was created for the Soviet Pavilion of the Paris World Exhibition of 1937 after being selected in a competition to build the pavilion, said in July 1936. According to its creator, architect Борис Иофан (Boris Iofan): "I quickly came the idea of \u200b\u200ba sculpture of a boy and a girl who personified in themselves the owner-Soviet years of the earth: the working class and peasantry collective farms. They raise high the emblem of the Land of the Soviets, the hammer and sickle " For the realization of sculpture was held another contest which was won by sculptor В.И. Мухина (Vera Ignatevna Muxina).
* nichrome stainless steel was an achievement of modern metallurgy and is equivalent to gold in its resistance
used in their manufacture stainless steel sheets of Soviet ½ thick and 1 mm. To build the heads of the couple is left with sculptural clay molds natural size as produced by the sculptors Muxina and Ivanova and then was made a plaster cast. The statue as a whole to reach a height of 23.5 meters sickle while the height of the worker reached 17.25 meters to the top of the head. All work was done in just 3 ½ months, involving up to 180 people under strenuous working hours to 15 hours daily.
The USSR was assigned a place in Paris along the Seine in 160 by 21 meters. There, the Soviets set up their pavilion, a building 150 meters long and at its front, 34 feet high, installed the sculpture of Worker and Peasant. By an irony of fate all got up in front of the Pavilion of Nazi Germany, so that the symbols of Soviet ideology and looked straight in the direction opposite of the symbols of Nazi ideology, the eagle and swastika.
The sculpture was originally dissension or work as a removable and intended to use in a unique public exhibition, fair Paris, after which it would be destroyed by their disarmament and return transportation back to USSR was done with great carelessness leading in practice as scrap on the train which provoked large-os are on site and requires that between January and August 1939 had to be rebuilt because of its popularity was given a new destination: Being raised on a pedestal in front of the north entrance of the fair ВСХВ (now ВВЦ) in Moscow. Vera Ignatevna again had to redo half of the details of the sculpture back in Russia and rearmament was not too detailed so as not had much time so that the joints were not very well assembled some pieces being separated even 20 cm, areas that were covered with pieces of tin. Finally it was mounted on a steel frame of no more Alura 10 meter.

However, the action of the authorities in Moscow had made no agreement with the federal agencies that had violated the law "On preservation and use of monuments of history and culture" that allowed him to cancel the contract.
The beginning of the restoration

2011 is expected to equip the new complex environment with a set of buildings that include an exhibition hall, a hotel, a dramatic new theater for Moscow and underground parking for 1,500 cars.

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