than 1,240 feet long beginning its descent the sled team carrying Russian Evgueni Matiushkov Pashkov and Andrey. Almost simultaneously and despite the sin-at the traffic lights that forbid it, the judge allowed the departure of another sled that came out of a lower sector of the track being Irina Skvortsova in the back and experienced in the conduct Nadezhda Philine.

* reversible and induced state in which bodily activity, including the brain, leading to a minimum. Applies in case of severe trauma
On Saturday, December 5 made the first test to get Irina induced coma, his body responding positively what allowed the procedure, which takes several days, on Monday, 7.
On December 8, 2009 the head coach of Russia's bobsleigh team, Vladimir Liubovitski, stated that "Irina was taken out of induced coma, opened his eyes, I react to movement and clenched hands, but is unable to speak, it lacks the strength to "
Then the doctors had come to the conclusion that it would have to amputate the leg but was expected arrival at the clinic in Traunstein another German specialist, a surgeon, orthopedic surgeon, to decide in the medical council further course of treatment of athlete. This council would determine the final decision in relation to the amputation of the leg. Only question was the extent of amputation.

Then it was necessary but impossible for his general condition also be performed an operation on his left leg that had 2 displaced fractures.
On Tuesday 15 the situation had stabilized.
Transfer to Munich

On Friday 18 at 17 hr was held in Munich local cleaning your open wound to remove necrotic tissue. It was expected early next week a transplant of tissue and plastic surgery of blood vessels. While
next day was agreed that the first tissue transplant operation on his right leg to Saturday 26 this operation was not performed because it had not been able to stop inflammatory processes in the tissues of the leg so it continued with the application of antibacterial preparations.
On Monday 28 for the first time since her accident was taken from his induced coma and began to tell her about his accident but soon returned to be taken to the same state. This day also was necessary to perform an emergency operation because in the right leg he broke a blood clot.
29 is expected Tuesday to take the decision to repair the vessels and muscles of the right leg and once again consider amputation. The main task was then locate the inflammatory processes in soft tissues. That day is done 2 muscle tissue transplant in his right leg after which the doctors were working to see how they reacted the new tissue.
January 2010, out of the coma
In early January he performed several operations on his leg for transplanting skin.
On Tuesday, 5 it was reported that doctors hoped that his right leg would not recover but would remain in permanent paralysis condition. Then available to out of the coma so she decides whether to retain or unused leg amputated and replaced with a prosthesis.
On Thursday, 7 doctors said they were finally able to overcome sepsis * and Saturday 9 waiting for a new intervention in the leg right to continue transplanting tissues.
* Infection in the blood that can lead quickly to death
On Saturday January 23 was performed in Munich a new tissue transplant, an operation which took 14 hours. German surgeons made every effort to finally close the biggest wound in his right leg. The next day, doctors described his condition as satisfactory and stated that there was no rejection by the body of Irina transplanted tissue. Also stated that periodically drew induced coma but would keep most of the time in this situation by pain after interventions that she would suffer. They also said they hoped to remove it permanently from the coma within of the following five weeks
On Tuesday January 26 he made a new tissue transplant that took 16 hours. Then Nina Grafenstein, coordinator of selected Russian, said he had finally managed to save the leg but that this would never recover its functionality by 100 percent, "Your leg is completely paralyzed, nerve endings do not work. Expected in the next 2 weeks, a rash of cosmetic surgery operations "
On Friday 26 February, she underwent a new skin transplant in his right leg, inserting into 2 sectors are skin-detached. If within 2 weeks everything evolved from the coma it would be removed permanently. Here begins a new era in the treatment Irina with doctors because traffickers have begun to seek a rehabilitation center in Germany.
On Tuesday, March 2 report to be discharged within 2-3 weeks.

