was an event that met the popular saying: "There is everything as fair." It was found small and large formats, painting, drawing, sculpture, lighting proposals, technology, etc. Were present the works of recognized masters and beginners Latin American artists, were also works by international artists globally important.
But mostly what we see was variations on the artistic solutions we have been seeing over the past 60 years. Little proactive work to uncheck the already seen. The most interesting proposal was "LIQUID SKY" of Venezuela Juan Requena, presented by D'MUSEO Gallery, this work will be reviewed in a separate article.
But mostly what we see was variations on the artistic solutions we have been seeing over the past 60 years. Little proactive work to uncheck the already seen. The most interesting proposal was "LIQUID SKY" of Venezuela Juan Requena, presented by D'MUSEO Gallery, this work will be reviewed in a separate article.
The political issue in the work of Venezuelan artists this almost absent, this is due to the current conditions which are not guarantees for freedoms, which include freedom of artistic creation.
The Venezuelan galleries present works of the master JESUS \u200b\u200bRAFAEL SOTO and Carlos Cruz-Diez, is always strong and compelling, and the weight of history is evident in the work of the current Venezuelan artists.
find solutions such as Pablo Tamayo, who set the faces of historical figures on the solutions of kinetic art on the image and then raise, by way of relief, each of the items black iron, which creates the effect of movement and image settings.
Another Venezuelan MARCO MONTIEL presents an interesting work by taking a playful and mass production, representing the globe, as the world famous inflatable balloon, and presents all continents deflated generating rapid responses in the minds of viewers.
Also noteworthy is the work of Clemencia Labin, reliefs and colorful soft organic shapes of different textures and materials. Sewing joining and applying liquid materials between the contours of the forms. A tremendous work
Pop Light Columns DOLORES Casares, clear acrylic containers which develops linear features fiberglass to be lit to set the shape. The geometric arrangement of elements gives it a serious constructive, but still, it is difficult not to refer to those lamps Kitsch abundant and very fine glass fiber elements, we see out there, from time to time.
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