"In the Olympic Congress to be held in Varna I, as an IOC member from Liechtenstein I asked my friend, General Стойчев (Stoichev), who represented Bulgaria in the IOC to introduce Сергей Павлов (Sergei Pavlov) in an era when the Soviets were not allowed to speak with Russian emigres. However, when I mentioned this to the Soviet sports minister (Pavlov) started laughing and said, "- are nonsense. Anyway, I have no fear to talk to you Tell me, what is your idea? " and started to elaborate, explaining that he did not forget my country and wanted to help by telling you I had some friends among the IOC members and even some relatives and I would help, no doubt, that Moscow was chosen to host the Olympics.
Aleksandrovich The Baron Eduard von Falz-Fein at a meeting with President Putin in Russia in 2001 during a meeting with Russian emigres
remember how later they were giving things in Vienna where elections were held. I knew that the actions carried out by my friends and relatives were to bear fruit and that supporters of the Games in Moscow were to beat the Los Angeles. I told Pavlov but nevertheless was so extremely nervous. I said, "Do not worry. Man-ana will receive this with what sounds today-as "He did not believe me too and I wonder:" And how many votes we get? "I answered and I'm wrong just 3! * *
The final vote was 39 votes for and 20 against
The next day, Pavlov organized a banquet. I sat, of course, very close to that because although it was an emigrant's place of honor and the Minister was looking at me occasionally with gratitude. Much later, of course, I visited my country when they let me into it and then received a medal for services to the Homeland "
Moscow after winning the right to host the Olympic Games in 1980 in the 1974 IOC session in Vienna, an an-or later Leonid Brezhnev (left) wrote a note to his successor Константин Черненко ( Konstantin Chernenko , image inf.) revealing that the idea of \u200b\u200bPavlov in no way was consensus within the Soviet authorities high and deep misgivings aroused by suggesting to some that the crisis that the Soviet system collapse a decade later was more matures, " Somehow I think the impression is that it seemed to us to organize the Olympics on USSR, but this activity will cost us a colossal sum of money. It's probably worthwhile to reconsider this matter and refuse the realization of the Olympics. I know this will cause a lot of gossip but in the first plan and questions are ahead for the cost of this activity. Some comrades pointed out that it is possible to reject paying a sum of money not very large as a fine. In addition to huge costs could arise various kinds of scandals that could discredit the Soviet Union. So, I want to know your opinion . "
However, the organization of the Games went ahead and with full government backing. So in June 1977, the KGB created a department in charge of counter terrorist actions in the period of preparation and carrying out of the Olympics in Moscow and then in July 1979 under the label of "absolute secrecy" was released a document (visible below) under the title "On Establishing temporary measures of income to the city Moscow in the period of the Games of the '80s and guidelines for the citizens of the city of Moscow and Moscow Province in construction sites, pioneer camps, sports and other places to rest during the summer of 1980 "through which it sought to" cleanse "these areas of unwanted persons. Thus, at km 101 (admission were banned within a radius of 100 km) were sent prostitutes, drug dealers, beggars, criminals and alcoholics. You are blocking the entrance to Moscow for non-organized tourist groups from other Soviet cities, were restricted business travel to the capital, the income of private cars and even travel by bypass roads of the city's students also higher education institutes in Moscow who advanced their vacation and were not of Moscow were sent to their respective cities. In July 1980, arrested 20 Mafia bosses and take them to the Interior Ministry building where the Minister himself, Н. А. Щеколов (NAShchekolov), I asked "collaborate."
trains during the Olympics just did not reach Moscow, passengers were to go down before and were taken in buses to the following train stations.
In terms of infrastructure because the Olympics were built new sports facilities, hotels, roads, stations and micro radio and television transmission. All this involved more than 200 thousand people, according to eyewitness accounts, they received very low wages. Also joined soldiers and abundant labor force who worked for free.
Especially for the Olympics were built 78 buildings, including:
-Олимпийский Sports Complex (Olimpiski)
"The velodrome Крылатское (Krylatskoye)
"The equestrian sport complex in the park Битцев (Bitsev)
-central stadium Леини (Lenin) later known as Лужники (Luzhniki)
" The Terminal 2 Шереметьево (Sheremetevo)
-Hotel Villa Космос * and sport to welcome guests.
* Kosmos, 26 floors, 1,777 rooms and 3 000 guests. Even today it is the largest hotel in Russia and Europe.
"The new television center building Останкино (Ostankino) enabling for the first time in history, the Olympics were broadcast live.
La Villa Olimpica
Built in southwest Moscow covering a total area of \u200b\u200b107 hectares. From here could be reached between 15-20 minutes of the 2 city's Olympic complex: Luzhniki Stadium or the velodrome Krylatskoye.
The town was divided into 3 sections independent of each other: A residential area consisting of 18 buildings of 16 floors where delegations were staying and also installed a polyclinic. Each apartment had 2 or 3 bedrooms, each of which housed no more than 2 sports some with beds up to 2 meters and 30 centimeters. There was another international zone where were the Directorate of complex commercial and cultural centers in addition to the restaurants and the sports center. The restoran had 4 classrooms each of which possessed a capacity for 1,000 people and was designed to accommodate all residents of the Villa with menus tailored to different national origins from the audience. One of the rooms worked 24 hours a day and also several cafes existed to serve the athletes. A third area had different buildings with ancillary services. Additionally, a project in the Village Plaza of Nations.
There was also a sports complex: We had an athletic stadium that had 3 SOCCER PLAYERS training courts, 3 indoor swimming pools, 3 rooms sports games, gymnastics, wrestling and boxing and outdoor courts for basketball and volleyball. In addition, it had all the necessary attachments such as massage room, sauna, medical cabinets, etc..
the cultural center of the town there were a theater for 1,200 people, 2 cinemas, a library, a ballroom, a lounge and disco music with music library, a games room and television lounges automatic .
Three weeks before the opening of the Games the Village opened its doors to athletes.
During the Olympics in the town did not exist circulating traditional public transport, however, sin-os silent trains that ran the place.
Athletes were surprised to find that in the territory of the town were 2 schools and 4 kindergartens after the Games since the town was transformed into a new residential area of \u200b\u200bthe city.
The boycott of the games