April 21, a month after leaving the comma:

. Much better than a month ago, when I first started my rehabilitation.
What are you doing with the German doctors?
I correct: What am I doing with them? Go to the gym, drawing my hands and my back, left leg, I practice on the exercise bike, I do stretching. Give me foot massages to recover sensitivity, so that my back muscles to remember how they should move.
How is the leg that suffered in the accident, your right leg?
A progress In that note. When I massage the feet and push me harder I'm sorry, that means I'm recovering sensitivity. I hope you finally get everything back to normal.
predicted by the doctors?
Nothing, just look at me and are surprised.

No doubt everyone is impressed. When I first sat on a bike all the staff of the clinic ran to look. The doctor opened his eyes impressed.
you thought about your future? Only
I think one thing, on my feet again. And I have also a dream-o. I want everything to heal as quickly as possible and also want to start training.

If bobsleigh.
want to return to competitive sport?
I hope so. I do not hold any fear.

The same can not remember the accident. Maybe I lost consciousness or memory erase me. Just remember when we were on the sled. We had to start after our compatriots, we sat in the dressing, talked a little, we were waiting our turn. Then came a guy and we announced the departure. We ran to the sled as he finished adjusting my costume. As we were then shifting can not remember.

And then you remember?
Then it was January 13 and woke up.
words, completely forgot one and a half of your life?
course. When I opened my eyes I saw my mother and she said: "Congratulations. Happy New old An-o "* I could not believe what he was saying but I showed the mobile phone to date. For me it was amazing! For 2 days I was trying to understand as I had the accident but it was so shocking as to have forgotten 50 days of my life. At first I said nothing of the leg but everything else will accept it as normal. Although it was hard to not feel the bottom of my body, I began to worry. No legs, but I felt hurt, pain was horrible. For Germans it is surprising that I try to walk. They let me leg without thinking that he would return to work.
* according to An-o New or old style Orthodox religious tradition that is celebrated on January 14

Russian woman! So tell me them every day.
-as does not sound at night with the bobsleigh?
Never once are "ecause I am competing. All my dreams, you are one: I'm walking, I run, I can walk without a wheelchair.
When you can move without support?
We do not know. My right leg below the knee is not working. For me and walk alone down the hall is a great joy.
But if it is possible to return to bobsleigh is perhaps not extraordinary to think that you can be in the Olympics in Sochi? *
in Sochi? Of course I want to be there! Participate in the Olympics is a dream or childhood. If I return to sport that could not be?
* 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia
The truth is that for Sochi prepared yourself for some time ...
If we had an experimental group that was being prepared. All the girls with whom I trained continue preparing for this purpose. I was the only one that I went out the plan but there is still time to return.

* Swelling of tissue in an infected area with pus
Last month in Germany

Between late June and early July, changes were observed in the color of his heel which began to redden. When discussing the situation with Dr. Machens Munich and after some fluoroscopy showed that there were problems with blood circulation took the decision to undertake immediately a new intervention, which lasted for 5 hours. He was given complete rest and was expected to return within 2 weeks to a rehabilitation center.

On Monday September 13 and after 10 months of treatment in Germany and more than 40 operations Irina return to Moscow on a special flight with his mother. Was considered in Moscow remain in treatment in the medico-biological Center Burnazian and that all expenses are borne by the federal budget. Before leaving
"I'm very anxious to get home. Now I realize how much foreign-aba back to my country. Before trying not to think in this ... I feel much better, my leg and heal and not bleed. These days doctors flew from Moscow Russia to speak with Dr. Machens who performed 10 operations allowing me to save not only my life but also my leg. At this point I can lean on that leg sustained in a special binder and also on crutches. Suen, or walk without them.
fly to Moscow with Russian doctors. I entered the plane will be a special path for patients. My only regret is that I lose duty-free "
Following the arrival in Moscow

Irina Irina
back in good spirits, eager to return to see family and friends, also speak Russian and try again permanently Russian cuisine, especially pielmieni *, which led her friends the hospital in Moscow. *
Masitas stuffed with minced meat and cook in boiling water and salt. One of the most typical and popular dishes of Russian food .

