tan cerca del Polo Norte y con una configuración geografica que permite la existencia de valles aislados de la influencia del mar que permiten atrapar aire artico o siberiano la region alberga un clima continental extremo, con temperaturas que pueden superar los 30ºC en verano y acercarse a los 70ºC bajo cero en invierno lo que la transforma en la region mas fria del Hemisferio Norte y la region con mayor diferencia de temperatura anual en nuestro planeta.

The Pole of Cold

However, since the mid-twentieth century appeared another village that began to dispute that title to Verxoyansk: Oymyakon, located somewhat further south in the upper reaches of the river Indiguirka (picture below freezing river in sunny and cold winter the locality.)

The conviction Verxoyansk citizens in relation to reside in the Frio genuine Pole lies in the official measurements and the report delivered by the head of the Hydrometeorological Service of Russia, Aleksandr Vedritski, who sent a letter in November 2005 to Vice President of the Republic of Saxa (Yakutia), Alexander Akimov, " data of temperature measurements confirm that the coldest place on the Northern Hemisphere is Verxoyansk, the district in which the absolute minimum temperature is of -67.8 ° C. There has been a lower temperature in the Northern Hemisphere so the Pole of the cold of that hemisphere is in the city of Verxoyansk "
However, in term of official reports Oymyakon could also bring to the table their own, as that received by the Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Employment of the Republic of Saxa dated August 11, 2004 to register a letter of August 10 sent by the Chief State Geophysical Observatory:
" In relation to your application to inform you that on average, in the station Oymyakon the absolute annual minimum is less than 3.5 º C. Verxoyansk Hence, as the cold pole of the Republic of Saxa should be recognized Oymyakon "

The dispute has become, of course, a touristic value for both locations. In Tomtor Polo is an obelisk called the cold where it immortalized in metal Obruchev measurement by addition of a memorial measurement. The town also celebrates the festival "Cold Pole" in taking part Ded Moroz (Russian Santa Claus) in the town of Veliki Ustyug, Santa Claus in Lapland and the local equivalent, Чысхаана (Chisjaana), the ruler of the cold and can be seen below:

Another method considers the comparison of the minimum temperatures at both locations. Considering the period 1943-2004 the average minimum temperature in winter is warmer Verxoyansk in 39 of 43 possible cases being the average temperature difference between the two sites of 2.3 º C. Moreover, considering the surroundings of the location, height, latitude, landform, all criteria lead to one conclusion: the cold Pole corresponds to Oymyakon .

The people of Tomtor they looked happy, full of energy, it seemed that might have survived the last winter was especially difficult: Every December and January the cold was maintained between 68 and 70 below zero.

Fortunately I found no such cold. While I was there for the man-anas
stood at -40. I always get up early to watch the sunrise. The snow into a metallic noise under your feet ... people, however, was only in shirt and no hat.
Base of obelisk memorial in the town of Tomtor. Look at the registration with -71.2 º C
when they pay attention to my breath I realized that my lungs worked quietly, reveling Oymyakon air. There the air is so clear that there seems not at all.
After taking the fish from the waters that flow under the frozen river, facing the room temperature quickly freezes the fish
restore Tomtor The food also was typical for any Instead, imported pork, fish, smetana (sour cream milk) and milk. Valiendome rights of the guests ate 3 times daily dishes with local products: reindeer, pony and fish. Although not a gourmand I can say I never try something more delicious than the local horse meat. When it is hot practically melts in your mouth and in calories than any other meat.
the same day to visit the home of the elderly. I found in a passage with Timofei Sivtsev going home carrying 2 buckets in their hands. It was an old man hunched over and was rumored to time had passed the 100-an-os. Despite being more than one hundredth the care of his flock, or, carried water to his house and went to the store for bread. " Just remember who was my mother and father rather than wearing a number
rque po at that time when a father disowned her son authorities assigned a number." Timofei dressed as any premises, without fur clothes but only with pants, jacket and a simple shirt, all cotton. His house was built in the traditional style of Yakutia, made of wood, according to the old material allowed to stay healthy. The wood was bare, unadorned and out and to keep warm was covered with plaster.
Chisjan The elder told me that soon would be done by the party of herders. Would come the centenary Andrei Danilov, a Eveno from Ichugueya. " is a wonderful old man, a prankster. The an-or past complained of what they were today, spoiled youth. He said he had taken the reindeer graze while the boy who accompanied ana, Yegor, it had abandoned they had become ill. Yegor had married in autumn or a girl Oxotsk City, where he had gone to the wedding following the tradition: Led by reindeer "
Oymyakon The old village was located 40 km from Tomtor. On the way to go visit a breeder of horses, furry animals that give Jayakar, similar in taste and aroma to margarine in the city of Vologda. The larch kept in containers.
An old writer, told me that Oyamyakon is the epicenter of cool because when there Tomtor

when they pay attention to my breath I realized that my lungs worked quietly, reveling Oymyakon air. There the air is so clear that there seems not at all.

restore Tomtor The food also was typical for any Instead, imported pork, fish, smetana (sour cream milk) and milk. Valiendome rights of the guests ate 3 times daily dishes with local products: reindeer, pony and fish. Although not a gourmand I can say I never try something more delicious than the local horse meat. When it is hot practically melts in your mouth and in calories than any other meat.
the same day to visit the home of the elderly. I found in a passage with Timofei Sivtsev going home carrying 2 buckets in their hands. It was an old man hunched over and was rumored to time had passed the 100-an-os. Despite being more than one hundredth the care of his flock, or, carried water to his house and went to the store for bread. " Just remember who was my mother and father rather than wearing a number

Chisjan The elder told me that soon would be done by the party of herders. Would come the centenary Andrei Danilov, a Eveno from Ichugueya. " is a wonderful old man, a prankster. The an-or past complained of what they were today, spoiled youth. He said he had taken the reindeer graze while the boy who accompanied ana, Yegor, it had abandoned they had become ill. Yegor had married in autumn or a girl Oxotsk City, where he had gone to the wedding following the tradition: Led by reindeer "

An old writer, told me that Oyamyakon is the epicenter of cool because when there
-60 º C in the former Oymyakon the temperature is from -64 º C ... "
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