U.S. Federal Republic of Germany, Canada, Japan and China held a full boycott the Moscow Games because there was a group of countries that banned the assistance to their athletes but only made a recommendation not to. Athletes from England, France and Greece took part in these Olympics, but not under their national flags but under the Olympic flag, and who would receive medals corresponded did so under the sounds of the Olympic Anthem.
was because of these absences that the Italian Olympic team became the strongest team in Western Europe at the Olympics in Moscow.
Of course the Soviets did everything possible to ensure that countries do not support the U.S. boycott I remember being in a dialogue, on the eve of the visit to Moscow of the chancellor of the FRG, Helmudt Schmidt, in which members of the Politburo revival debated whether or not to give him a car Niva German Chancellor as an effective means to twist your opinion:
"Brezhnev : I propose to give Schmidt a Niva car. Integra is a Soviet-made car ... that combines high maneuverability with indoor comfort ... In the German Federal Republic, this car costs 16 thousand marks, about 6 thousand rubles international .* The wholesale price is 3 thousand rubles. Schmidt has a summer house by the sea in Kiel where roads are not very good. His wife driving a car and is dedicated to the study of marsh plants. I believe that in this plane as a gift that will prove enjoyable. Andropov

* Rubles allowing buy a given stock of products other than the traditional basket of rubles.
Misha, the mascot of the Games
The organizing committee of the Olympic Games do not hesitate to choose a bear as the mascot of the Games and in 1977 was assigned to various Soviet artists to sketch the work is finally chosen work Виктор Чижиков ( Viktor Chizhikov, imag.inf.) On 17 December of the same an-o. Apart from being an omnipresent figure during the Olympics, the closing ceremony of the August 3 bear a huge figure of Mishka was launched into the sky under a gray sky before the tears of thousands of attendees while the song sounded Paxmutova and N A. . Dobronravov "До свиданья, Москва" (Do svidania, Moskva). According to Viktor Chizhikov few hours after they found the bear in the hills Воробьевые (Vorobievy, Leninskii then called) near the University of Moscow, in a parking lot the place where cars would have arrived after just 20 minutes of flight. The bear would have been stored in a tank then the fair VDNX, and in the same place for a time was displayed in the pavilion Юные натуралисты (Young Naturalists) appearing to be subsequently destroyed.

Along with pets there was also an emblem of the Games, 5 interlocking rings at the base and target in a vertical upwards symbolizing the road to sporting success. It was created by В. Арсентьев ( V. Arsentev ) Строгановское Academy student (Stroganovskoye).
The Olympic torch was lit
one month before the Games begin on 19 June 1980 in the Greek city of Olympia and 21 her way from Athens to Moscow along the following route: Sofia
, Bulgaria on 26 July. July 1, Bucharest, Romania. July 6 Kishiniof, Moldavian Soviet Socialist Republic, 11 Kiev July and 13 July in Xarkov, both in the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic finally coming to Moscow on July 18.