stated that "My wounds were very serious, also had an abscess and necrosis that appeared late and delayed my recovery amid an" or what I have to start from scratch again, so do not think it's possible back before the 2014 Olympics the powers ... If I had a second chance in the bob does not think twice but I think I really have to forget the sport. Not acquired to be ready for the Olympics in 2014 and then we would not want to continue competing. I have a long rehabilitation ahead. I will look for other ways to do in life "as stated by Ludmila
Shvetsov, first deputy Mayor of the city of Moscow, on 1 October last, Irina continue his rehabilitation at the newly opened Center for medical recovery and rehabilitation of the North West of Moscow. Two days later asserted that the city government would give a free house.
at fault
At first the press claimed that the Germans sought to avoid blame the judges of the competition by pretending to blame the Russians themselves had apparently ignored a red light and had voluntarily entered track, however, for the Russians from the outset the immediate cause of the accident was a mistake because they knew that arbitral experienced as an athlete Nadia Philine, who was in charge of the vehicle, would never have taken the decision to leave the sled with Irina while the red light.
The formal investigation of the incident ended on 11 January and came to the conclusion that the perpetrators of the accidents were the judges of the International Bobsleigh Federation (FIBT) which allowed the output of the sled and Irina Skvortsova Philine Nadezhda when the red light lit prevented such action.
According to Andreas Muller, representing the prosecution of the city of Traunstein, at fault in Konigssee Irina, Bavaria was a member of the International Bobsleigh Federation which kicked off in the presence of red light.
On Monday October 11, 2010 the court in the German town of Laufen accident plead guilty to the judge of the International Bobsleigh Federation, Peter Heller and also pleaded to be responsible to the German Federation and the International Bobsleigh Federation.
In the hearing, asserted that the departure Helle sled carrying Skvortsova was announced by the speaker of the stadium, adding that the items with red light are of regular occurrence in the bobsleigh racing. Helle
not recognize his guilt and is preparing his appeal. According to his lawyer Hans Jorg Schwarzer: "The responsibility for what happened must rest not on my client but in the direction of the track, because they organized the competition"
Peter Helle was fined 3,600 euros, despite the lightness of the punishment's lawyer Irina, Konstantin Ginzburg, was pleased that the verdict will allow them to develop a civil action to seek monetary compensation for the given material and moral, or caused to her client.
legal and medical costs
While Irina was in a coma was assigned by court via a tutor. In addition to his mother that he acquired the position of official spokesperson of the Russian national bobsleigh, Nina Grafenstein. When Irina and regained consciousness after he was checked by 2 German psychologists who found that he was at the height of consciousness and decided he would not do Grafenstein a guardian of the Russian sportsman. Then Grafenstein appraised value the cost of their services in 23 thousand euros. After, the lawyer who was assigned to Irina, the German Anna Winter, to be separated from their services Irina's mother in late August, he presented a bill for 46,000 euros.
Winter added that the cost of medical care of athletes in Germany reached several hundred thousand euros and that the Moscow authorities have undertaken to address these costs but until now has been paid one euro was
According Grafenstein in consideration of the above with Winter she decided as a measure of pressure to take money from the charity's bank account is opened in Germany for Irina Skvortsova and was opened in the name of the lawyer.
Following this action the day Thursday, 2 September, his mother and Irina decided to write a letter to German Chancellor Angela Merkel:
"I turn to you for help forced by the circumstances in which I with my daughter Irina we are. German doctors have done everything possible to avoid having to amputate a leg to my daughter and for this I am deeply grateful. On the initiative of the Federation of German bobsleigh is opened a bank account for donations but the money is met, which came to 20 thousand euros, was withdrawn without my consent by attorney Anna Winter day we ended the contract with her. All attempts that the money will be returned were in vain ... The cynicism regarding this situation can lead to people in Germany and Russia to doubt the sense of giving people who are in a complex situation. Once again we express our appreciation and we hope that with your help we can achieve justice "
Viktorovna Galina, Irina's mother states that he wrote this letter," In desperation I did not know who to ask for help? Our new lawyer Georg Piranga us said it would not interfere in the actions of Winter by professional ethics to a colleague, so I decided to write to the Chancellor.
She (referring to Anna Winter) did not explain its action. And the fact that the money was removed and the account closed, we knew only through our new lawyer. Initially He promised to act against the action of our former lawyer but soon changed his mind and told us we could not do because the professional ethics not allow him to act against another lawyer. In addition, Winter added that the attorney had promised him money back in late August but we are in September and nothing happens. She took the money to look like a kind of progress for their work but have absolutely no right to do so or not our consent "Irina
also expressed his opinion:

we take a look at the list of "work done" and includes many actions "extremely necessary" for me, for example, Winter and Grafenstein trip for 3 days at a resort in St. Moritz, Switzerland to meet President of the Russian Federation bobsleigh. Why were not with him in Moscow if they were there several times? I do not understand.
Grafenstein was not licensed as a translator but taso services at 500 euros a day. Only for the time of your stay in Switzerland his fees reached EUR 1500. Who had to translate? The service list of attorneys who showed me Winter began on 23 November and considered every day some work, however, the agreement with her and the tutor Grafenstein was signed in December! And besides all these months, the lawyer did not even realize the most basic actions: send the accounts and processing operations to Moscow "
Grafenstein they returned some money?
"If, after the news published by your newspaper and TV remanded 5 000 euros it took us to save and for some reason deposit in your account. Now she is asking for money from the government of Moscow for his work as a representative of mine. Here, for example, There are a few lines of his letter to Luzhkov (recently ousted mayor of the city of Moscow): "I beg you in consideration of Article 16 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation to decide the matter of my fee determined by the contractual relationship with organs of Guardianship and Conservatorship. " In my opinion it is a monstrous impudence. Nina Grafenstein voluntarily offered to be my mentor. Nobody asked him to do this. She appeared as my German tutor while I was in a coma. Moscow that the taxpayers should pay for those trips to Moscow and Switzerland, which she calls "work"? In addition, because you pay for this "feat" 3 000 euros and Winter, by the way, 11,900 euros. When mom also agreed that Nina was my mentor never spoke of some fees. It was she who then began to talk about bills because my mom and my brother had lived in the basement of his home for 3 weeks, to spend the night in one of their old sofas and other equally impressive "favors"
And where they got this lawyer?
"The first day when we flew to Germany, Grafenstein acting as representative of the Russian Federation bosbleigh approached us at the airport and told us it would be the guardian of Irina and Anna our lawyer. I answered that we had no money to pay a lawyer and she said that "We must urgently begin a process to raise money for the treatment of your daughter. The federation Bobsleigh and contract to get money as compensation for the collision of the sleds on the track. And who cares about you, he said. There will be a trial and all the attorney fees will cover the losing party "Then Nina value your volunteer tutoring in 25 thousand euros, his work with the press at 9 000 euros in addition to add your travel by plane to Moscow and everything else .
According to the press officer of the Russian Federation Bobsleigh, Ludmila Kozlov:
"The Federation did not have any relationship with this attorney. However, when the conflict arose be warned Irina's mother that if the term of contract the attorney would ask for immediate payment of their fees, without awaiting the outcome of litigation. Irina pity but this person did a specific job and should receive this pay. The subject of the statement submitted by Nina Grafenstein, if it really was so, of course it is very bad from a moral standpoint "
The bobsleigh

The bobsleig is a winter Olympic sport and was born in Scotland. There in 1888 the English tourist Wilson Smith joined 2 sleds with a table and I use to go from Saint Moritz to a locality situated at a height of less, Cellerino. In St. Moritz, precisely, we organized the first club in the world of bobsleigh and developed the first regulations of the sport. Then the truck crew consisted of 5 people, 3 men and 2 women. In the future, this distribution was changing, sometimes adding up to 8 people.

The speed of descent of a bob reaches up to 150 km / hr.

Each country can not file for Olympic competition more than 3 teams.
the podium places are defined according to the accumulated time of 4 falls and the departure of the teams are defined by drawing lots.
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