The first athlete to appear on the court was the three-time Olympic Виктор Санеев (Viktor Saneyev) who carried the Olympic torch and handed it to the Soviet basketball player and Olympic champion in 1972, Сергей Белов (Sergei Belov) who went up to her on the east wing of the stadium to light the Olympic flame. Saneev ought at first light the Olympic flame but the then Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Soviet of Moscow was annoyed because I would turn on someone who was not Moscow (Saneev was from the south) and so, despite sporting achievements the latter were older were given the privilege to Moscow Belov.

Serguei Belov, right, is taking over from Viktor Olympic torch Saneyev
On behalf of all participants of the Gymnast Николай Андрианов (Nikolai Andrianov) delivered the Olympic oath on behalf while the judges took the oath Александр Медведь Soviet fighter (Aleksandr Medved). Then appeared on the board of the Stadium an image with Soviet cosmonauts and Валерий Рюмин Леонид Попов (Leonid Popov, Valeri Riumin) who sent a greeting from space. Shortly later, the president of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet Леонид Ильич Брежнев (Brezhnev) declared the Games open number XXII Summer Olympics and the various delegations of athletes began to appear along the track athletic stadium. The opening ceremony took 3 hours and involved over 16 thousand athletes and artists.

A total of 5,748 athletes from 81 countries competed for 203 medals in 15 days in 21 different sports, 36 of the countries that won a medal.
74 were set Olympic records and 36 world records an existing record to date. 24 athletes won 2 or 3 gold medals to be the hero of the Soviet gymnast Games Александр Дитятин (Aleksandr Ditiatin, image sup.) Who won 3 gold, 4 silver and 1 bronze, ie, won medals in every competition they took part reaching a record unmatched until today no. In the final summary of the top 3 succeeded, respectively, the USSR , East Germany and Bulgaria . Soviet athletes achieved 197 medals (80-69, 46) *.
addition to the powers in the city of Moscow that there were other held in Kiev (photo inf.), Leningrad, Minsk (initial stages of the game) and Tallinn (races). On the outskirts of Moscow, at Мытищи (Mytishchi) were carried out shooting skills. * In Beijing 2008 the Russians managed 23 gold medals out of 73 There

Closing Ceremony
Mishka The representation in the gallery let out in the closing ceremony of a tear in his left eye while the sides are reading the wishes of "Happy Journey" for guests
ceremony Closing took place on 3 August at the Luzhniki Olympic Stadium. The Olympic flag was lowered slowly to the strains of the Olympic anthem while a group of girls dressed in the style of ancient Greece around the Olympic flame as the flame was fading.
In one section of the grandstand, I think the image of Misha, the mascot of the games, who dropped a tear. Then a band appeared in the field of play and after she began athletes appear synchronously exercisers their specialty.

The opening and closing ceremonies of the Games had 16 teams are not under their national flag but under the flag of the IOC: Australia, Andorra, Belgium, Denmark, Spain, France, England, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg , Norway, Netherlands, Portugal, Puerto Rico, San Marino and Sweden. The New Zealand team is not present under its national emblem but if the Olympic Committee under the New Zealander, very similar to the IOC.

The only Western European countries were represented by their national emblems were Austria, Finland, Greece, Malta and Sweden.
The economic result of the Games
Some consider the XXII Olympic Games as the biggest loss in history. While no one knows the budget figure for this competition has been mentioned a figure of 2 billion rubles, although it is actually much higher because only in the construction of sports complexes, hotels, airports, power points and road works are spent 1.715 billion dollars. Another 150 million rubles was spent on accommodation for athletes and guests. By way of comparison only for the upcoming 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia's budget is 1.8 billion dollars.
According to the annex of a financial report of the Committee organizing the 1980 Olympics revenue figures in millions of rubles were: Lottery
Sportloto, 140.8
Lottery and Lotto Sprint International Business Licenses
368.0 Soviet territory and outside it, 398.5
TV rights and revenues of compan-ies to TV, 55.7
official suppliers and sponsors, 7.5
stamps and philatelic products, 6.2
20.2 Contributions of the participants, 3.1
Other income (publications, insurance, liquidation of assets), 4.2
assets contributed by international compan-ies, 9.4
Total: 1013.9
The cost of tickets

Games Impact of daily life in the country
Because the Games entered and settled in the country a set of objects in what was then called "bourgeois life" as the Coca-Cola (below) , ketchup, chewing gum, the dishes plastic and footwear.

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